ArmageddonFADE IN
Blackness. Then a hint of green becomes EARTH. It lies across an
expanse of space. Richly colored. Fertile.A GIGANTIC ASTEROID cuts into frame, Burning into EARTH'S
ATMOSPHERE and striking down in the currant area of Guzumel,
Mexico.Voice An impact equivalent to ten thousand nuclear weapons
detonating simultaneously.A HUGE DINOSAUR FOOT steps down hard and is VAPORIZED with a
deafening ROAR.Voice One hundred trillion tons of dirt and rock hurled into the
atmosphere.EARTH, seen from space, is rocked with an IMMENSE SHOCKWAVE. A
SHEET OF DEBRIS washes across the North and South Hemispheres.Voice A blanket of dust the sun is powerless to penetrate. For
five thousand years our world is robbed of light as a nuclear
winter falls. In that darkness, a civilisation is removed from
existence.EARTH is now completely entombed in a dark, cold hell. Letters
push towards us--"A R M A G E D D O N"