THE MASTER Written by Paul Thomas Anderson 1952 INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY A young man, FREDDIE SUTTON (early 20s)_ speaks to a DOCTOR; DOCTOR What are you going to do when you get out of here? You're going to have to wear a belt for six months, maybe a year... FREDDIE What kind of belt? DOCTOR A surgical belt. You won't be able to do very heavy lifting. FREDDIE .I try to stay away from that. DOCTOR But you spend time outdoors. FREDDIE MMMM DOCTOR What do you do? FREDDIE DOCTOR You didn't have very much on you when you were admitted. Where were you going? FREDDIE I was on my way to Placerville. To the Fair. Had a job waiting for me, with a friend of mine. He doesn't know where I am. DOCTOR How old are you, Freddie? FREDDIE 28. 2. DOCTOR Why don't you turn honest? You seem like an intelligent fellow. 'Quick on your feet - you like to drink? FREDDIE It's a weakness. But I like it. DOCTOR I know what the other is too. FREDDIE How can you tell that? I'm clean. DOCTOR The tattoo's. FREDDIE Is that a weakness... DOCTOR No one ever made money chasing girls. FREDDIE You're wrong. This tatoo's my Auntie. DOCTOR Who's that? FREDDIE My Auntie Bertha, (she raised me.) But that doesn't mean I don't have a weakness... DOCTOR College? FREDDIE I tried that, it didn't work. DOCTOR Why'd you leave? FREDDIE Sometimes my hypo's get the best of me, I really feel like walking into the street and hitting people's hats off. DOCTOR That's how you end up like this. With a burst appendix. 3. FREDDIE That's when I know it's time to get to the sea.. what kind of belt? DOCTOR A medical belt. Similar for lifting. You're going to need some money. What do you plan to do? FREDDIE I'm going to pay back the hospital. And you. DOCTOR You don't owe me anything. I'm on surgical duty. But you're expected to pay the hospital for medicines. And your belt. FREDDIE Alright. I intend to do that. You saying you have a job for me? What? As an orderly? DOCTOR You couldn't be an orderly, it's too much lifting -- and a lot of things you'd have to learn. But maybe you could run an elevator, something of that sort. FREDDIE I want to get out of here, but I also like it here. You think I was gonna die? DOCTOR I know you were, Freddie. FREDDIE I don't know. I'm not saying you didn't save me... . but...I can't seem to die. DOCTOR Too lucky? FREDDIE Something like that. DOCTOR Were you in the service? FREDDIE Yes, sir. DOCTOR Navy? 4. FREDDIE DOCTOR FREDDIE DOCTOR Your luck was up this time, Freddie. You should have seen the pus in your belly. Something to think about. It's not too late to stop being a weisnheimer, no matter what you think. you're still a young man. DISSOLVE TO: INT. ELEVATOR - DAY FREDDIE sitting in a chair, running the elevator. bored. Moving up and down.. .START MUSIC. CARRIES OVER THE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE. CUT TO: INT. HOSPITAL. WEEKS LATER. NIGHT. FREDDIE, middle of the night, sneaks across the ward to a sleeping patient's bed. He goes into the drawer next to the bed, grabs WALLET/CASH HALLWAY, DOCTOR'S OFFICE Freddie places a note on the door of the Doctor. He walks away, CAMERA sees the note, it reads: "I'VE GONE TO CHINA. SEE YOU AGAIN SOMETIME. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP." INT. GAMBLING CLUB / CALIFORNIA - NIGHT FREDDIE amongst a GROUP OF MEN playing cards, dice, etc, in a backroom gambling hall. He collects some money and leaves. VERY VERY SMOKY HERE. CUT TO: 5. EXT. ALLEY WAY - LATER Freddie walks into the alley, stuffing some money in his pockets - he's followed by a FIGURE. FREDDIE realizes, stops, SPINS AROUND AND PULLS KNIFE: FREDDIE You come any closer and I'll slice your GUT - FIGURE I'm not after your dough, I just want to talk with you - FREDDIE You can talk standing in front of the restaurant, around the corner -- At that moment, TWO OTHER MEN come out of the shadows and JUMP FREDDIE, KNOCK HIM AROUND, TAKE HIS MONEY AND LEAVE. He's left a little bloody, messy, no money in the alley. CUT TO: INT. CALDWELL'S DEPARTMENT STORE - DAY FREDDIE's got a job working in the PORTRAIT STUDIO OF AN OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT STORE. He looks from behind the old camera, getting reactions. WE SEE THE VARIOUS PEOPLE IN SEQUENCE: MILITARY MEN, SINGLE LADIES, FAMILIES, TODDLERS, OLD COUPLES, YOUTHFUL JUST MARRIED COUPLES. GET THEIR PHOTO'S TAKEN. He interacts with them all. CUT TO: INT. CALDWELL'S DEPARTMENT STORE. DAY. CAMERA leads around a beautiful young woman names: DONNA (20) who is modelling a FUR COAT for the FEMALE CUSTOMERS in the COSMETICS SECTION. DONNA Hand made. Imported. Chinchilla. Only $49.99 She catches the eye of FREDDIE watching her. She moves around snaking towards him.. .CAMERA° leads him out of the PHOTO DEPARTMENT and towards her, and they meet in the MIDDLE; 6. DONNA (CONT'D) Only $49.99, hand-made, imported. FREDDIE You have a break coming? DONNA Yes. FREDDIE When? DONNA 15 minutes. A BACK HALLWAY, BACK CLOSET, MOMENTS LATER. He gets his little FLASK out... FREDDIE I saw you. DONNA I saw you first. FREDDIE What's your name? DONNA Donna. What's yours? FREDDIE Freddie. DONNA That's a nice name. FREDDIE This is homemade.. DONNA Is it gonna kill me? FREDDIE Yes. She sips it. Makes a face. Horrible. DONNA Uugugh. FREDDIE Taste good? 7. DONNA Yeah. They kiss each other. DONNA (CONT'D) I have an apricot belly. Want to see it? She shows him her stomach. DONNA (CONT'D) I'm really a very good girl. What gives you this idea about me? FREDDIE Maybe we think the same things at the same time. DONNA Oh my good-ness. I think we do. Want to see my boobs? FREDDIE Yes. She pulls her top down, the coat drapped around her-reveals her breasts - DONNA Are they nice? FREDDIE Yes. DONNA Hand made. Chinchilla. Imported. That's enough. She pulls her top back up. FREDDIE Wanna go out tonight? DONNA Of course. Gllllagh. What's in this? I think I'm cross eyed for good. FREDDIE I don't have any cigarettes... DONNA What do you make this liquor with? 8. FREDDIE There's secrets in liquor, this is just booze. CUT TO: EXT. DEPARTMENT STORE. MOMENTS LATER. They exit, move away from each other, both drunk.. CUT TO: INT. PORTRAIT STUDIO AREA. LATER. FREDDIE is very drunk and dealing with a very IRRITABLE/VAIN BUSINESS MAN who can't stop doing his hair ...FREDDIE makes some smart ass comments (TBD) to THE MAN. They argue back and forth until: FREDDIE LOSES HIS TEMPER WITH THE MAN AND SNAPS. HE KNOCKS OVER A LIGHT, DECIDES TO STEAL THE CAMERA WHILE HE'S AT IT AND TAKE HIS HOME MADE BOOZE OF FILM PROCESSING CHEMICALS WITH HIM. THE WHOLE TIME RANTING AND RAVING AT THIS MAN. SECURITY GUARDS come after him, Freddie runs off, through the store - DONNA WATCHES HIM GO. HE SHOUTS A FEW SWEET WORDS TO HER AS HE GOES -- CUT TO: INT. SPREKLES SUGAR FACTORY/BEST FARM - SALINAS, CALIF - DAY Maybe a few months later, FREDDIE looks worse for wear. He's been hired to work at a BEET DISTILLATE as a BENCH CHEMIST. The FOREMAN walks him though the process; it's clear that there is enough chemicals and beets here to make some good booze... MEXICAN and FILIPINO workers HARVEST THE BEETS, load them to wagons - unload/wash - end up with FREDDIE: He works the bench, making his HOME MADE VODKA. This stuff is quite toxic and very strong. He places it in small, side CONTAINER'S -- CUT TO: 9. INT. BUNKHOUSE - EVENING. Freddie and all the workers getting ready for a night out. He's got the Fillipino's and Mexican's working for him squeezing Lemons and Limes, Apples, Beet Juice, in with HOMEMADE POTION. CUT TO: INT. LARGRANGE DANCE HALL - NIGHT. A LOCAL DANCE HALL outside SALINAS. SCENE BEGINS IN THE MIDDLE OF A FIGHT WITH FREDDIE/FARM WORKERS and some LOCAL KIDS. FREDDIE is very very VISCIOUS IN THIS FIGHT. CUT TO: INT. CAR - MOVING All of the MEN with Freddie have piled into a car. There is one FILLIPINO MAN who is extremely drunkHe's passing out and moaning a little... His young FRIEND says, "he drank way too much." FREDDIE .somebody shut him up.. CUT TO: INT. BEET/SUGAR FACTORY. BUNKHOUSE. LATER It's the middle of the night and all the WORKERS, including FREDDIE are asleep. Across the room the DRUNK FILIPINO's condition has gotten worse... The YOUNGER FILIPINO MAN wakes others up for help. . .The DRUNKEN MAN is mumbling "I'm blind.." "I'm dying.." "my eyes.." FREDDIE TAKES NOTICE, COMES CLOSER... STARTS TO SIZE UP THE SEVERITY OF THE SITUATION .AND REALIZES HE MAY/DOES HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH THIS... .he backs away quietly-and starts to THROW SOME THINGS INTO A BAG... .WHEN SOME OF THE FILIPINO'S NOTICE HIM STARTING TO LEAVE, THEY YELL AFTER HIM... .FREDDIE TAKES OFF... 10. AND THE FILIPINO'S GIVE CHASE.. .THEY MOVE INTO THE FARM FIELDS. EXTEND OUT. CHASE THROUGH THE FIELDS FREDDIE JUST RUNNING AND RUNNING AS FAST AS HE CAN... CUT TO: EXT. HIGHWAY - LATER. LATER. off the side of the highway. Freddie collects himself, obviously running for the past hour and evading the Filipino's. He hitches now... CUT TO: EXT. DOCKS/SAN FRANCISCO - HIRING HALL - NIGHT. Inside the crowded HIRING HALL, sailors, men looking for work, etc. Freddie puts his name down. This is a short burst of a scene, establish he wants to get back to sea, wants work, but there's nothing for a few weeks. EXT. DOCKS/SAN FRANCISCO - NIGHT. VARIOUS ANGLES. Freddie makes his way around the docks, looking for something/anything. PLAY OUT. He comes across a SHIP that's being readied for voyage. It's an old cattle TRAWLER that seems converted to some kind of CRUISE SHIP/PRIVATE YACHT-type vessel. There's a buzz of getting ready around the ship also a minor cocktail party in progress. (light music playing from the ship...) DECKHANDS preparing to ship out, etc... Freddie approaches the one is there to guard it. He walks straight up the gang plank and gets on board the ship. ANGLE, ON BOARD. CAMERA follows him around... no one seems to notice or care... He goes down below... ANGLE, BELOW DECK. He sneaks around... some YOUNG MEN are getting dressed in TUXEDOS. 