[Movie Script]Paul


Written by

Simon Pegg & Nick Frost


Caption: Bethlehem Creek, Wyoming 10:19pm 28/07/47

The air is filled with the sounds of a warm, summer night. A
light comes on in a FARMHOUSE window. The door opens, a small
dog and a young girl emerge.

Go on now Paul, don't be long.

The dog trots out across the property. It stops to scratch.
The sounds of night cease. The dog stops scratching, sniffing
the air, cocking its head, sensing something. We hear a low
humming sounds. The dog looks up. We see a soft orange glow
reflected in its eyes. The dog whimpers
Back at the farmhouse, a deep, dull thud shakes the ground,
bringing the small girl back out onto the veranda. An orange
glow pulsates somewhere out in the darkness.



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