[Movie Script]Moonrise Kingdom

                                MOONRISE KINGDOM

Written by

Wes Anderson & Roman Coppola

May 1, 2011


A landing at the top of a crooked, wooden staircase. There is
a threadbare, braided rug on the floor. There is a long, wide
corridor decorated with faded paintings of sailboats and
battleships. The wallpapers are sun-bleached and peeling at
the corners except for a few newly-hung strips which are
clean and bright. A small easel sits stored in the corner.

Outside, a hard rain falls, drumming the roof and rattling
the gutters.

A ten-year-old boy in pajamas comes up the steps carefully
eating a bowl of cereal as he walks. He is Lionel. Lionel
slides open the door to a low cabinet under the window. He
takes out a portable record player, puts a disc on the
turntable, and sets the needle into the spinning groove.

A child's voice says over the speaker:



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