2017년 10월 31일 오늘의 명언

리버 피닉스

차사고로 인해 죽고싶지는 않아. 내가 죽는 날은 눈부실정도로 찬연해야만해. 아마 폭포가 될것같은데.

연기란 할로위에 쓰는 가면과도 같다.

나는 카멜레온같은 특성을 가지고 있다, 나는 주위 환경에 아주 몰두해.

나는 절대, 절대로 내가 믿지 않았던 일은 하지 않을거다.

40,000달러 햄버거라면 안먹을거같애.

When I was old enough to realize all meat was killed, I saw it as an irrational way of using our power, to take a weaker thing and mutilate it. It was like the way bullies would take control of younger kids in the schoolyard.

When I was in first grade, everyone made fun of my name, of course. I think it’s kind of a big name to hold up when you’re nine years old. It seemed goofy. I used to tell people I wanted to change the world and they used to think, ‘This kid’s really weird’

We were constantly moving to different countries and adjusting to new things. It was such a free feeling. I’m glad I didn’t have a traditional upbringing.

We are taught to consume. And that’s what we do. But if we realized that there really is no reason to consume, that it’s just a mind set, that it’s just an addiction, then we wouldn’t be out there stepping on people’s hands climbing the corporate ladder of

Vegitarianism is a link to perfection and peace.

Vegetarianism is a link to perfection and peace.

Rich kids gave us their old clothes. They were the best clothes we ever had. We were these very pure, naive, poor children. The rich kids called us a lot of names but it never bothered us because we didn’t know what the words meant.

People wonder if I’ll always be a part of this family and the answer is yes. My family has a lot of good energy going in one direction and because of it, we get a lot of things done. That’s why I’ll always spend a lot of time at Camp Phoenix.

Once you get into that street groove, the other side – the straight side – looks really scary.

Music is my main goal, but I’m not going to rush a record out. There are so many actors who have come out with albums these days. I don’t want to do it because it’s the thing to do. I want to wait until the time is right.

Music is a whole oasis in my head. The creation process is so personal and fulfilling.

Music is a hobby, because I’m not making any money out of it, but I put just as much conviction into that as I do into my acting.

I’ve been wanting to go into music ever since I can remember. I mean even before I became an actor. I just thought it would be a tough field to break into, so I became an actor instead.

It’s a great feeling to think that I can be a friend to so many people through my movies.

It still strikes me as strange that anyone could have any moral objection to someone else’s sexuality. It’s like telling someone else how to clean their house.

It still strikes me as strange that anyone can have any moral objection to someone else’s sexuality. It’s like telling someone else how to clean their house.

I’m really normal. I play football, go to the beach, drive. We have dogs. I can imagine people calling me a character, but I’m Joe Straight.

I’m just a normal guy doing a job!

I’d like to play every type of character, but only once. I like to expierence things.

I try to lie as much as I can when I’m interviewed. It’s reverse psychology. I figure if you lie, they’ll print the truth.

I told them I was tired of being in the magazines, and how they made it sound like I love them and want girls so badly to buy them. I’m also doing a photo shoot in a couple of weeks – good honest pictures. They’re going to print these pictures anyway, so t

I sometimes lie, especially about personal things, because what does it matter? I am a kind of minute commodity, my name is no longer my own.

I remember we’d roll into gas stations in our beat-up van and I’d tell the attendant, ‘I’m going to be an actor!

I like girls who are natural because I am natural in everything I do. If I meet a girl who is snobby and wants special treatment, she’s not going to get it from me because she hasn’t earned it. But I’ve been basically lucky because I’ve met mostly nice gir

I have twenty personalities on top of the ten I already have. So now I have thirty people in my head!

I don’t want to get into the habit of thinking about my career because when it comes down to it, it’s not that important. I could die tomorrow and the world would go on. I don’t want to separate myself from the rest of the world. If the world is not going

I did my best work in The Mosquito Coast. I know it wasn’t such a big hit, but for me it was more meaningful than anything else I’d ever done.

I can’t on my own change the regime in South Africa or teach the Palestinians to learn to live with the Israelies, but I can start with me.

Everything is ironic to me. There are moments I find hysterical, but I’m probably the only one who would find that, except for a few people.

Commercials were too phony for me. I just didn’t like selling products I didn’t believe in.

Commercials were too phony for me. I just didn’t like selling a product I didn’t believe in.

Biggest problem was I was terrible for commercials – I couldn’t smile on cue.

Achieving success gets complicated. You find yourself hanging around with a different crowd. I probably would have shied away from it, but after a while you can’t help but get sucked in… all those parties and premieres and limos picking you up. And after

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