[Movie Script]Office Space


Transcribed by

Jean Liew

[Scene: A highway. There's a huge traffic jam. Peter drives forward a
bit at a time and he sees an old man with a walker on the sidewalk. The
lane next to his is moving, so he switches lanes, only to have it stop
and the lane he was on move. He switches back and then it happens
again. The old man is now ahead of him.]

Cut to Michael, who's rapping along with the radio. A black guy selling
papers walks by and he shuts the windows and turns down the volume. He
passes and he turns it back up again.

Cut to Samir. He grabs the steering wheel and shakes it in frustration.

Motherf - shit - sonofa - ass!! I just -

He hits the steering wheel.

Cut to Milton at a bus stop. TN

He mumbles his coming lines, as he does with all his lines.



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