11. This plays itself out...FREDDIE finds a small CLOSET with a TUXEDO and slips it on. He gets swallowed up into this group of young men and acts as if he belongs -- .THE SHIP PULLS AWAY. HEADING OUT SAN FRANCISCO BAY... .FREDDIE HEADING UP INTO A WELL APPOINTED CABIN... A COCKTAIL PARTY IS IN FULL SWING AS THE SHIP LEAVES S.F. There are all manner of people here, in this area, everyone seems quite happy, chatty. Middle aged couples, single middle-aged men, young couples, some kids, teenagers, etc. Freddie working near the bar, starts delivering drinks... A live PIANO TRIO playing. FREDDIE NOTICES: A LARGE MAN IN HIS MID-40s, all red-hair, red eyebrows, red lips sings and dances while holding a baby It's a bit blurry across the room from Freddie's POV The SONG ENDS and everyone laughs, applauds, collapses. KIDS run around... CUT TO: INT. MAIN DINNER CABIN. LATER. Everyone seated for DINNER; we now see the red haired man in full: MASTER OF CEREMONIES (early 40s) He sits at the head of the table, his family with him: HIS WIFE: MARY SUE (pregnant, mid-20s) HIS DAUGHTERS: ELIZABETH (18) ELENA (3) SUSANAH (1) HIS SON: VAL (20) A RIGHT HAND MAN TO MASTER IS: NORMAN CONRAD (40s) ANGLE, THE BAR. The BARTENDER whispers to Freddie; indicates he's POURED TWO SHOTS FOR THEM TO SNEAK ... FREDDIE and the BARTENDER reach and grab them, shoot them back... INSTANTLY, FREDDIE'S HEAD POUNDS. BARTENDER You feel alright? FREDDIE Yeah, fine. 12. ANOTHER SERVER Why don't you go lay down, I'll take over... Freddie walks off. FREDDIE doesn't seem DRUNK he SEEMS DRUGGED. He walks down the hall - AND IN AN INSTANT FALLS FLAT ON HIS FACE. DEAD WEIGHT. He's dragged off. FADE OUT. CUT TO: INT. SMALL DARK ROOM - LATER. FREDDIE wakes up MASTER OF CEREMONIES is here along with MARY SUE and NORMAN CONRAD does the speaking at first, Freddie in and out of consciousness: NORMAN CONRAD How are you doing? FREDDIE Alright. What is this? NORMAN CONRAD How'd you get on this shit? FREDDIE I walked. NORMAN CONRAD Why? FREDDIE I was just looking f'work... I'm working here. MASTER OF CEREMONIES You need to sit down. FREDDIE I need to sit down. Freddie is already sitting in a chair they have him in. FREDDIE (CONT'D) Whatdchu put in my drink? NORMAN CONRAD You've been sedated. FREDDIE I'm sleepy. 13. NORMAN CONRAD I know you are. But you need to wake up now. Be sharp and wake up... can you do that for me? I want you to ask some questions about why you're here.. .how you came to be on this ship... FREDDIE .I just need the work. Wasinmy drink? NORMAN CONRAD You shouldn't be here, this is a private trip. FREDDIE .I'm a good worker..Iknowthese ships... BEAT. Freddie just looks at him, then MASTER SPEAKS: MASTER OF CEREMONIES You're an able bodied seamen? FREDDIE I am. MASTER You've had your appendix removed. FREDDIE MASTER Why didn't you just ask if you could join this ship? We're always looking for new members, we'd have been happy to have you, no need for skulking or sneaking. FREDDIE MASTER You need work? We'd love to have you work. You can work for us and our company. . .we have a wonderful company... FREDDIE Yeah? Whatdo you do your company? MASTER This is the company where past, present and future come together. FREDDIE 14. MASTER Tell me why you're on my ship. FREDDIE I just want to go to sea. I am looking for a berth-- MASTER What's wrong with where you were? FREDDIE I'm a seamen. MASTER What wrong with the world from where you were? FREDDIE I like being at sea. (I am a sailor.) PAUSE. FREDDIE closes his eyes, sleepy a minute.., then: MASTER You're a Russian spy. Did you hear me? Wake up, Freddie. FREDDIE What do you want? .what's your name? MASTER We've told you. You're a russian spy. What are you escaping. FREDDIE Nothing. MASTER You did something. FREDDIE I'm here to work, I know ships... MASTER You don't know? FREDDIE No. I don't know-what? MASTER You're a little drunk and sleepy. FREDDIE More than a little watchu put in my drink. 15. MASTER More than a little. You work for Dick Quinn. FREDDIE Dick. MASTER RICHARD QUINN FREDDIE Don't know him. / no MASTER You work for the AMA. CIA. FREDDIE . you got alotta questions.. MASTER You work for Bill Christos and his friends at the APA. FREDDIE I don't know you... MASTER And you picked this ship at random? FREDDIE Yes, sir. MASTER How long have you been sleeping? FREDDIE I just woke up. MASTER What's your name? FREDDIE My name is Freddie Sutton. 40114-78 MASTER You were in the Navy? FREDDIE Yes. MASTER Did you ever kill anyone? 16. FREDDIE Hah. MASTER Who did you kill? FREDDIE I fired and fixed torpedo room, USS Barton. Yes, I killed people. I'll Kill you. MASTER You feel agressive? FREDDIE Wakemeup. MASTER Where are you from? FREDDIE You know where - dn'ask me what you know... wakemeup wakemeup wakemeup come on wakemeup. MASTER You're from Princeton, New Jersey your identification says but that's quite a long way away from San Francisco. What are you doing? FREDDIE -- I toldju I'm just trying to get to sea. MASTER Why did you pick this ship? FREDDIE It was leaving... MASTER Did you come here to find out information? FREDDIE It was leaving... MASTER Did you come here to find out information? FREDDIE No, sir. 17. MASTER Who sent you here? FREDDIE You make me feel like I'm in hell. lemme wake up or lemme sleep. MASTER Well you shouldnt drink so much liquor, it's bad for the system. You're hurting yourself. PAUSE. Freddie is slipping out of it. MASTER (CONT'D) Would you like to stay with us a little while? FREDDIE Sure. MASTER We can give you the guidance you need in your life. FREDDIE Thanks. MASTER We can give you the guidance you need in your life. FREDDIE Thanks. MASTER Why you don't you just get some more rest? FREDDIE LONG PAUSE. Freddie's eyes close ane he passes out again. MASTER This boy is just a simple stow-away. All things he says he is. MARY SUE I believe... Master fiddles around with his things, belongings, wallet, out on a table. He looks at the FLASK. Smells it. Pours the contents into a glass; looks at the liquid. 18. He drinks it. He lets it run down his body, feels the drink. He drinks some more. MASTER Delicious... delicious NORMAN CONRAD There should be nothing above suspicion. CUT TO: EXT. HALLWAY - MOMENTS LATER FREDDIE is dragged by to ASSISTANTS down the narrow hallways of the SHIP. . .down another hallway, down another... CUT TO: EXT. THE SHIP - PACIFIC OCEAN - NIGHT. CAMERA MOVES WITH THE SHIP, SILENTLY MOVING ALONG AT NIGHT.. .SEES THE LIGHTS GLOW FROM INSIDE... CUT TO: INT. ROOM - MORNING. CU. FREDDIE. Morning sun comes in, hits him in the face. Wakes him up. He looks around. He looks out the window. CUT TO: INT. HALLWAY - SHIP - MOMENTS LATER FREDDIE walks out, looks around. . .he walks down the hall, a YOUNG GIRL passes him, smiles wide and says "GOOD MORNING," ad keeps walking... He moves towards a room where he hears a TYPEWRITER. He steps in the doorway. MASTER sits at his desk, writing gear all around. MASTER looks up, sees him, stops typing... Smiles. Extends his arm out for Freddie to come in and take a seat.. .MASTER is warm, inviting. Not rushed. They sort of sit and settle with each a moment; 19. MASTER Ok? FREDDIE Alright. MASTER You can't be... FREDDIE Is this your ship? MASTER I'm it's Commander, yes. FREDDIE Where's it going? MASTER New York City thru the canal. You're seamen? FREDDIE Yes. MASTER You're looking for work? FREDDIE .what did I say last night...? MASTER You said you were an able bodied seamen and you were looking for work? FREDDIE You have any? MASTER Perhaps. FREDDIE What was in my drink? MASTER You were sedated with chloral hydrate and bubble gum kisses. Ha ha ha. I'm sure if your check your butt-hole you'll find it's all in working order (he he he...) Isn't that what all men are worried about in they surrender themselves. FREDDIE I didn't surrender myself. 20. MASTER You were acting very aggressive because you drank too much alcohol. FREDDIE I don't think I was. MASTER Yes I think you were. And I don't like strange boys jumping on my ship. FREDDIE So what are you gonna do? MASTER Why don't you just ask for work? Work can't be hard to find. FREDDIE Depends on when you're ready to you have a job for me. MASTER You can't work in your condition. FREDDIE What condition is that? MASTER You're aberrated. FREDDIE What's that mean? MASTER A wandering from the path The problems you have in your life (your appendix, your work, your need to batter your body with booze...) I resolve that they can be fixed. FREDDIE I've got no trouble. You got a job for me to do, I can do it. MASTER Maybe I do, but not the kind you think. FREDDIE Do you own this ship? 21. MASTER A charter though the Explorer's Club. FREDDIE .What do you do? MASTER I am many things. I am writer, a doctor, a nuclear physicist, a theoretical philosopher. Above all, I am a man, A hopelessly inquisitive Man, just like you. FREDDIE Where's your money come from? MASTER Many years of successful writing and publishing has made me self sufficient. Reader's in all languages have enjoyed my work - but now I'm retired to study the mid and the life's true work. FREDDIE MASTER These studies have made me a target and I am hunted for what I know. Which is why... it is so un-wise to go lurking and jumping on strange ships.. .how do we know what your motives are? FREDDIE .well: I apologize if I got a little out of hand last night - I'm just... looking for work and your ship looked good,'s a nice looking ship. MASTER Don't apologize. You're a scoundrel. How I miss the days of working a four mastered schooner with nothing but salt horse, dried peas and a couple quarts of water.. .the present-day maritimer's seem so much more fragile, don't you think? You - you're and adventurer. FREDDIE 22. MASTER An able bodied seamen, a maker of wine, and a dashing mischievousness is what I knew would come to me in this-lifetime. .would you study with me? Submit yourself? FREDDIE I don't understand what you're talking about. MASTER I am always looking for mature men of unusual ability who are willing to stretch the boundaries of what they know. To increase knowing-ness and communication amongst man. I need day-ta. And with your help, I can gather it... FREDDIE MASTER You already understand, you just need to remember. And only say yes. Say, 'yes.' FREDDIE I'm not saying yes to anything I don't UNDERSTAND -- Master holds up the FLASK.. MASTER What's-about-this?' FREDDIE What about it? MASTER As a Scientist and a Conniseur I have no idea the contents of this remarkable potion, what's in it. FREDDIE Secrets. MASTER Can you make more? FREDDIE MAYBE 23. MASTER I'll grant you a full reprive from your naughtiness as a stow-away if you make us some more. I must admit I sampled some and ended up drinking it all. FREDDIE It's just booze. MASTER Horrible Hooch? FREDDIE Horrible Hooch. BEAT. They both smile, laugh a little. MASTER gets up and comes over him... MASTER Would you scrub yourself up and make yourself clean? My daughter is getting married. Come and join us and leave your worries for a while, they'll still be there when you get back..he he he. You are invited. CUT TO: INT. LITTLE ROOM - LATER. FREDDIE IN A LITTLE ROOM, SHOWERED, CLEANED UP, NICE SUIT ON, CHECKS THE MIRROR AND EXITS... INT./EXT. SHIP - MOMENTS LATER - DAY. MASTER waits for him-they walk together...CAMERA leads them-they go up on DECK...OUT INTO THE PACIFIC OCEAN AIR... MASTER I think we have known each other before you and I - FREDDIE Oh yeah? MASTER It will come out over time, but yes. We are re-united... do you reember me? 24. FREDDIE .I don't know... MASTER That's alright. Don't strain