[Movie Script]Hancock


Written by

Vincent Ngo & Vince Gilligan

BLACK. It's everywhere. It swallows the screen. And so we stare
into a sea of BLACK.

I saw a severed head once. Except for the,
paleness, it looked healthy, well-fed.
The end came abruptly you could tell
'cause the mouth froze in mid-sentence.
"Shh. ," the curled lips attempted. Like
it started saying "shucks" or "Shirley"
or... "shit happens." Your eyes don't
forget things like that. Like you don't
forget the sound animals make when
they're humping. Primal.
Raw. They endure
in you forever because the senses have a
brain all their own and they recall long
after you've succumbed to the la-la of
(a pregnant beat)
Sometimes when it's dark out,-so dark
it's black, I'll see HIM.



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