[Movie Script]Avventura, L (The Adventure)

L'avventura (The Adventure)

script by
Michelangelo Antonioni
Elio Bartolini
Tonino Guerra

translated by
Louis Brigante

It is the afternoon of a summer's day. Anna, a twenty-five-year-old brunette,
comes out from the entrance of a stately building and walks along a pathway
that leads up to a dirt road. She is in a great hurry and becomes a little
annoyed and surprised at seeing her father, a meticulously dressed and
elderly gentleman, standing near the curb busily talking to his chauffeur in
front of a black British car.

So, there you are... I've been upstairs looking
all over for you...

There is a moment of silence during which Anna's father deliberately ignores
her presence. She stares at him intently, trying to determine his mood and
wondering how she is going to tell him what she has to say before she leaves.
Finally, he turns around and faces her.

Oh, I thought you were already on the high


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