yourself. You will. There will be much time to discuss this on the journey to our destination. As we travel down Time- won't be afraid will you? FREDDIE .what destination? MASTER Have you ever had harm cme to you? FREDDIE Sure. MASTER What if we could return to a period of your life where there was harm and do away with it? .would You like that? FREDDIE Ok. MASTER That's where we go. They come across ALL THE PEOPLE ON BOARD. THEY WALK INTO THE GROUP. Everyone is getting ready for a WEDDING. . .they greet MASTER and FREDDIE. He walks into it and is welcome'd... MASTER finds his daughter, ELIZABETH, who is to be married and her husband-to-be CLARK (20s) He introduces them to Freddie - EXT. DECK OF SHIP. AFTERNOON. ZOOM BACK FROM CU. On MASTER as he presides over his DAUGHTER's WEDDING. ELIZABETH and CLARK. Everyone dressed up; Master says some sweet,. beautiful words and then; MASTER .as long as you hold these bodies, in this life: you may kiss the bride. THEY KISS. APPLAUSE, CHEERS. CU. FREDDIE. He listens and watches. CUT TO: 25. INT. DINNER CABIN. NIGHT. It's mid-dinner, post-wedding ceremony party, everyone is celebrating, drinking. Master talking a blue streak, acting this out. MASTER Now, now, now, how 'bout this: Here it comes - swooping down on me: A LARGE DRAGON, TEETH AND BLOOD DRIPPING! RED EYES! What do I go? A lasoooo! Whip it up, wrap it around it's neck. I wrastle, wrastle, wrastle'em to the ground - I snap up, I say: sit. Everyone laughs, Master is acting all this out, rolling around, etc as if he's training a dog... MASTER (CONT'D) Dragon sits. I say: stay. Sragon stays. So now he's got a leash on and he's staying on my command - THAT"S WHAT WHERE WERE AT WITH IT NOW - it stays on command. Everyone is laughing, lapping it all up. He glances; MASTER (CONT'D) Next we're gonna teach it to roll over and play DEAD. Master sits down, starts speaking to someone about his days studying Judo ... FREDDIE, sitting up at the dinner table-across the table is: VAL, strikes up conversation: VAL Freddie, I'm Val, the son. FREDDIE Hello. VAL Are you having a good time? FREDDIE Yes. VAL What are you goign to be working on? 26. FREDDIE I don't really know. VAL Have you done any time-hole work? FREDDIE I don't think so. VAL is distracted by a WELL WISHER who comes over. FREDDIE looks around at everyone. All the faces having a good time and celebrating... He catches the eye of a YOUNG WOMAN. . .then sees her HUSBAND... The BARTENDER comes over to FREDDIE BARTENDER Alright, old man? FREDDIE Yeah. BARTENDER No hard feelings? FREDDIE No. BARTENDER Welcome aboard. Clif Amsbury. He serves him a drink. BARTENDER (CONT'D) This one's alright. Chink, chink. ANGLE, LATER. Master is saying good-night to everyone, passes FREDDIE and says quietly: MASTER When can we have some of your potion? FREDDIE Whenever you'd like. I'll get making it - MASTER When I'd like it - I will give you a signal. I will scratch my ear and rub my nose. What will you need? 27. FREDDIE I'll take care of it. MASTER makes his way down the table trying to say goodbye to everyone, he finally tears away from the party by SAYING: MASTER Enough! Enough! I must get back to work! Keep going! Dont stop all night long! He leaves. FREDDIE just looks around, caught up in it all. CUT TO: INT. ROOM - LATER. Freddie comes down into his little room. A cot has been made for him, some fresh clothes and a BOOK (hardcover,400pages) on the bed. It reads, very simply: THE CAUSE CU. BOOK "THE CAUSE" The cover is opened, CAMERA SEES IN CU the opening line from the book: "Shall a man be master of his memories? Or shall his memories be the master?" ANGLE, FREDDIE He lays in bed and reads the book. He reads about to lines and his eyes slam shit, asleep, still holding the book. HOLD. CUT TO: INT. MAIN DECK / CABIN - MORNING. It's the next morning, EVERYONE IS HERE FOR BREAKFAST, BUFFET STYLE, FREDDIE mixed in amongst it all. FREDDIE sits down to eat with MARY SUE, who feeds her baby. The other children around. VAL and NORMAN CONRAD are here... MARY SUE He's been writing all night ...I think you've inspired something in hi,. When we're at home, on land, there's too much, pulling him in each direction. (MORE) 28. MARY SUE (CONT'D) He was working on a book that showed how the Russians used narcosynthesis and physical torture and how it worked as it did. That was interrupted. He had a technology oh psychological warfare to present to the Defense Department. All that was interrupted, lost. Each time he sits to write, a new attack is launched against him and he spends too much time on defending himself. I tell him to ignore it, but he's so sensitive... FREDDIE Who's attacking him? MARY SUE People that are scared. People that are greedy. Ex-wives...That's what's so nice about being at sea. He gets his studies done, advances the learning, and he writes BOOK II. FREDDIE What's a time-hole? CUT TO: INT. SMALL CLASSROOM - LATER. It's a dimly lit little room. A few folding chairs and a small stage. A YOUNG GOD LOOKING COUPLE: WAYNE and SUSAN DUNBAR (late 20s) are on stage. She is lying down, eyes close, he is sitting in a chair next to her, students watch as he runs an exercise with her; Mary Sue has brought Freddie in here and sits with him in the back.. .Freddie watches: WAYNE Say, "back beyond" and return to the pre- natal area. SUSAN Back beyond. Back beyond. Back beyond. Back beyond. Back beyond. Back beyond. WAYNE Continue please... SUSAN Back beyond..I Have.. something in my face... It feels like I am being pushed. 29. WAYNE Contact it more closely and continue to repeat. SUSAN Back beyond. Back beyond. It's getting stronger. WAYNE CONTINUE SUSAN I hear a voice..It's my father's voice. WAYNE Listen to the words and repeat them, please. SUSAN He is talking to my mother. The face pressure is hurting. It's uncomfortable. It keeps going up and down and it hurts. WAYNE Repeat his words, please. SUSAN "I don't want to come in you now. Let's wait." The pressure is banging my face. Into my face. My mother is there, her voice... WAYNE What is your mother saying? Please, if you hear her? SUSAN She saying "well get out of there then. I don't want you in me at all if your not there to come. Get in to come." She's mad. WAYNE Please return to the start of this and recount. SUSAN I wonder what they're doing? I hear a squishing sounds and it's wet. Oh. Oh my. WAYNE Recount please. 30. SUSAN A faint rhythm ...then faster. I hear my fathers voice say, "oh honey..I wont come in you now. I'm not too sure I like children that well and I have my job to worry about..." And my mother must shove him - a sharper pain here - "THEN I DON'T IN THERE AT ALL, GET OUT.." WAYNE Return to the beginning and recount it again, please. CU. FREDDIE's FACE Listening. Mary Sue leans over and whispers: MARY SUE (WHISPERS) Do you understand what's happening? FREDDIE Yes. She hold her pregnant stomach; MARY SUE We record everything. CUT TO: INT. SHIP - VARIOUS. NEXT MORNING. FREDDIE moves around, CAMERA follows him, collecting VARIOUS SUPPLIES to start making a home-made potion of booze. POTATOES, PAINT THINNER, ORANGES, YEAST. (TBD, OTHER CONTENTS OF THE SHIP) that could go into a recipe -- CUT TO: INT. BOOZE ROOM - LATER. He's set up in an area of the ship to start distilling BOOZE from the found ingredients on the ship. WATCH, HOLD THIS. The BARTENDER/FOLLOWER is here to give him some help. (poss. Bartender telling him how came to 'the cause' here...) CUT TO: 31. INT. STUDY ROOM - LATER. HE WALKS THROUGH THE LIBRARY ROOM, WATCHING A GROUP OF FOLLOWERS READING, STUDYING, TALKING. LISTENING TO HEADPHONES WITH MASTER'S VOICE SPEAKING. THIS IS THEIR STUDY TIME. He slips a PAIR of HEADPHONES ON, TAKES A SEAT AND LISTENS. This is a recording of a LIVE LECTURE BY MASTER: MASTER (V.0.) .someone came up to me the other day, and I had to say...I had to correct him. He said, "I heard the Cause can fix me.." I looked down at him and he'd lost his legs. He's sitting in a wheel chair and had no legs to speak of. I said, "We can do very many things, sir...but no, we cannot replace your legs. This is how rumors get started." Let's talk about what we can do... FREDDIE looks around and watches all the STUDENTS on their headphones. He tries to flirt and make eye contact with all the WOMEN. MASTER (V.0.) (CONT'D) When did you decide you had limited potentials and capabilities? You've forgotten that this is all just a dirty old game that YOU created. An AID (Female, 40s) comes over; AID How you doing? FREDDIE I'm fine. AID Are you following alright? FREDDIE Well-not really-no... AID That's OK. You will. Don't worry - FREDDIE How long have you been studying 32. AID A year. It takes a little time. Don't worry. FREDDIE What's your name? AID Carol Henike. You're Freddie. FREDDIE That's right. AID Just keep listening and reading. If you don't udnerstand, just keep going back over it. Headphones back on... He slips the headphones back on. CUT TO: INT. MAIN CABIN - EVENING. A SKETCH COMEDY SHOW, DANCING after-dinner. FREDDIE on the sidelines, watching it, not really understanding some of the humor and lyrics, etc...someone has a MOP on their head and is pretending to be a PSYCHOLOGIST with a vary thick/bad German-Austiran-accent. "zee muzzer and fazzer and zee penisss and ze nippelz.." attempting to cure a STUDENT... everyone LAUGHS. ELIZABETH (the daughter) comes over; ELIZABETH Hi Freddie ... FREDDIE Hi. ELIZABETH .I Have a message for you. She rubs her nose and tugs her ear. ELIZABETH (CONT'D) Better get along. He leaves, she watches him go. CUT TO: 33. INT. FREDDIE'S AREA. MOMENTS LATER. He puts the booze into MASON JARS. CUT TO: INT HALLWAY - MOMENTS LATER FOLLOWING FREDDIE HOLDING THE BOOZE IN A LITTLE MASON JAR. CUT TO: INT. MASTER'S SUITE. THAT MOMENT. Freddie pours the liquid into two glasses. WE HEAR THE PARTY OUTSIDE THE ROOM, FROM UPSTAIRS. MASTER examines IT; MASTER What's in it? FREDDIE .drink just a little. It's very strong. The good stuff takes time. And there's secrets in good liquor. This is just booze for now... MASTER How are you feeling, Freddie? FREDDIE Good. MASTER Rested? FREDDIE Yes. MASTER Excited? FREDDIE Sure. MASTER Have you made some friends? FREDDIE Yes. 34. MASTER Good. Good. How are you feeling? FREDDIE Yeah, good. They CHEERS AND DRINK. Shudder at the strength of it. MASTER I've been writing ... BULAGH! Feel like I went under. Dark cloud rolls in. Opens up...anxious to share new work-would you care for some informal processing? FREDDIE Sure... MASTER Well, then I gather myself... and you be my protege and guinea pig, eh? Informal processing. Master smiles, excited, moves to an OLD TAPE RECORDER, points a microphones towards Freddie, looks over some papers... MASTER (CONT'D) Are you ready? FREDDIE Yes. HE FLIPS THE TAPE RECORDER ON. Master smiles, reads, LOOKS UP; MASTER Say your name. FREDDIE Freddie Sutton. MASTER Say it again. FREDDIE Freddie Sutton. MASTER Say it again. FREDDIE Freddie Sutton. 