2015년 03월 27일 오늘의 명언

빌리 와일더

An actor entering through the door, you’ve got nothing. But if he enters through the window, you’ve got a situation.

I have ten commandments. The first nine are, thou shalt not bore. The tenth is, thou shalt have right of final cut.

Marilyn was mean. Terribly mean. The meanest woman I have ever met around this town. I have never met anybody as mean as Marilyn Monroe or as utterly fabulous on the screen.

Now, what is it which makes a scene interesting? If you see a man coming through a doorway, it means nothing. If you see him coming through a window – that is at once interesting.

Shoot a few scenes out of focus. I want to win the foreign film award.

Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else’s.

그는 음악에 한해서는 반 고흐의 귀를 가지고 있었다.

당신은 아침에 일어나기 위해선 꿈을 꾸어야만해.

마릴린 먼로를 죽인것은 헐리우드가 아니다, 여럿의 마릴린 먼로들이 헐리우드를 죽인것이다.

항상 소잃고 외양간 고치기다. (너무 늦은 묘안이다.)

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