2018년 04월 06일 오늘의 명언

아이작 아시모프

전쟁에서 죽은것은 오직 살아있는 것들만이 아니다.

만약 의사가 나에게 6분 더 살 수있다고 말하면, 난 수심에 잠기지 않을 것이다. 난 조금더 빨리 타자를 칠 것이다.

독학이란, 난 확실하게 믿는다, 그것만이 오직 존재하는 교육이라는 것을.

나는 빨리 읽는 사람이 아니다. 난 빨리 이해하는 사람이다.

나는 글을 쓰는것은 내가 숨을 쉬는 이유와 같다. -왜냐하면 만약 내가 그렇지 않았다면, 난 죽었을 테니까.

Nothing interferes with my concentration. You could put on an orgy in my office and I wouldn’t look up. Well, maybe once.

He had read much, if one considers his long life; but his contemplation was much more than his reading. He was wont to say that if he had read as much as other men he should have known no more than other men.

The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.

It is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be.

To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today.

To introduce something altogether new would mean to begin all over, to become ignorant again, and to run the old, old risk of failing to learn.

From my close observation of writers…they fall into two groups: 1) those who bleed copiously and visibly at any bad review, and 2) those who bleed copiously and secretly at any bad review.

Creationists make it sound as though a ‘theory’ is something you dreamt up after being drunk all night.

Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome.

There is a single light of science, and to brighten it anywhere is to brighten it everywhere.

John Dalton’s records, carefully preserved for a century, were destroyed during the World War II bombing of Manchester. It is not only the living who are killed in war.

Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today – but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation if we are to be saved at all.

Part of the inhumanity of the computer is that, once it is competently programmed and working smoothly, it is completely honest.

Dalton’s records, carefully preserved for a century, were destroyed during the World War II bombing of Manchester. It is not only the living who are killed in war.

Science fiction writers foresee the inevitable, and although problems and catastrophes may be inevitable, solutions are not.

It pays to be obvious, especially if you have a reputation for subtlety.

To insult someone we call him “bestial.” For deliberate cruelty and nature, “human” might be the greater insult.

No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be.

Meanwhile, fears of universal disaster sank to an all time low over the world.

I don’t believe in personal immortality; the only way I expect to have some version of such a thing is through my books.

And above all things, never think that you’re not good enough yourself. A man should never think that. My belief is that in life people will take you at your own reckoning.

A subtle thought that is in error may yet give rise to fruitful inquiry that can establish truths of great value.

I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them.

I don’t believe in an afterlife, so I don’t have to spend my whole life fearing hell, or fearing heaven even more. For whatever the tortures of hell, I think the boredom of heaven would be even worse.

Humanity has the stars in its future, and that future is too important to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition.

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.

If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them.

All sorts of computer errors are now turning up. You’d be surprised to know the number of doctors who claim they are treating pregnant men.

Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what’s right.

It takes more than capital to swing business. You’ve got to have the A. I. D. degree to get by – Advertising, Initiative, and Dynamics.

Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

Suppose that we are wise enough to learn and know – and yet not wise enough to control our learning and knowledge, so that we use it to destroy ourselves? Even if that is so, knowledge remains better than ignorance.

Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what’s right.

Violence is the first refuge of the incompetent.


나의 음악은 어린 아이들과 동물들이 가장 잘 이해한다.

죄는 취소될 수 없다. 용서될 뿐이다.

이고르 스트라빈스키

하프 연주자들은 그들의 인생의 90퍼센트를 조율하는데에, 10퍼센트는 어긋난 음정으로 연주하는 데 쓴다.

침묵은 나를 바보가 되거나 잘못되는 것으로부터 구하지만, 내가 옳게 될 가능성을 앗아갈 것이다.

창조를 위해서는 역동적인 힘이 있어야 하는데, 그 무엇이 사랑보다 강하겠는가?

진짜 작곡가는 내내 그의 작업만을 생각한다. 그가 언제나 이것을 의식하고 있지는 않지만, 나중에무엇을 할 지 갑자기 알게 될때 이것을 인식한다.

주여, 스카치를 너무 많이 마셔서 전 가끔 제 이름이 스트라(빈스키가 아니라) 위스키라는 생각이 든답니다.

좋은 작곡가는 모방하지 않는다-훔친다.

작곡가로써의 삶을 살면서, 나는 지혜와 지식이 아닌 실수와 잘못된 확신으로부터 주로 많이 배웠다.

일반적인 음악감상의 문제점은 감상자들이 음악을 사랑하기보다는 너무 많은 존경심을 보이도록 배웠다는 것이다.

인간은 코를 가지고 있고 코는 향기를 맡고 그로써 선택한다. 예술가는 돼지가 송로의 냄새를 맡는 것과 같다.

음악의 한계라는 것을 이해하지 못한채 살아왔지만, 느껴본 적은 있다.

음악은 단지 사물의 질서를 세우기 위한 유일한 이유로써 우리에게 주어졌고 특히 그것은 인간과 시간사이의 관계를 조정하는 것을 포함한다.

위대한 작곡가는 빌려오기보다 훔쳐온다.

원죄는 막는 게 아니라 용서받는 것이다.

우리가 종종 가까운 세대에게보다 먼 세대에게 친근함을 느끼는 것은 자연의 이치 중 하나이다.

영감을 처음부터 인식할 수 없다면, 먹음으로써 입맛이 생기듯 작업을 함으로써 영감이 생긴다.

어떤 힘이 사랑보다 위대한가?

아이들과 동물들이 내 음악을 가장 잘 이해할 것이다.

너무 많은 곡들은 끝보다 훨씬 후에 끝난다.

난 현재를 산다.미래가 앞으로 무엇을 가져다줄지는 모른다. 오늘의 진실이 무엇인지만 안다. 이것이 나의 소명이고ㅡ 나는 이것을 청명한 정신으로 행한다.

나는 음악의발명가다.

끊이지 않는 멜로디의 원리는, 시작될 이유도, 더욱이 끝날 이유도 없는, 끊임없이 음악이 되는 것이다.

그리스도교인들은 찬송가 작가가 아는 것을 알았다; 음악은 신을 찬양한다. 음악은 교회를 짓고 장식하는 것보다 더 잘 신을 찬양할 수 있다. 음악은 교인들의 가장 좋은 장식이다.

귀기울여 듣는 것은 노력이며, 그저 듣는 것은 아무 의미가 없다. 오리도 (그저) 들을 순 있다.

각 옥타브의 열두 음과 다양한 리듬은 인간의 재능은 결코 소진되지 않는다는 것을 알려주는 기회라는 것을 알고 있다.

When I discovered that I had been made custodian of this gift, in my earliest childhood, I pledged myself to God to be worthy of it, but I have received uncovenanted mercies all my life. The custodian has too often kept faith on his all-too-worldly terms.

The more constraints one imposes, the more one frees one’s self. And the arbitrariness of the constraint serves only to obtain precision of execution.

My childhood was a period of waiting for the moment when I could send everyone and everything connected with it to hell.

Is it not by love alone that we succeed in penetrating to the very essence of being?

Film music should have the same relationship to the film drama that somebody’s piano playing in my living room has on the book I am reading.

A plague on eminence! I hardly dare cross the street anymore without a convoy, and I am stared at wherever I go like an idiot member of a royal family or an animal in a zoo; and zoo animals have been known to die from stares.

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