[Movie Script]Youve Got Mail

You’ve Got Mail

You've Got Mail

by Nora Ephron & Delia Ephron

Based on:

The Shop Around The corner

by Nikolaus Laszlo

2nd Final White revised
February 2, 1998



We have a sense of cyberspace-travel as we hurtle through a
sky that's just beginning to get light. There are a few
stars but they fade and the sky turns a milky blue and a big
computer sun starts to rise.

We continue hurtling through space and see that we're heading
over a computer version of the New York City skyline. We
move over Central Park. It's fall and the leaves are
glorious reds and yellows.

We reach the West Side of Manhattan and move swiftly down
Broadway with its stores and gyms and movies theatres and
turn onto a street in the West 80s.

Hold in front of a New York brownstone.

At the bottom of the screen a small rectangle appears and the



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