[Movie Script]Punch-Drunk Love

PUNCH-DRUNK LOVE by Paul Thomas Anderson PUNCH-DRUNK LOVE by Paul Thomas Anderson LOGO Presentation cards with white, red, blue, blue-green backgrounds, then: CUT TO: INT. WAREHOUSE – EARLY MORNING CAMERA (STEADICAM) holds on a man in a suit, sitting behind a desk, on the phone: BARRY EGAN (Adam Sandler) BARRY …yes I’m still on hold… […]

[Movie Script]Pulp Fiction

“PULP FICTION” — by Quentin Tarantino & Roger Avary “PULP FICTION” By Quentin Tarantino & Roger Avary PULP [pulp] n. 1. A soft, moist, shapeless mass or matter. 2. A magazine or book containing lurid subject matter and being characteristically printed on rough, unfinished paper. American Heritage Dictionary: New College Edition INT. COFFEE SHOP � […]