35. MASTER Might as well say it one more time just to make sure you know who you are... FREDDIE Freddie Sutton. MASTER Do you ever make thoughtless remarks. FREDDIE I usually put some thought into them. MASTER Do you browse though railway timetables just for pleasure? FREDDIE No. MASTER Do you get occasional twitches of you muscles when there is no logical reason for it? FREDDIE (flutters around goofy) Only on my good days. MASTER Do past failures bother you? FREDDIE No. MASTER Do past failures bother you? FREDDIE No. MASTER Do past failures bother you? FREDDIE No. (some dice games I was in, he he.) MASTER So past failures bother you? FREDDIE .I don't know. . .you keep asking, not really. 36. MASTER Is your life a constant struggle for survival? FREDDIE .not really ... .. life's alright. MASTER Would you rather give orders than take them? FREDDIE Sure. MASTER Are you often impulsive in you behaviour. FREDDIE .sure... Yes. MASTER Do other people interest you very much? FREDDIE Not really (girls? They do) MASTER Do you find it easy to be impartial? FREDDIE Yeah. MASTER Are you likely to be jealous? FREDDIE No .about what? MASTER Are you logical and scientific in your thinking? FREDDIE I'm..I don't know. Don't care about science. MASTER Do you rarely suspect the actions of others? FREDDIE I don't understand. 37. MASTER Yes you do. FREDDIE .I suspect people...yes. Sure., rarely. Most people are ass's anyway. MASTER Are you usually truthful to others? FREDDIE .no... I don't know. Guess so. MASTER Are your actions considered unpredictable by other people? HOLD. HOLD. Freddie seems to think about this questions seriously, THEN: OUT OF THE PAUSE AND OUT OF THE BLUE HE SCREAMS; FREDDIE BLLLLLLLLLL GH. How's that? (laughs hysterically) MASTER Silly..its good to laugh in processing.. sometimes we forget. Master reaches down, brings the microphone to his mouth: MASTER (CONT'D) "Freddie Sutton, Test Session. May 5, 1952, 1800 hours. Aboard he sailing vessel Aletheia, en route to New York City. MOC logged ad approced." He CLICKS it off. Smiles at Freddie; he gives him a comforting hug. MASTER (CONT'D) Should we sample another sip before we join them upstairs? FREDDIE Is that it? MASTER For now. FREDDIE I'm ready for more if you want to ask me... 38. HOLD BETWEEN THE TWO OF THEM. LONG PAUSE. FREDDIE (CONT'D) Ask me, Master. This is fun.. .nobody's asked me questions before -- MASTER Could you answer the next series of questions without blinking your eyes? To without fear and hesitation answer as quickly as you can? FREDDIE Sure. CU. TAPE RECORDER BACK ON. MASTER Look at me...Starting now you are not to blink. If you blink we go back to the START: .infringement. you blinked. Starting now you are not to blink. If you blink we go back to the start. Do you often ponder over your own inferiority? FREDDIE No. MASTER Infringement. Back to the start. You blink, we repeat from the start. Do you often ponder over your own inferiority? FREDDIE Yes. MASTER Do you believe that God will save you from your own ridiculousness and self contempt? FREDDIE No I don't. MASTER Have you ever had intercourse with a member of your family. FREDDIE Yes. 39. PAUSE. MASTER Have you ever had intercourse with a member of your family? FREDDIE Yes. MASTER .who? FREDDIE My. Auntie. PAUSE. Master is stumped for the first time... MASTER Have you ever killed anyone? FREDDIE No, MASTER Maybe? FREDDIE Not me. TAPE RECORDING ALL THIS. DIALS MOVING. FREDDIE NOT BLINKING. MASTER Have you ever killed anyone. FREDDIE No. MASTER How many times did you have intercourse with your aunt? FREDDIE Three times. MASTER Where is your aunt now? FREDDIE Don't know. Probably Princeton. MASTER Where? 40. FREDDIE 45 Province Lane. MASTER Would you like to see her? FREDDIE No. MASTER Would you like to sleep with her again? FREDDIE No. MASTER Do you regret this? FREDDIE No. MASTER What is she doing now? FREDDIE I don't know. MASTER Where is your mother? FREDDIE I don't know. Freddie BLINKS. MASTER INFRINGEMENT. Back to the start. FREDDIE FUUUUUUUUUCKK. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. BULLSHIT. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. He slaps himslef around, opens his. eyes. HOLD. MASTER Do you often ponder your own inferiority? FREDDIE Yes. MASTER Do you believe God is going to save you? 41. FREDDIE No. MASTER Have you ever had sex with a member of your family? FREDDIE Yes. MASTER Are you lying? FREDDIE No. MASTER Who? .FREDDIE My Auntie Bertha. MASTER Where is your aunt? FREDDIE At home in new Jersey. MASTER Are you lying? FREDDIE No. MASTER Are you a liar? FREDDIE Yes. MASTER Have you ever killed anyone? FREDDIE Yes. MASTER Who? FREDDIE Japs. MASTER In the war? 42. FREDDIE Yes. MASTER What are you running from? FREDDIE Nothing. MASTER The law? .PAUSE... FREDDIE I think I may have blinded a man. Maybe he's dead, I don't know... MASTER Where? FREDDIE In Salinas, I served him up booze and he drank too much of it. MASTER Is the booze you make poison? FREDDIE Not if you drink it smart, he was stupid. MASTER Are you trying to poison me? FREDDIE No. MASTER Where is your father? FREDDIE I don't know. (aka dead) MASTER Where is your mother? FREDDIE I don't know. Maybe New York, New Jersey, anywhere. Don't know. MASTER What is your Auntie's Name? 43. FREDDIE Auntie Bertha. MASTER How did you come to sleep with your Auntie Bertha? FREDDIE She said she'd let me have my inheritance if I were to sleep with her. So I did and I never got my money. I was drunk. She looked good. MASTER And you did it again and again. FREDDIE Yes. Because I liked it. It felt good. MASTER She's rich? Is she? She has your inheritance, does she? FREDDIE She controls it all. MASTER You feel you're owed this? FREDDIE I am. MASTER Have you ever had any bad thoughts about her or Mary Sue? FREDDIE Yes. MASTER What do you think? FREDDIE I thought you were fools. But now I see that you're not MASTER If you could lock yourself in a house, a large mansion for the rest of your life: who would you like to be there with you? FREDDIE Doris Schoemann. 44 MASTER Who is Doris? FREDDIE Best girl I ever met. The girl I am gonna marry one day. MASTER She's in New Jersey, is she? FREDDIE Lynn, Massachussets. ( I just got to get back to her.) MASTER Why aren't you with Doris? FREDDIE MASTER Why aren't you with her? FREDDIE I'm an idiot. I don't know. I got no reason. MASTER Do you love Doris? FREDDIE Yeah. MASTER Is she the love of your life? FREDDIE Yes sir. MASTER Close your eyes/ CUT TO BLACK, HOLD, THEN FADE UP AGAIN.. MASTER (CONT'D) Release and return to me ... Say your name. FREDDIE Freddie Sutton. MASTER Are you hear with me in 1952? 45. FREDDIE Yes... MASTER End of session. Open/close your eyes. He laughs. They both laugh, MUSIC 'dancers in love'/piano ver. MASTER (CONT'D) How does it feel? Freddie laughs a little. FREDDIE Feels good. MASTER Left side of your body feels ok? FREDDIE Yeah. MASTER Right side? FREDDIE Yeah. MASTER Any headaches? FREDDIE NO MASTER Are you a member of the Ninth Battle Batallion? FREDDIE I don't know what that is. MASTER Are you a member of the Ninth Battle Batallion? FREDDIE No. MASTER Or any other invader force? Space stations or communication depots on this planet or anywhere else? 46. FREDDIE No, sir. MASTER You're the bravest boy I've ever met. Master turns off the tape recorder. They DRINK DOWN THE BOOZE TOGETHER. Smile, laugh. EXT. MANHATTAN SKYLINE - NIGHT. ESTABLISH SHOT. 1950s. MOVING OVER THE WATER TOWARDS IT. CUT TO: EXT. DOCKS/NEW JERSEY - NIGHT. The SHIP HAS ARRIVED AND DOCKED. Everyone is rounding up to disembark. Those leaving: MASTER, MARY SUE, ELIZABETH, CLARK, THE BABIES, NANNIES, VAL AND FREDDIE. They all head down the gang-way... The New York City franchise owner/follower is a thin, sickly man named: BILL WHITE (40s) He's very nervous/anxious/eager to please, comes to greet them. He's here with some other ASSOCIATES/FOLLOWERS: BILL WHITE Master! Hello. Yes. Welcome. Welcome back to New York City, Master. It's our honor, its our pleasure. We are humble and so happy... MASTER Thank you, Bill, good to see you. BILL leads the way, waves his hand to the show: BILL WHITE We'd like to present you with this gift from the New York Branch for your stay here ...we know how fond you are of motorcycles. He presents a HARLEY-DAVIDSON.. MASTER Loooooooooook at that... 1940 Harley Davidson Knucklehead. For me? 47. He slides on, starts it up, everyone APPLAUDS. MASTER TEARS AWAY ON THE MOTORCYCLE, everyone else [piles into some OLD SEDAN'S driven by some New York Followers -- Everyone on deck of the ship waves good-bye and watches them go. CUT TO: EXT. CAUSE H.O./NEW YORK - AFTERNOON MASTER and everyone comes in to the hotel/ballroom of a fading mid-town hotel. Local students, followers are here to greet ... about THIRTY people... FREDDIE looks at the GIRLS. MASTER shakes hands, kisses babies, etc... BOOKS FOR SALE, DESKS, PARTITIONS, PAMPHLETS, REEL TO REEL TAPE'S FOR SALE. BILL WHITE doing all the intro's, liason work, etc... (note: Helen Sullivan here.) This operation embryonic a little shabby... CUT TO: INT UPSTAIRS/HOTEL. LATER. Everyone here, a FLOOR of the hotel has been taken over, adjoining rooms connecting everyone... CAMERA moves around, seeing all the activity, movement-the ADULTS are getting dressed and ready for something ... . FREDDIE brings MASTER some booze. They cheers, drink ... MASTER gets ready.."to past, present, future and the street where they all meet and shake hands." CUT TO: EXT. PARK AVENUE APARTMENT - NIGHT. A very fancy APARTMENT ON THE PARK. The whole entourage pulls up. MASTER on the Harley, everyone else in the sedans..they head into a PARK AVENUE APARTMENT BUILDING; CAMERA FOLLOWS THEM ALL IN. THE DOORMAN looks up; BILL WHITE is quick to explain they're going to the Penthouse to the party of Mrs. Purcell, etc.. 48. BILL WHITE Make way, make way..thank you. CUT TO: INT. HALLWAY. FANCY APARTMENT. THE ELEVATOR OPENS into the grand palatial apartment; an older WOMAN is the hostess, her residence: her name is MILDRED PURCELL (eraly 70s) a very wealthy widower, follower, benefactor... This is a SHOW AND TELL/FUNDRAISER/COCKTAIL RECEPTION in honor of Master and the Cause... They applaud his entrance. About FORTY or so guests, some RICH UPPER EAST SIDE PEOPLE, who are members of a satellite group. Some others come to listen and learn, etc... BILL WHITE makes introductions, etc. MASTER is offered some appetizers, he says: MASTER You can hear a tomato scream when you cut it...this is why I don't eat tomatoes... VARIOUS PARTY MINGLING/COVERAGE MEET MRS. PURCELL and stay with her.