[Movie Script]TRON Legacy

TRON LEGACY Written by Richard Jefferies 1 INT. CYBERSPACE Electric-neon netherworld. Pulsing chromatics over jet black. CONSTRUCTION CREW toils to complete a vast SWITCHING NEXUS. CYPER-TECH CREWMEN and MACHINERY branded “X-NET”. 3D lattice of routers, refractors, reassemblers… New, unused data OPTIK HIGHWAY routes radiate from all sides, crossing cyberspace. X-Net Tactical Corps troops (herein X-Takks) […]

[Movie Script]Tristan and Isolde

TRISTAN + ISOLDE Written by Dean Georgaris Transcript by Chani at tristanandisolde net Britain the Dark Ages The Roman Empire has fallen. The land lies in ruins, divided amoung feuding tribes. To the west, Ireland has flourished untouched by the Romans, protected by the sea. Led by their powerful and ruthless King, the Irish have […]