[Movie Script]Star Wars Attack of the Clones

A vast sea of stars severas as a backdrop for the Main Title, following by a rollup, whcih crawls into infinity.

There is unrest in the Galactic Senate
Several hundred solar systems under
the leadership of the rebel leader, Count
Dooku, have decalred their intentions to
secede from the Republic.

This separatist movement has made it
difficult for the limited number of
Jedi Kights to maintain peace and
order in the galaxy.

Senator Amidala, the former Queen of
Naboo, is returning to Coruscant
to vote on the critical issue
of creating an army to assist the
overwhelmed Jedi.

PAN UP to reveal the amber city planet of Coruscant. A yellow Naboo Fighter flies OVER CAMERA toward the planet, followed by a large Royal Cruiser and two more Fighters.



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