[Movie Script]Perfect Creature

PERFECT CREATURE Written by Glenn Standring SHOOTING SCRIPT 14 May 2004 1A EXT: PROLOGUE ON BLACK – NIGHT The screen is black, music evoking religion and danger begins. LILLY For three hundred years the great plagues have swept the earth. Diseases created from the experiments of the Alchemists. We see death tolls appear through this […]

[Movie Script]Peggy Sue Got Married

Peggy Sue Got Married by Jerry Leichtling and Arlene Sarner PEGGY SUE GOT MARRIED An Original Screenplay by Jerry Leichtling and Arlene Sarner REHEARSAL DRAFT – These changes are August 14, 1985 Over BLACK, we HEAR the sounds of an old TAPE RECORDING. Young VOICES are filtered amid a noticeable hum, hiss and crackle. We […]