[Movie Script]Matrix Reloaded, The

                  T H E   M A T R I X   R E L O A D E D

Written by
Andy and Larry Wachowski

April 8, 1999


Dark clouds below the inky remnants of the scorched sky. We hear wind
as we sail, like a glider, over the black atmosphere.

We DIVE DOWN into the murkiness, through the clouds, into the darker
world of the dead surface of Earth, the desert of the real. The
rotted skeleton of a massive city is sprawled everywhere. We approach
a fissure in the Earth's crust, and as we do, we hear the increasing
buzz of multiple hovercraft engines. Blue flashes grow in intensity
from the fissure. Radio voices, indistinct at first, grow louder as
we approach the fissure.


"Six o'clock, 300 meters. We can't outrun 'em."

MAN (V.O.)


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