주제별 영어 단어 -결혼

A. What is marriage?

The relationship between a man and a woman who have made a legal agreement to live together to share sexual relationship and a romantic attraction and to protect the mate and their children.

B. Wedding Ceremony (결혼식)
1. bride신부 2. bridegroom신랑 3. wedding dress 4. veil면사포 5. bouquet부케 6. best man신랑 들러리 7. bridesmaid신부 들러리 8. dowry지참금 9. guest하객 10. wedding ring 11. flower girl(꽃을 들고 서는)신부의 들러리 소녀 12. officiator주례자

C. Check-up Words
1. wed결혼식을 올리다 2. marry(법적으로)결혼하다 married기혼의> single미혼의 marriage결혼 marriage certificate결혼 증서 3. engage oneself to약혼하다 engagement약혼 4. divorce이혼하다 ex-wife전 부인 ex-husband전 남편 5. maid처녀 maiden처녀의 bachelor총각 6. widow과부,미망인 widower홀아비 7. mate배우자 8. couple부부 9. matchmaker결혼 중매인 matchmaking결혼 중매 10. spouse배우자 11. anniversary기념일 12. announce발표하다 announcement발표 13. agreement동의.약속 agreeable기분 좋은,적합한 14. compromise타협,화해 15. consensus(의견의)일치 16. romantic낭만적인 romanticism낭만주의 romance연애소설,로맨스 17. attraction매력 attractive매력적인 attractant유인 물질 attract매혹하다 tempt유혹하다 seduce끌다,매혹하다 18. protect보호하다 protection보호 protector보호자 shield보호하다,방패로 막다 19. bridal shower결혼 축하 선물 증정회

D. Relationship (친족 관계)
1. parents 2. nephew,niece 3. aunt,uncle 4. cousin 5. mother-in-law, father-in-law 6. daughter-in-law, son-in-law 7. brother-in-law, sister-in-law 8. relative

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