-Everything settles and she sets the stage for Master... .FREDDIE Carries over an OLD REEL TO REEL TAPE PLAYER, sets it on a coffee table in front of him... MASTER (CONT'D) As you can see I've brought props. Everyone laughs. MASTER (CONT'D) Showman's trade secrets.. .he-he-he More laughter. MASTER (CONT'D) Let me just listen to this tape... He picks up the tape and lifts it to his ear..he wiggles it around next to his ear.. MASTER (CONT'D) Can't hear anything. But there's sound on here, no? Sound to be found? He puts the tape reels onto the player... 49. MASTER (CONT'D) This should do it! He flips the switch. Nothing. No sound. MASTER (CONT'D) Hmmmm. Can' thear anything. Wait. There are sounds on this tape, but I can't hear... wait... how about this... Nothing. He continues this ...he plugs the speakers in.. . nothing again and again. MASTER (CONT'D) Well what do we have? We have the high fidelity audio tape, we have speakers, and yet..a ha! Just a moment. He turns the machine "ON"... MASTER (CONT'D) This should do it... Nothing. MASTER (CONT'D) Seems we're out of pieces.. Everyone laughs nervously... MASTER (CONT'D) I know there's sound on that tape... He plugs the power cord into the wall... It crackles and sound pours out.. It's MASTER'S VOICE. MASTER (V.0.) (CONT'D) Our life has never stopped and always been. All of the recordings of our lifetimes that we have lived are available to us.. MUSIC STARTS TO PLAY. GENTLE PIANO MUSIC. MASTER turns the volume down on the reel-to-reel, speaks live to the PARTY: MASTER (CONT'D) Everything's there isn't it? On the tape? Sure is, we just need to get it working with all the other pieces in synch-ro- nization. No good if it's not plugged into the wall. Can't hear it. But the sounds are still there. No good if those speakers aren't there. Can't hear it. (MORE) 50. MASTER (CONT'D) But that doesn't mean it's not there, does it? No. It doesn't. That flimsy little piece of tape is just nothin' without all the other equipment lined up properly, isn't it? We CAN access the past, traumas and seeds that abberate us in present time and once we access them - we challenge them and throw them away. Previously, I'd established how to access these aberrations and painful memories to pre-birth/cellular times. But the new studies prove there is a time beyond that. The Whole-of-time with which we are now working. At last count, perhaps sixty-seven trillion years our studies show... Besides the everyday struggles of how we become better, more able, more productive homo sapiens, the uses for this new science is the location and removal of certain leukemias, apathies, manics. Depressives, perverts, stuttering, neuroses, ulcers, arthritis, and asthmas. This is the province and science of Cause. If you'll forgive me, I must sit down. Perhaps you've taken notice of my leg injury and limp damndest thing. You see it happens every time I come to Manhattan Island, its a wound I've never conquered and I'll tell you how I found out about, because I never knew what in the H was happening... Well I did some processing to find out. Took Mary Sue to ay me down and lead me back...we processed over three hours! And something came up. It was this: I lived a life before and suffered a great injury. Knee injury... It was just around 1888. A great number and year. Significant as the creation . year of the new york city sewer system if I'm not wrong... I was a thief and criminal, working late into the night robbing a bank in the western side of the island. (MORE) 51. MASTER (CONT'D) The crime was committed with a revolver in hand. A Cole .45. My accomplices and I made it clear across town when we were ambushed by the local authorities. -- but I made a slip away. A digression into the under constructed sewer system. It was here that I could no be found - or so my thinking went. All my confidence and all my arrogance was brought upon me. Full in the face. For I was nose to nose with a twenty-five foot alligator in the New York City sewer. Oh brother! What a scare I was in for. Now if you've veer seen the SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! OF A GATOR - you'll remember the fear. You see, this being an island, and in those days more inhabited by creature than man, why wouldn't I meet such a beast? In my evasion -- I dropped the gold. The money I'd stolen in my getaway.. .not dropped, but stuffed in a newly cemented drain hole just around 125th Street... present day Harlem County I believe today. Yes. Yes. I stuffed it and made a getaway from both man and beast „shattered my knee in five different places-turned into a piece of glass..woke up early in the morning somewhere near the present day Times Square-which was nothing more than a farm..quite a farm..but that's another story. So what does this say? Injuries stay with us don't they??..They sure do. How's it gonna go away. How? How? How'm I gonna fix this knee. How are any of us going to get better? More able? We Must Process The Whole Of Time. This Life and Pre Natal Cellular processing is not enough. We have Lived Many, Many, Many Lives. So anybody tat is not processing the whole of time - is doing a disservice to man and Will Not Get Better. I cannot put it more simply. (MORE) 52. MASTER (CONT'D) And as for me now: I just need to find the time away from all of my writing to go back down and DO IT so I don't walk around with the darndest limp everytime I come to town! This story is greeted. with equal parts excitement/complete CONFUSION. MRS. PURCELL slightly nervous. ANGLE, LATER. MASTER and a SOCIALITE WOMAN (50s) he has her lay down on a love seat; MASTER (CONT'D) What is your name? SOCIALITE Margaret O'Brian. MASTER Are you sure you haven't lived here before? SOCIALITE I don't know. MASTER What's your name? MARGARET Margaret. MASTER Are you sure? ANGLE, PURCELL APARTMENT. FREDDIE goes lurking around, slinks in and out of some rooms. HE GOES INTO THE BEDROOM, STEALS SOME JEWELRY. STUFF HIS POCKETS. (OC DIAL. PLAYS...) ANGLE, MAIN LIVING ROOM. MASTER has finished his demonstration and is opening it up for questions/discussions. An OLDER MAN (MR. JOHN MORE, 50's, scholarly, wearing a prominent HANDKERCHIEF) stands up to speak: (Throughout this another OLDER WOMAN has a terrible cough from the back of the room.) 53. JOHN MORE Some of this seems quite like hypnosis, is it not? MASTER Oh no, this is funny. It's quite the reverse. Man is hypnotized. What we do is un-hypnotize him of the shackles. Allow him to raise his awareness and IQ. JOHN MORE What is the difference between this and psychotherapy? MASTER Yes. Well. They are very different. No. Psychoanalysis, they lay back. No, no, no. Don't associate us with such people! That's terrible (he, he) why that's a bad manner don't you know? I mean at that business about sex and all that. That's for the neurotic or the person who is insane or something like that. That's nothing to do with us. They've failed. That's for the fortunate few who can afford the fees. JOHN MORE But some of this does in fact seem to share quite a lot with Dr. Freud and modern psychotherapy, does it not? MASTER No it does not. This is an exact science, you see. Comparable to physics or chemistry - but simpler. It's engineering. Herr Freud had his chance and contributed some very workable data, but in the end, he failed. So that's that. JOHN MORE And how long does this take? MASTER That depends. But it can be quite fast. Quite fast. Or it can take some time. Sometimes less than 36 hours. JOHN MORE 36 hours? And you're saying that these methods can cure leukemia according to your book and what you've just said? 54. MASTER Some forms of leukemia, 22 cases tested. 22 cases cured. Those are the results. JOHN MORE You can understand scepticism, can you not? MASTER Oh, yes, of course, yes. And this is to be expected and welcome. For without it we'd be positive's with no negatives - therefore zero. charge. We must have it. JOHN MORE Are you a religious people? MASTER We are not incorporated as a religion, no. But remember this: that religion has come uniformly from a philosophy. Philosophy is senior to religion. You could call us a religion of religions. JOHN MORE Are you saying then that any religion is rather narrow in its outlook? MASTER No, no, no. I have no quarrel with man's belief's, but religions in general can be pre-occupied with a God or Idol or something of some such nature who is merely trying to fill the universe with a lot of little replicas of himself - we are trying to free the individual - not bend to a will of a God, you see. And if our teachings can reconcile these views it would be doing a great service to MANKIND - JOHN MORE Do you think it can? MASTER I not only think it can, I know it does. JOHN MORE You mentioned 'good science' and what it does.. .but doesn't that, by definition, allow for more than one opinion? 55. MASTER Indeed, indeed. Which is why our gathering of day-ta is so far reaching - JOHN MORE Otherwise you merely have the will of one man - which is the basis of cult, is it not? MASTER T'is, t'is, indeed. Thankfully we are, all of us, working at break-neck speeds and in unison towards catching the minds fatal flaws and correcting it back to it's original state of perfect - whilst righting civilization. JOHN MORE I must say that I find it quite -- MASTER AND I DON'T FUCKING CARE WHAT ELSE YOU HAVE TO SAY YOU SLIMY LITTLE PIECE OF CUM FUCK. YOU ARE NOTHING. AND WORTHLESS AT THAT. YOU PUNY LITTLE NOTHING OF NOTHING. IT WORKS IF YOU USE IT. WHO IS THIS MAN? JOHN MORE I can answer for myself. My name is John More. MASTER THIS IS NOT A DISCUSSION THIS IS A GRILLING. A GRILL. AN ATTACK. MRS. PURCELL PLEASE -- JOHN MORE If you're not allowing some sort of discussion regarding your beliefs - MASTER AND I WILL NOT DEFEND MYSELF TO YOU, YOU SLIMY PIECE OF NOTHING. JOHN MORE I'm sorry if you're unwilling to defend your beliefs in any kind of rational WAY -- 56. MASTER I HAVE TAKEN MY FUCKING TIME WITH YOU AND YOU ARE OVER NOW. YOU SLIMY PIG SHIT. The WOMAN that's been coughing cannot stop: MASTER (CONT'D) STOP COUGHING. STOP COUGHING YOU HORRIBLE OLD WOMAN. YOU DON'T GET IT. YOU DON'T GET IT. MRS. PURCELL is shocked, humiliated, everything crumbles... MASTER (CONT'D) YOU GET OUT. GET OUT OF THIS LECTURE HALL. A WOMAN She's sick! Please! She's sick! MASTER GET HER OUT OF THE LECTURE HALL. JOHN MORE This isn't a lecture hall, this is Mrs. Purcell's home - MASTER YOU SHUT YOUR LITTLE MOUTH. SHUT THAT WOMAN UP. YOU WILL STOP COUGHING. THAT GRAVELY PUTRID NOISE, YOU ARE TRYING TO RUIN ME. YOU HAVEN'T BEEN DOING THE WORK. YOU WOULD NOT BE SICK IF YOU DO THE WORK. WE DON'T GET SICK. CUT TO: INT. ELEVATOR - MOMENTS LATER They're all leaving. Stuffed in the elevator, Master fuming. CUT TO: EXT. STREET/UPPER EAST SIDE - NIGHT They're leaving. Master gets on his Harley and peels off into the night. . .HOLD THE SHOT - everyone else gets into their SEDANS. . .up ahead, MASTER WIPES OUT, lays the bike down in the middle of Park Avenue... 