[Movie Script]Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, The

THE IMAGINARIUM OF DOCTOR PARNASSUS Written by Terry McKeown & Charles Gilliam May 26th, 2007 LONDON 2007.. NOW 1 EXT NIGHT URBAN TERRACE 1 A row of rundown terrace houses. Some are boarded up. Not all the street lights work. Those that do cast shadows of parked vehicles glistening in the rain. A front door […]

[Movie Script]Ill Do Anything

“I’LL DO ANYTHING” Screenplay by James L. Brooks 1994 SHOOTING DRAFT FADE IN: INT. PASSAGEWAY – NIGHT The CAMERA briskly retreats as FORTY, HIGHLY CHARGED, ATTRACTIVE, YOUNG PEOPLE march towards it. Each side of the frame is black as this troupe of young actors moves up the middle, everyone talking, grinning, squealing,… everyone having the […]