[Movie Script]Reader, The

THE READER Written by David Hare Based on the novel by Bernhard Schlink INT. MICHAEL’S APARTMENT. BERLIN. DAY. CREDITS 1995. A modern apartment, all cool and glass. MICHAEL BERG is preparing breakfast, laying the table for two. He is 51, dark- haired, saturnine. He is doing everything with deliberate quietness, taking the occasional glance towards […]

[Movie Script]Rambo First Blood II The Mission

First Blood 2 FIRST BLOOD II: THE MISSION by James Cameron December 22, 1983 FADE IN: TITLE SEQUENCE EXT. V.A. HOSPITAL – DAY A drab GREEN SEDAN with U.S. ARMY printed on the door stops at the steps of a fortress-like colonial-style building. Iron bars cover the windows. The lawn sprinklers snap mindlessly to themselves. […]