57. .he leaves it, the SEDANS pull up, he gets in. An AID goes to the bike and picks it up. INT. MASTER'S HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT MASTER is still fuming, ranting and raving, MARY SUE is here with him... MASTER AND THIS IS WHERE WE ARE??? AT THE LOWEST LEVEL? TO EXPLAINNNN OURSELVES? FOR WHAT? FOR WHAT WE'RE DOING AND WE HAVE TO GROVEL? GROVEL LIKE A DOG, A DOG LICKING IT'S PISS? ANOTHER DOG OF PISS I SAY. THE ONLY WAY TO DEFEND OURSELVES IS ATTACK. ATTACK. ATTACK. WE ATTACK THAT MAN. IF WE DON'T DO THAT, WE WILL LOSE EVERY BATTLE WE'RE ENGAGED IN - WE WILL NEVER DOMINATE OUR ENVIRONMENT THE WAY WE SHOULD UNLESS WE ATTACK. CUT TO: INT. HOTEL ROOM - ADJOINING SUITE - NIGHT WE HEAR MASTER from the next room; Everyone in here, listens, hangs their faces. MASTER (O.C.) .this city is just noise. Just noise and bad living. I know this place. I know it's rotten secrets... CU. FREDDIE listening. He sips some of his booze form the FLASK, gets a real surly look on his face... .VAL gets up and leaves the hotel room... FRED DIE watches him go... Everyone seems resigned, sleepy...Freddie snaps and says TO BILL: FREDDIE You have the name's and information of the guests at this lady's party? BILL WHITE Yes. 58. FREDDIE looks at CLARK, the new son-in-law. ELIZABETH looks up... FREDDIE You're coming with me. Get up. I need some help and you wanna make a good show, no? Who's paying your way? CLARK looks to Elizabeth, who gives a look that says, "He's right." CUT TO: INT. HOTEL BALLROOM / THE CAUSE H.O. - LATER Bill White turns on the lights, takes Freddie and Clark over to his desk. . .they get the address and info. For MR. JOHN MORE. BILL WHITE I don't think this is right to do - FREDDIE You don't know what we're going to do, so don't bother thinking about this anymore... CAMERA with FREDDIE AND CLARK as they walk out of the hotel and into the streets of New York -- FREDDIE (CONT'D) You have any money on you? CLARK Some. CUT TO: EXT. NEW YORK STREETS / UPPER WEST SIDE - NIGHT - LATER FREDDIE and CLARK, walking down the street... They WALK/TALK; FREDDIE Where are you from, Clark? CLARK Los Angeles. Pasadena. FREDDIE What's there? 59. CLARK I'm from there. Master and headquarters there for a year. FREDDIE .how'd you see them? CLARK I read the first book. I worked at Boeing for three years. When I read the book, I didn't want to waste my time there anymore. I came to help the Cause. FREDDIE What did it say? CLARK I'm skeptical of everything. Always have been. All I know is I used to not be able to sleep. Now I sleep through the night. I spent 18 months at the Presidio with every Army head-shrinker they had and not one did as much for me as Book One did. That's simple arithmetic to me. And I met Elizabeth, so... FREDDIE That's good. CLARK He changes things. And the research is hard to keep up with. None of this is done by a long shot. Sometimes it's easy to get lost. FREDDIE He's a very smart man. I can tell that. I don't understand myself but - more time with it and I might - I feel better - I feel like I've more to do with my life since I met him... and I JUST met him. So - that can't be a bad thing, right? CUT TO: EXT. STREET / UPPER WEST SIDE - MOMENTS LATER Outside an OLD APARTMENT BUILDING... .Freddie BUZZES THE BUZZER. 60. JOHN MORE (GROGGY) (O.C.) Hello? FREDDIE I have a delivery for Mr. More. Special. Late night delivery. I need a signature. JOHN MORE (O.C.) Yes, yes, of course... CUT TO: INT. APARTMENT - THAT MOMENT JOHN MORE says to his WIFE... JOHN MORE Delivery... must be urgent from the University... He gets a robe on, makes the walk down the hallway -- He comes to the door... .FREDDIE smashes it down...CLARK is here and watches, does nothing... .FREDDIE drags him along the floor, CAMERA moves over and sees: MRS. MORE... .FREDDIE takes care of them both...ends up tying them up.. .scaring them, etc. Takes some valuables -- FINDS MORE'S LITTLE TRADEMARK HANDKERCHIEF, TAKES IT. .Freddie gets down into his face and says; FREDDIE DON'T BE SO STUPID. They run out. CUT TO: INT. VILLAGE BURLESQUE CLUB - NIGHT Freddie drunk. Clark having his first beer..They are watching a few very sexy BURLESQUE DANCERS. Freddie has his eye on one in particular... she is doing a NAKED TAP DANCE IN THE CENTER OF THE ROOM. Clark speaks; CLARK You know... at first there were rumors going around about you... 61. FREDDIE What about me...? CLARK Well, when you first were found on board. People were saying you were looking for Split Saber. That you were trying to steal The Split Saber if it was on board. FREDDIE What? Steal what? CLARK The Split Saber. FREDDIE I don't understand what you're saying. CLARK The Split Saber. BEAT. FREDDIE I still don't understand what you're saying... CLARK The Darkest Cloud? AKA Dual Saber? Or The Split Saber? FREDDIE .no... CLARK .it's what started all this. Back 1941, Master...he'd been in operation, in army hospital. He died on the table...gone for seven minutes...but CAME BACK: And in a storm of vision and creative output from this experience he wrote The Split Saber aka The Darkest Cloud. Whoever read it...either went insane or committed suicide. Twelve people read it. Six dead, four disappeared. The last time anyone saw it...was his last publisher in New York. (MORE) 62. CLARK (CONT'D) Master walked into the office to find out what the reaction was, the publisher called for the reader, the reader came in with the manuscript... . threw It on the table. . .and flung himself out of the skyscraper window... Master took the book and hid it where no one could get to's inside this book: all the history. All the facts. All too dangerous. He re-wrote it, using what he could as the basis for what we are able to accept and learn today.. .that's Book One that we all study and know. . .but the real stuff. The things at the center...are still too dangerous. They (kill/cure) any man who reads it. It's passing through the jaws of resistance. It's the truth about all this. The book is protected and hidden. No one knows where but Master. FREDDIE The truth about all what? CLARK Life on this planet. .Freddie stares at him... then takes a good long look at the BURLESQUE DANCER AND HER BREASTS. THEN BACK TO CLARK: FREDDIE What is something like that worth? CLARK He said he was once offered $25,000 dollars for it...but the price is... . how could you figure out what the price is on something like that? Heretofore unknown. Incalculable by man. FREDDIE Where is it? CLARK It's locked away in a vault somewhere? I don't know. FREDDIE Where? CLARK No one knows for sure. Some say Phoenix or the desert outside Los Angeles. (MORE) 63. CLARK (CONT'D) It's held back, until the time is right. Or in case it's needed. FREDDIE Needed for what? CLARK (leverage.) ? I don't know. FREDDIE How do you know about this? CLARK Everyone knows about it. It's the original text. FREDDIE just sort of looks, then looks back to the NAKED DANCER. ANGLE, LATER. The DANCER (ELLEN) has joined them . Ad-libbed flirtations, innuendo, etc. CLARK watching FREDDIE... FREDDIE gets severely drunk -- HE MAKES A DRUNKEN APPEAL FOR HER TO COME TO THE CAUSE H.Q. For help in her life; FREDDIE There's something... something that can hepp If you need helpp in yer life... .where is it? CLARK The Martinique Hotel... FREDDIE Thizz helped me. It can help you.. you can go back in time and learn thingz... He is about to say.. FREDDIE (CONT'D) (wanna fuck?) But he PASSES OUT, FACE FIRST ON THE TABLE. CUT TO: 64. INT. HOTEL/HALLWAY - NIGHT - LATER CLARK is dragging FREDDIE down the hall, passed out...he gets him to the room... opens the door..pulls him inside... FADE OUT. CUT TO: INT. HOTEL ROOM - MORNING .FREDDIE wakes up. Takes him a good long time. CAMERA just watches. He soaks everything in, thinks, thinks, thinks. He puts the pieces together of last night an the last few days. CUT TO: INT. MASTER'S HOTEL ROOM - NEXT MORNING START CU. ON MASTER. He looks down at something in his hands, quietly inspects it, looks up: FREDDIE is here, he's given him the HANDKERCHIEF. HOLD between them, then; MASTER What is it? FREDDIE I don't think John More will be speaking out against you again. MASTER This isn't the heard me say to attack and you attacked? FREDDIE You were right. MASTER FREDDIE You were right. . .he had a wise-ass mouth. MASTER My little Soldier.. .what did you do?... . you need to tell me so that I know... 65. FREDDIE That's why I won't tell you. Nothing bad. Just scared him good. WIDEN ANGLE, THAT MOMENT. Reveal MARY SUE is here, listening... Master looks to Mary Sue, back to Freddie: MARY SUE Whatever you've done, best not come back to Master or the Cause. FREDDIE It won't. MASTER But-this-is-not-the-way-you-naughty-boy. Ok? Alright. Freddie: You-are-mischeif. Horrible young man you are! The PHONE RIGHTS, Mary Sue moves and picks it up, speaks OC, we stay with MASTER and FREDDIE: MASTER (CONT'D) How are you...? How do you feel to be so close to your Auntie - just across the river? Close to the incident of this present time? FREDDIE I don't really think about all that stuff with my Auntie, you know ...I got other things going on besides that thing I told you about.. .that's yesterday's news to me, so... MASTER Your problems aren't with your auntie or your mommy or daddy or any such things. FREDDIE MASTER You have seeded aberrations in this way. Absolute rejection of authority and nay- sayers. FREDDIE I don't like smart-mouths. If that's what you mean. 66. MASTER Don't act out. This anger and battle has been there from before you remember. Before you know. It's not you, Freddie. It's not...I promise you. Freddie takes it all in. FREDDIE -- what is it? He grasps his shoulders, touches his head to Freddie. MASTER It's just Q-44...all it is. Trillions of years ago - little implants.. BEAT. He pulls back, smiles... MASTER (CONT'D) I promise to explain it. And make it go away. MASTER collects his notebooks. MASTER (CONT'D) Val has a habit of finding trouble... I sometimes wonder what danger a man could get himself into this Island. MASTER (CONT'D) Can you do this for me? With a casualness and delicacy? Watchful eyes to make sure trouble doesn't come... or that come doesn't trouble? My little soldier? FREDDIE Keep an eye on him? MASTER And report back to me... FREDDIE Alright. MASTER leaves. 