[Movie Script]Kafka

“Kafka”, by Lem Dobbs



Lem Dobbs


The Old Town is quiet. It's very early in the twisted
streets of this ancient ghetto. Dark corners casting a
medieval spell over a modern century oblivious to their
romance and mystery.

The River is the dividing line. Elegant gardens on the
opposite bank embracing the monotonous solemnity of the New
Town, tower steeples silhouetted against the sombre sky.

An empty motor bus rattles along a deserted street.

A Gothic bridge links the two halves of the strange city.
Its half-moon arches becoming circles as they meet their
reflections in the water. Thin mist swirls over the
cobblestones above.

A few boats in the water. Fishermen casting their lines in
silence. One or two lights now burning in buildings beyond.

In the Old Town Square the great clock on the cathedral
strikes six.



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