[Movie Script]Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2003) by Charlie Kaufman. INT. PUBLISHING HOUSE RECEPTION AREA – DAY It’s grand and modern. Random House-Knopf-Taschen is etched on the wall in large gold letters. An old woman enters carrying a tattered manuscript, maybe a thousand pages. She seems haunted, hollow-eyed, sickly. The young receptionist, dressed in a […]

[Movie Script]Escape From New York

John Carpenter’s Escape From New York written by John Carpenter and Nick Castle transcript by Anjela F. Conner ———————————————————————— FADE IN CARD — 1988 FADE IN SECOND CARD — The Crime Rate in the United States Rises Four Hundred Percent. VOICE In 1988, the crime rate in the United States rises four hundred percent. GRAPHIC […]