67. INT. FREDDIE'S ROOM - MOMENTS LATER FREDDIE is getting into his duffle bag, re-filling the booze supply... hiding the JEWELS he stole from last night's party... ELIZABETH comes to his room, from the connecting door; she's fresh from a bath, in a robe. ELIZABETH Hi. FREDDIE Hi. ELIZABETH Why aren't you downstairs? FREDDIE I'm working. ELIZABETH What are you doing? FREDDIE Errands. ELIZABETH You're not an errand're a loafer... you're doing more than that, I can tell. BEAT. She steps up close to him. ELIZABETH (CONT'D) I want to tell you... Freddie. . .what you did for my father last night was spectacular. FREDDIE I didn't do anything. ELIZABETH I'm my father's daughter. Don't tell me you did nothing. It was just what was needed to be done. And you took it upon yourself. Shereaches for his face; ELIZABETH (CONT'D) I can tell that you know what persecution feels like... 68. She KISSES him. He kisses back. Gentle and small. A prolonged simple kiss on the lips. ELIZABETH (CONT'D) Can I have some of your liquor? FREDDIE No. ELIZABETH Why not? FREDDIE It's too strong. ELIZABETH I'm a big girl. FREDDIE Not big enough yet - ELIZABETH I could just steal some... FREDDIE Don't argue with me. You're Father's speaking .get dressed and get down there... 'ELIZABETH There's plenty of time... besides: I've heard it all before. She backs away.. .smiles. . .and closes the door..(JUST BEFORE IT SLAMS SHUT - her ROBE FALLS OFF, REVEALING HER NAKED FIGURE FOR A FLEETING SECOND...) FREDDIE. Looking at the door. FREDDIE. Hold. He takes a LARGE SWIG OF BOOZE. CUT TO: INT BANQUET HALL - MOMENTS LATER MASTER takes the stage. THIRTY/FORTY STUDENTS applaud. He gets up, speaks: MASTER THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Well? Down but not out. Not Dead Yet! (no tombstone at least...) he he he he. 69. We are going to focus this morning to "Communication" to cover "any exchange between ourselves and our environment." Because that's what I want to talk to you about today: dominating your environment. CUT TO: INT. STAIRWELL. EVENING/LATER CAMERA looks up the spiral stairwell of the HOTEL. It's the end of the evening/lectures... . WE SEE: VAL walking down the steps ... . moments later, about three floors above, FREDDIE pokes his head over, sees VAL and starts to follow... . MUSIC STARTS. CUT TO: INT. LOBBY OF THE HOTEL. THAT MOMENT VAL moves past FOLLOWERS who are wrapping up for the evening, discussing, smoking cigs, exchanging ideas, etc...and out into the NEW YORK CITY STREETS. FREDDIE follows ... MINI-SEQUENCE... CUT TO: EXT./INT. COFFEE SHOP. VILLAGE. NIGHT VAL walks into a coffee shop, takes a seat in a booth and orders some coffee... FREDDIE stands across the street and watches VAL. FREDDIE buys hot dog from a hot-dog vendor... stands and waits.. .and watches VAL sit alone... After a few minutes ... FREDDIE sees something: A YOUNG GROUP ENTERS THE COFFEE SHOP. It's BILL WHITE, his girlfriend PEGGY and TWO MALE NEW YORK FOLLOWERS: JIM LEHR AND FRED FRITZ. They're here to meet VAL. They join him, sit down, speak. Order cokes, coffee, smoke cigs, etc... FREDDIE watching all this from across the street. VAL is answering their questions, speaking with some authority about something, etc. etc. 70. .FREDDIE sizes up the situation And what this meeting might mean... He turns this all around in his head for a while.. .and after enough of it, gets restless... .He moves to a phone booth. Makes a call. He hears a young male voice say "HELLO? HELLO?" FREDDIE Bobby? BOB (OC) Yeah? FREDDIE It's Freddie. BOB (OC) FREDDIE! FREDDIE WHERE ARE YA! FREDDIE Are you home? BOB (OC) YEAH. YOU HERE?! FREDDIE I'm comin' over - He hangs up. He looks back across the street at the group in the coffee shop. And WALKS AWAY, OFF DOWN THE STREET... CUT TO: INT. BOB'S APARTMENT - WEST VILLAGE Freddie walks up some stairs at the top of the stairs is his 17 year old Cousin: BOB. BOB HOLY SMOKES! HOLY SMOKE! HOLLLLY-SMOKEY! Freddie and Bob greet each other, he takes him inside. . .BOB is having a party with a bunch of his FRIENDS, who all look alike and drink beer, etc; FREDDIE Where's everybody? 71. BOB We're havin' a party. Where you coming from? Where you been? FREDDIE Here and there. Antarctica. Where's your dad? BOB Not here, working. Get in here you gotta see these two girls. Antarctica? They greet each other and go inside. CUT TO: INT. APARTMENT/ROOM - LATER BOB introduces FREDDIE: "my cousin, Freddie" to all the boys. All the BOYS are around, watching the TWO GIRLS DANCE and LIP SYNCH to a record. They both look like Barbara Striesand. FREDDIE looks at family photos that are out and on the walls. FREDDIE Where's my mom? BOB I heard she was in Florida. FREDDIE Where's your mom? BOB Left. She's back living in Princeton. It's the best since she's gone. My dad's never here. This place is mine. Did you see these girls? ANGLE, LATER. FREDDIE and the BOYS. FREDDIE pours a tiny bit of his booze into the beers for them... FREDDIE Anybody ever hear about stolen jewels and money in the sewers? BOB Where? 72. FREDDIE Near Harlem. They shake their heads. FREDDIE .(CONT'D) I heard about a load of money and jewels that are hidden in a sewer wall up near Harlem. A long time ago. With crocodiles that live down there and protect it. BOY I heard about that. BOY 2 I heard about that too. FREDDIE Anybody want to go look for it? CUT TO: EXT. HARLEM. NIGHT The FIVE BOYS, including FREDDIE and BOB get out of an OLD CAR... . they Find and lift a MANHOLE cover and head down with FLASHLIGHTS and a SLEDGEHAMMER - They're drunk and bring more BOOZE down with them - (two girls? staying up top?) INT. SEWER - THAT MOMENT They all climb down. Rats and sewage. FLASHLIGHT SHINING AROUND AS THEY GOOF OFF AND WALK AROUND. ANGLE, FREDDIE. They come to an intersection - FREDDIE Let's go this way and that way - come with me - BOB follows FREDDIE, the rest go the other way - VARIOUS ANGLES watching them move around, etc. ANGLE, THE WALL. CAMERA MOVES ALONG THE WALLS OF THE SEWERS. FREDDIE looking for something... 73. .THE WALL... .FREDDIE... BOB AND FREDDIE walking/talking: BOB My mom signed my early entrance to the army. FREDDIE How'd she do that? BOB She just signed this letter I made up saying my birth certificate was burned in a fire. She's happy to let me go. FREDDIE You don't want to go there, dummy. BOB There's a lot of pussy there, Freddie. I like those Korean girls the way they look. FREDDIE You're an idiot. BOB I'd rather be there than here. Pussy over there... I've been licking so much pussy this summer... They keep walking. BOB is drunk. He turns, says to FREDDIE: BOB (CONT'D) I jerked off to a picture of my mom once. Did I ever tell you that? FREDDIE No. BOB I did... Bob smiles, giggles... stumbles forward...walks...Freddie watching him... ANGLE, THE OTHERS. Walking and looking, drunk, smoking, etc. They find an area that they think may have something - and start WHACKING AWAY WITH THE SLEDGEHAMMER... 74. ANGLE, FREDDIE AND BOB FREDDIE There's nothing here...let's just go... BOB Yeah. WE'RE COMING BACK!!!! MEET BACK. THE BOYS hear this and head back - CUT TO: INT. SEWERS. THAT MOMENT FREDDIE is walking behind BOB.. .moving towards the intersection to meet with the BOYS... Suddenly, he stops, bends down... FREDDIE Bob... BOB turns ...FREDDIE in kneeling down, aims the FLASHLIGHT: THE JEWELS FROM MRS. PURCELL'S PARTY BOB is stunned. BOB OVER HERE!!!! OVER HERE!!!!! The BOYS run over, look down at the JEWELS. BOYS Where were those? BOB Right here. FREDDIE I found them right here. BOY 2 Holy shit. CUT TO: 75. EXT. STREET They all climb up and out of the sewer - cheering and celebrating. DISSOLVE TO: INT. BOB'S APARTMENT - LATE NIGHT BOB and the other BOYS passed out on couches and floor. FREDDIE is awake, looking around at some photos and things... FREDDIE leaves him the JEWELS, takes a couple family photos with him and writes a note that says: "I'VE GONE TO AFRICA, SEE YOU AGAIN SOMETIME. FREDDIE." and leaves. CUT TO: INT. HOTEL ROOM. DAWN FREDDIE comes up to his room and hears from the hallway: TYPING. He opens up and comes in. MASTER is here, in his underwear, typing away. Very fast. He barely takes notice of Freddie, keeps typing. FREDDIE gets into the bed. MASTER stops for one moment, looks at him, sees his condition, goes back to typing... HELEN SULLIVAN (OC) This city can be cold and unforgiving to new ideas. Philadelphia is the city of brotherly love. We've had miraculous results with the textbooks and lecture tapes. CUT TO: INT. MASTER'S HOTEL ROOM/MARTINIQUE HOTEL - LATER MORNING CU. HELEN SULLIVAN (sweet woman, early 30s) IS SPEAKING. 76. HELEN SULLIVAN If you come, we can guarantee an audience of one hundred people three nights a week and six afternoons a week. We have an engineer from Western Electric who is willing to record all of the lectures for free onto high fidelity audio tapes. Perhaps these can be used for sale. I assure you, you will find a very open city. People with open minds... we keep the bad ones out. I know that new sciences can attract quacks and some strange people, but keep them all away.. MASTER and MARY SUE listening to Helen. NORMAN CONRAD stands to the side... MASTER You are very right about one thing, Helen: this is a dirty city of nothing good. MASTER thinks ... . Everyone looks around at each other ...A WOMAN STARTS SINGING... WOMAN SINGING "A TISKET-A-TASKET-MY PAST LIVES IN A BASKET. I WENT DOWN THE WHOLE-TIME-HOLE AND FOUND I'D DROPPED MY BASKET..." PRE-LAP THE SINGING OVER THE FOLLOWING: CUT TO: EXT. HOTEL/NEW YORK CITY - MORNING Everyone is GETTING INTO CARS.. .the whole ENTOURAGE. FREDDIE at the center of it. MASTER comes out of the hotel quickly and into the sedan that waits... BILL WHITE is there to say good-bye and is all but ignored by MASTER and MARY SUE... The swirl of getting bags, kids and bodies into SEDANS... 