2018년 02월 11일 오늘의 명언


모든 양서를 읽는다는 것은 지난 몇세기 동안에 걸친 가장 훌륭한 사람들과 대화를 하는 것과 같다.

르네 데카르트

훌륭한 정신을 가지는 것만이 다가 아니다; 중요한 것은 그것을 잘 사용하는 것이다.

어느 누가 나를 해치려 할때, 나는 나의 영혼을 아주 높은곳으로 올려놓으려 한다 그래서 그 죄악이 나의 영혼에 닿지 못하게.

모든 양서를 읽는다는 것은 지난 몇세기동안 걸친 훌륭한 사람들과 대화를 나누는 것과도 같다.

모든 것이 자명하다.

내가 이것을 우리 스승들의 언어인 라틴어로 쓰지 않고 나의 모국어인 프랑스 말로 쓰는 이유는, 아주 순수한 천부의 이성만을 가지고 판단하는 사람들이 고서만을 믿는 인사들보다 더 잘 내 의견을 판단할 수 있으리라 기대하기 때문입니다.

나는 생각한다. 고로 나는 존재한다.

그것이 다른 철학자나 다른 사람들이 거론하지 않았다는 것만큼 이상하고 안믿겨지는것이 없다.

각각의 어려움들을 많은 부분으로 나누면 해결하기 쉬워지고 해결점이 필요해지게 된다.

가공의 환희는 가끔 진짜의 서글픔보다 가치있을때가 있다.

When it is not in our power to follow what is true, we ought to follow what is most probable.

Nothing is more fairly distributed than common sense: no one thinks he needs more of it than he already has.

If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.

I am accustomed to sleep and in my dreams to imagine the same things that lunatics imagine when awake.

Except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolutely in our power.

Each problem that I solved became a rule, which served afterwards to solve other problems.

Common sense is the most fairly distributed thing in the world, for each one thinks he is so well-endowed with it that even those who are hardest to satisfy in all other matters are not in the habit of desiring more of it than they already have.

At the time, my grandparents told my mom, “Lordy, what is Shannen doing?” Now I’ve calmed down.

An optimist may see a light where there is none, but why must the pessimist always run to blow it out?

프랭크 허버트

탈출구는 없다. 우리는 우리의 조상의 왜곡에 대해 댓가를 치른다.

친절함은 잔혹함의 시작이다.

진실을 존중하는것은 모든 양심의 기본에 가까워 지는일이다.

지식의 시작은 우리가 이해하지 못하는것의 발견이다.

제가 가장 신뢰하지 않는 사람은 우리의 삶을 향상시키길 원한다고 하며, 한가지 행동 양식만을 보이는 사람입니다.

적들은 당신을 강하게 만들고, 아군은 당신을 나약하게 만들죠.

자유를 추구하고 당신의 욕망의 포로가 되어라. 수양을 하고 자신의 자유를 찾아라

일을 망칠수 있는 사람은 일을 조정할수도 있다.

분쟁의 이해관계는 변하지 않습니다. 전쟁이 누가 부 또는 그와 동등한 가치의 것을 조정하느냐를 결정짓죠.

부는 자유의 도구이지만, 부의 추구는 노예제로 가는 길이다.

변화없이는, 우리 속에 잠들어 있는 어떤것도 깨어날 수 없다. 잠들어 있는것은 깨어나야만 한다

무에서 유가 나올수 없다.

When law and duty are one, united by religion, you never become fully conscious, fully aware of yourself. You are always a little less than an individual.

What do you despise? By this are you truly known.

To suspect your own mortality is to know the beginning of terror, to learn irrefutably that you are mortal is to know the end of terror.

To attempt seeing Truth without knowing Falsehood. It is the attempt to see the Light without knowing the Darkness. It cannot be.

The proximity of a desirable thing tempts one to overindulgence. On that path lies danger.

The difference between sentiment and being sentimental is the following: Sentiment is when a driver swerves out of the way to avoid hitting a rabbit on the road. Being sentimental is when the same driver, when swerving away from the rabbit, hits a pedestri

Religion often partakes of the myth of progress that shields us from the terrors of an uncertain future.

It is shocking to find how many people do not believe they can learn, and how many more believe learning to be difficult. Muad’Dib knew that every experience carries its lesson.

It is a wise man that does know the contented man is never poor, whilst the discontented man is never rich.

If you think of yourselves as helpless and ineffectual, it is certain that you will create a despotic government to be your master. The wise despot, therefore, maintains among his subjects a popular sense that they are helpless and ineffectual.

How often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him.

Any road followed precisely to its end leads precisely nowhere. Climb the mountain just a little bit to test it’s a mountain. From the top of the mountain, you cannot see the mountain.

휘트니 휴스턴

Bianca는 아무런 도움이 필요하지않았어요.그녀는 혼자서 우리를 상대하고 있었죠.

전 지금 새에요.

전 물러났죠

옳진 않지만 괜찮아요.

사람들의 시선을 감지하고있었어요. 아무도 움직이지 안았죠. 모두 비몽사몽한거같았어요. 저는 그냥 교회 정중앙에 있는 시계를 응시하고있었어요. 제가 끝내자, 모두 박수를쳐주었고 울기 시작했었어요.

만약 그녀가 저의 친구였고 저의 조언을 구하려 했다면– 상상하기 힘든일이지만– 이렇게 말하게어요, ‘남편 갖다버리지 그래!’

나는 정말 좋은 사람을 얻었다. 그는 나에게 신경써준다. 아무것도 무서워 할 필요가없어 왜냐하면 그가 모든 이들에게 본때를 보여줄테니까… 그에게 무례하면 문제가 생기는거야.

We don’t really know much about them. But if they try to slow it down, we’ll just keep on going

No, I’m not a drug addict, and neither is my husband, … If that were so, you’d get a lot less work out of me. It would show in the performances and in the work.

I’ve read about myself and my husband and my family, to the point where they’ve called my parents, they’ve called my brothers, offering money to tell stories. They call friends of mine. I’d just like for them to just … don’t badger us. Don’t scrutinize us. We have children and they have to live, too. It’s not fair

Contrary to belief, I do the hitting, he doesn’t. He has never put his hands on me. He is not a woman-beater. We are crazy for one another. I mean crazy in love, love, love, love, love. When we’re fighting, it’s like that’s love for us. We’re fighting for our love

checked him out when he wasn’t even looking

Being around people like Aretha Franklin, Gladys Knight, Dionne Warwick and Roberta Flack. . . had a great impact on me as a singer, as a performer, as a musician

Growing around [great musicians], you just can’t help it. I identified with it immediately. It was something that was so natural to me that when I started singing, it was almost like speaking.

God gave me a voice to sing with, and when you have that, what other gimmick is there?

I don’t like it when they [media critics] see me as this little person who doesn’t know what to do with herself — like I have no idea what I want, like I’m just a puppet . . . . That’s demeaning to me, because that ain’t how it is, and it never was

I know that I could really kill for my daughter. I know because I’m living for her, so I’m fierce when it comes down to it. And I feel the same about my husband and my family. I’m just fiercely protective. It’s like, that’s my lair and nobody messes with my lair

I almost wish I could be more exciting, that I could match what is happening out there to me

I decided long ago never to walk in anyone’s shadow if I fail, if I succeed at least I did as I believe

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