[Movie Script]Margot at the Wedding

                        MARGOT AT THE WEDDING

Written by

Noah Baumbach


A cashier hands a boy, 13, his change across a counter. The
boy stuffs the coins in his pocket. He lifts the cardboard
tray with two hot dogs, a bag of chips, and two Cokes. This
is Claude.

We follow him: He carefully carries the meal down the aisle,
balances it in one hand as he opens the door.

The train noise blares as he traverses the area between cars.

He enters the new car repeating the balancing act. He waits
while a man shoves his back-pack onto the metal rack above
the seats. Claude hurries a bit more now, his concentration
alternating between the food and the path.

He sits next to a brunette woman. He hands her a hot dog.



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