[Movie Script]Five Easy Pieces

Five Easy Pieces – by Carole Eastman

Five Easy Pieces


Carole Eastman


The Bach-Vivaldi A-Minor Concerto for Four Pianos
PLAYS OVER a series of family album photographs.
Written in careful penmanship beneath each are
names identifying family members:

1ST PHOTO: A man stands in front of the raised
sounding board of a piano, playing the viola.
Seated on the piano bench, accompanying him, is a
woman in a maternity dress:

"Isabelle and Nicholas"

2ND PHOTO: A boy of 11, wearing conductor's tails
and holding a raised baton in his right hand as if
about to gesture a downbeat:

"Herbert Kreutzer Dupea"

3RD PHOTO: Another boy of approximately 9, in the
act of playing the violin:

"Carl Fidelio Dupea"

4TH PHOTO: The two boys are now poised behind the
piano. Seated on its bench is a girl of 6, her
hands resting on the keyboard. Written beneath:


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