” s e x , l i e s , a n d v i d e o t a p e ” – by Steven Soderbergh 4th Draft
" s e x , l i e s , a n d v i d e o t a p e "
GRAHAM DALTON, twenty-nine, drives his '69 Cutlass while smoking
a cigarette. One could describe his appearance as punk/arty,
but neither would do him justice. He is a man of obvious
intelligence, and his face is amiable. There is only one key
on his keyring, and it is in the ignition.
(voice over)
Garbage. I started thinking about
what happens to all the garbage.
I mean, where do we put all of
it, we have to run out of places
to put it eventually, don't we?
This happened to me before when
that barge with all the garbage
was stranded and nobody would take
it? Remember that?