Stephen Sommers
The UNIVERSAL PICTURES globe spins. Then comes to a stop on
the African continent. A golden papyrus MAP of ANCIENT EGYPT
rises up. WE PUSH IN on it, towards a CITY along the Nile,
it's name written in hierarchic. WE KEEP PUSHING IN until
the golden map turns to golden sand and we find ourselves
DESCENDING on this ancient Egyptian city. Only it's not
ancient.SUPERIMPOSED across the SCREEN are the WORDS.
THEBES - 2,134 B.C
Accompanied by a NARRATOR with a very thick Egyptian accent:NARRATOR
Thebes. City of the Living. Crown
jewel of Pharaoh Seti the First.The CAMERA sets-down in an open plaza. An Arabian horse-drawn
CHARIOT comes barreling right at us, driven by PHARAOH SETI;
an aristocratic, virile old man. The chariot WIPES FRAME.INT. ANCK-SU-NAMUN'S BALCONY WINDOW - PALACE - DUSK