A. Outside of a House (주택외부의 명칭) 1. garage차고 2. driveway저택내의 차도 3. lamppost가로등 4. sidewalk보도 5. fence울타리 6. gate정문 7. steps현관계단 8. porch현관,차대는 곳 9. lawn잔디 10. roof지붕 11. chimney굴뚝 12. antenna안테나 B. Inside of a House (주택내부의 명칭) 1. attic다락방 2. closet옷장 3. stairs계단 4. laundry room세탁실 5. nursery아이방,육아실 6. hall,foyer현관의 홀 7. […]
태그 글 보관함:영어단어
주제별 영어 단어 -결혼
A. What is marriage? The relationship between a man and a woman who have made a legal agreement to live together to share sexual relationship and a romantic attraction and to protect the mate and their children. B. Wedding Ceremony (결혼식) 1. bride신부 2. bridegroom신랑 3. wedding dress 4. veil면사포 5. bouquet부케 6. best man신랑 […]