[Movie Script]Clerks

“CLERKS” by Kevin Smith



Kevin Smith


A DOG sleeps on a neatly made bed.

A CLOCK reads twenty to six.

A SHELF OF BOOKS holds such classics as Dante's Inferno,
Beyond Good and Evil, The Catcher in the Rye, and The Dark
Knight Returns. A FRAMED DIPLOMA, dusty and unkempt, hangs
askew on the wall. A snapshot of a girl is stuck in the
corner, and a bra weighs one end down. A PHONE sits quietly
atop a bundle of laundry. It suddenly explodes with a
resounding ring-once, twice, three times. A CLOSET DOOR
swings open, and a half-clad figure falls out. THE PHONE
rings yet again, and a hand falls upon the receiver, yanking
it off the trash can, O.C. THE RUMPLED FIGURE lays with his
back to the camera, phone in hand.

Hello...What?...No, I don't work
today...I'm playing hockey at two.

THE DOG yawns and shakes its head.



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