[Movie Script]Majestic, The (The Bijou)

THE BIJOU (The Majestic) by Michael Sloane THE BIJOU by Michael Sloane REVISED DRAFT October 14, 1997 “… the magic is all around you. All the time. Everywhere. In every thing. The trick… is to see it.” IN BLACK… … the insistent, persistent, eight-to-the-bar beat of BOOGIE-WOOGIE. Hot, exciting, pulsating rhythm, ramping up. THEN… … […]

[Movie Script]Magnolia

“Magnolia”, shooting draft, by Paul Thomas Anderson magnolia a P.T. Anderson picture 11/10/98 a Joanne Sellar/Ghoulardi Film Company production OVER BLACK; NARRATOR In the New York Herald, November 26, year 1911, there is an account of the hanging of three men — CUT TO: Black and White Lumiere Footage Three men hung….bang…bang…bang. CUT TO: Newspaper […]