[Movie Script]Wizard of Oz, The

FADE IN -- Title:

For nearly forty years this story has given faithful service
to the Young in Heart; and Time has been powerless to put its
kindly philosophy out of fashion.

To those of you who have been faithful to it in return

...and to the Young in Heart --- we dedicate this picture.


MS -- Dorothy stoops down to Toto -- speaks to him -- then
runs down road to b.g. -- Toto following --

She isn't coming yet, Toto. Did she hurt
you? She tried to, didn't she? Come on -
- we'll go tell Uncle Henry and Auntie
Em. Come on, Toto.

LS -- Farm yard -- Dorothy enters left b.g. along road --
Toto following her -- CAMERA PANS right -- she comes forward
thru gate -- runs forward to Aunt Em and Uncle Henry working
at Incubator --



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