[Movie Script]Repo Man

                                            REPO MAN

Written by

Alex Cox

Transcript by

Steve Farmer

Repo Man theme music now begins playing. Map is shown in background
(green text on black background), zoomed in on Los Alamos, New
Mexico. While remaining credits are shown, the map travels to
Sante Fe, then Albuquerque, then begins following US66 west through
Arizona to California, finally ending up a few miles east of
Goffs (northwest of Needles).

Green '64 Chevy Malibu

Malibu is weaving down the highway in the desert, passes billboard
with motorcycle cop behind it. Cop pulls out behind Malibu.

Forty-niner and his daughter Clementine.
Oh my darlin, oh my darlin...

Motorcycle cop pulls the car over, gets off motorcycle and raps
on car window.



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