77. VAL gets in one car...FREDDIE gets behind the wheel of another... and they DRIVE OFF... CUT TO: INT. CAR - MOVING - DAY FREDDIE is driving. MASTER is asleep in the passenger seat. MARY SUE is breast feeding in the back. She looks at FREDDIE in the rear view; MARY SUE You see anything last night? FREDDIE .with what? MARY SUE With Val. CU. FREDDIE Considers this a moment. FREDDIE No. MARY SUE How does that happen? FREDDIE .lost 'em in the streets... MARY SUE . or maybe you drink too much and you get cross-eyed. CUT TO: EXT. SUBURBAN PHILADELPHIA/CAUSE COLLEGE - NIGHT A party is in progress at HELEN SULLIVAN'S HOME which has been converted into a STUDY COLLEGE. It's beautiful, large, well-appointed home. A woman: JOAN BANKS is singing, ELIZABETH is playing piano. Everyone is here for a welcoming party, good time, cocktails, snacks, etc... JOAN (SINGING) I DROPPED IT, I DROPPED IT, I BETTER GO AND FIND IT. (MORE) 78. JOAN (SINGING) (CONT-D) SOMETHING HURTS AND DON'T NEED THOSE JERKS TO TELL US WHAT TO DO-O - WE'RE HERE NOW, WE'RE HERE NOW. IN LOVELY PHIL-E-DELFI. AND WRESTLE OUR RE-ACTS RIGHT TO THE GROUND AND PUSH, PULL, PIN IT DOWN. WE'LL TAKE IT, WE'LL TAKE IT, THOSE DIRTY SEEDS AND WIPE 'EM. THE APA AND AMA WILL HAVE TO KISS OUR - SS'S.. Everyone applauds, laughs. MASTER is smitten, STANDING OVATION. MASTER walks over to JOAN to shake her hand... She whispers to him: JOAN (CONT'D) What do you do with a student who keeps dreaming she is in bed with you? MASTER Get thee behind me -- JOAN And push. They disperse. PIANO STARTS IN AGAIN... Everyone is relaxed, sitting around. New faces (JOAN and HELEN) sit close to MASTER... A WOMAN is speaking (stories of Cause success she's had at her branch in Minneapolis) WOMAN .a once-a-month meeting... this last Saturday night we had a chiropractor..and he spoke about 'Handwriting Analysis'... MASTER is distracted... as he listens: HE RUBS HIS NOSE AND PULLS HIS EAR, CATCHING FREDDIE'S EYE. As we hear the woman ramble on, FREDDIE gets his FLASK, moves discreetly to get a glass, make a drink and brings it to MASTER. This is unnoticed by everyone but MARY SUE. The WOMAN FINISHES TALKING: MASTER Cheers to that! Everyone raises their glasses and DRINKS. MASTER downs his new drink. A calm... then Master gently protificates: 79. MASTER (CONT'D) Something that Joseph Smith had right: the breeding and the development of the group... doubled, tripled with certain. ..a certain marital structure... how clever. Something to look at deeply for a growth... MARY SUE looks at him. JOAN looks at him. HELEN looks at him. FREDDIE looks at all of it. Helen's husband John looks confused. MASTER (CONT'D) .the consideration of Celestial Marriage. Spiritual Wifery. Plural Unions. These cannot be overlooked so quickly... think of the speed at which a movement could grow... BEAT. Met with a strange silence. MARY SUE moves to get up. . .MASTER changes the topic slightly... MASTER (CONT'D) To live in the days of six-shooters and open frontier, that's what I'd like! My grandfather. Rancher. Wyoming. A criminal of the highest lineage, once told me he met a boy named Buckskin Joe... He keeps talking... CUT TO: INT. MASTER'S ROOM/HELEN'S HOUSE - MORNING It's the next morning. MASTER is getting ready, dressing in the bathroom, getting ready for his lectures... MARY SUE comes in, from behind him... she hugs him from behind.. .he smiles.. .she looks at him in the mirror, he looks at her ... . she REACHES AROUND, GETS INTO HIS PANTS AND STARTS TO JERK HIM OFF, LOOKING STRAIGHT AT HIM IN THE EYE AS SHE SAYS: MARY SUE You can do. Whatever you want. As long as I don't find out. And as long. As. Anyone I know. Doesn't know. Other than that. You stop this idea. And you put it back in its pants. It didn't work for them. And it's not gonna work for you. We. Have. Enough problems. Cum for me. 80. MASTER Yes. Yes. MARY SUE Do it. And get your best behavior out... cum for me... MASTER Yes, master. MARY SUE And no more of that boy's booze. MASTER Yes master. He comes, collapses, sinks to the floor. She washes her hands and walks out of the bathroom. CUT TO: EXT. SUBURBAN PHILADELPHIA/CAUSE COLLEGE - DAY A beautiful spring day. STUDENTS, FOLLOWERS, COME IN, SIGN IN... IN THE MAIN LIVING ROOM, on stage, MASTER is working with a WOMAN, processing her. She lays back on a couch set up...FULL CROWD of students watching... MASTER Try to recall how you feel... WOMAN Oh, I'm sort of glad it's the end.. MASTER What happens next? WOMAN The doctor puts a stethoscope to her chest.. MASTER What is the doctor wearing? WOMAN A white coat. MASTER Is there a smell in the room?. 81. WOMAN It smells like a hospital. MASTER Try to imagine what a hospital smells like. WOMAN Uugh. Uugh. Alright. MASTER What does the doctor say? WOMAN He listens to her chest and says, "She's gone." FREDDIE and VAL are sitting in the front foyer of the house, facing each other in two folding chairs...we see the. STAGE IN THE B.G... .VAL is bored and nodding off to sleep ...FREDDIE watches VAL. FREDDIE kicks his chair -- FREDDIE Wake up. Your Father's speaking.. .you could learn something. VAL What's that? FREDDIE You heard me. VAL He's making this up as he goes, don'tcha know..? You can sleep and wake up and not have missed anything... FREDDIE Maybe you should pay more attention. VAL You have something to say to me? FREDDIE I'm curly-q. Round in circles. So shut up. .FREDDIE takes a nice big drink from his FLASK... FREDDIE looks out the open front door: TWO POLICEMAN AND A MARSHALL are parking their cars and walking towards the house... 82. FREDDIE. Watching them advance... He hesitates. He's not sure what to do. So he stays put... The MEN walk up to the house ...FREDDIE and VAL look: POLICEMAN We're looking for Lancaster Dodd. FREDDIE I don't know who that is... POLICEMAN May we come in? FREDDIE No. You cannot. VAL Yes you can. He's up there - VAL points to the stage... VAL (CONT'D) That's him. FREDDIE You can't come in. Get outta here. MASTER, ON STAGE, looks out - AGAINST THE GLARE OF THE DOOR, he can recognize the FIGURES AS UNIFORMED... ANGLE, AT THE DOOR. POLICEMAN We have a civil warrant to serve to Lancaster Dodd to appear in Philadelphia Bankruptcy Court - an arrest warrant - VAL Stay out of their way, Freddie. MASTER walks down to see what's happening. MASTER What is happening here? POLICEMAN Are you Lancaster Dodd? MASTER Yes I Am. 83. POLICEMAN We have an arrest warrant for you, sir... MASTER What are the charges? POLICEMAN By order of Pennsylvania District Court by the Mildred Purcell Foundation for wrongful withdraw of funds. And operating a medical school without a license. That's.what we'll have to take you in for MASTER This is a silly joke, no? MARSHALL No, sir it isn't. But we have to take you in and book and fingerprint you. MASTER This is comic opera. Is it illegal in this city to get better? MARSHALL Please put your hands behind your back. MASTER I have no disagreement with you boys doing your work in all its silliness as defenders of what code? What honor? What part of the galaxy? This is a scientific gathering - you will cuff me from the front, if you please -- He raises his ARMS for HANDCUFFS. FOLLOWERS COME FORWARD AND START TO PROTEST ABOUT THIS. ONE YOUNG MAN, WITH ONE ARM AND A HOOK FOR A HAND STARTS SWINGING IT AROUND (WWII VET) FREDDIE gets into it and is pushed by a POLICEMAN which unleashes a WRATH IN HIM. IT VERY QUICKLY BECOMES A MINI- MELE. FREDDIE IS SLAMMED TO THE GROUND AND WRESTLED WITH BY THE TWO MARSHALS. HE FIGHTS BACK. IT'S VERY ROUGH AND VIOLENT. MASTER, FREDDIE are taken away in hand cuffs. MARY SUE comes out, angry at the police, everyone is, etc. Quite a scene. 84. MASTER is actually trying to CALM FREDDIE DOWN, WHO IS GOING NUTS IN THE HANDCUFFS AND AT HIS TREATMENT MASTER (CONT'D) Freddie, no, no, no, calm down, please, please. It's nothing, just laugh, we'll be out shortly, it's nothing. I, please, pleasue, Freddie - INT. POLICE CAR THEY SHOVE FREDDIE INTO THE CAR AND HE GOES CRAZY. SMASHING HIS HEAD AGAINST THE WINDOW, THE BACK SEAT, ETC. HE YELLS LIKE AN ANIMAL. KICKS AND SCREAMS, BLEEDING FROM HIS FOREHEAD. MASTER is put into another car. INT. POLICE STATION - LATER They arrive in CARS. FREDDIE in MASTER in the other. FREDDIE is STILL FIGHTING. THEY DRAG HIM. MASTER is speaking to him, trying to calm him down... CUT TO: INT. HOLDING CELL - LATER It's hours later. FREDDIE is out of energy. MASTER sits with him. Old-fashioned holding cell. MASTER holds his FINGER TO HIS LIPS. MASTER Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. He gets up close to FREDDIE, whispers in his ear; MASTER (CONT'D) Whatever we say is undoubtably being monitored...speak in whispers. FREDDIE I don't want to talk to you right now. MASTER This is FBI work, Russians maybe... this... too much work for the AMA... 85. FREDDIE Stop talking... MASTER You're fear of capture and imprisonment is an implant from millions of years ago. An Invader Force played games with your spirit as it.moved from one body to the next - free for a moment - it was free and the invader force captured it - spun you around in a device not unlike a grinder and hit you with waves of high wattage electrical impulses - quaver bolts to damage you. The impulse lodges and plants the push-pull instinct, dumped in scalding hot water, then freezing cold - a control mechanism - any legal action, a summons to court, the sight of a police officer, exposes a glandular reaction and anxiety wave of the highest order, TRIGGERED - the mere threat of arrest will make a psychotic breakdown. This happened to you and you are free to stop it. Their game and implants are no match for you. Laugh in their face. Laugh at it. These triggers are useless now. You created THEM so YOU can DESTROY THEM. MASTER pulls away ... FREDDIE looks at him. HOLD. FREDDIE Horseshit. MASTER I don't have any opinions. I'm giving you facts. FREDDIE Just shut-your-mouth? You're a fucking DRUNK. MASTER ME shut my mouth? You're a fucking DRUNK. You CACTUS. Play a game with me? I don't think so, you little yo-yo. That ain't the way. You want to shut me up? I'm the best and only friend you have, shut me up from saving you? HELPING YOU. ONLY WAY. FIND ANOTHER ONE, YO-YO. You wanna get rid of this or live this way or MASTER it? (MORE) 86. MASTER (CONT'D) You listen - you wanna spit in that cops face for touching you? I'm gonna beat him with you. Bash his skull in. BUT DON'T TURN ON ME, DRUNK. Long silence. They sit in it. FREDDIE Helen's house...all those girls walking around, the wives of ... . I want to fuck all of them. MASTER Sex is not an aberration. Never has been. So what's wrong? FREDDIE I want to fuck 'em all. I want to stick it in every one of them. MASTER When did you forget that surviving was what you're supposed to do. Stick it in. Stick it in. FREDDIE I don't belong in here, man. I gotta get out of here... MASTER You belong at sea. FREDDIE .hmph... MASTER .You belong to Doris. FREDDIE Why're you talking about her? MASTER You think of Doris. The loss of her. Triggers millions of little shocks and. charges, doesn't it? That present-life loss. FREDDIE It was Val who let them in the house and told them who you were... Val did it. CUT TO: 87. INT. FREDDIE/VAL'S ROOM - HELEN'S HOUSE - LATER MASTER enters the room, Freddie behind him...VAL'S BED IS MADE AND ALL HIS BELONGING ARE GONE...FREDDIE looks at the mirror on the wall. WRITTEN IN LIPSTICK a note to FREDDIE: "YOU'LL NEVER GET BETTER" MOMENTS LATER. SAME. MARY SUE is here, looking at it. She says to Master: MARY SUE Where's he going? What's he doing? MASTER sits on the bed, thinks. She leaves quickly, we hear her go down the hall and knock on ELIZABETH's door... ELIZABETH answers and the speak ...FREDDIE and MASTER look at each other; MASTER His mother was a paranoid schizophrenic who wanted to abort him. Right now he 'wants to be sick.' He's losing his war. CUT TO: EXT. HELEN'S HOUSE/UPPER HALLWAY - MOMENTS LATER FREDDIE is sitting outside the CLOSED DOOR to MASTER'S UPSTAIRS BEDROOM/OFFICE. We HEAR VOICES talking CLARK walks up and sits with FREDDIE, they sit in silence... trying to listen, but not hearing... CLARK He's done this before... FREDDIE What happened? CLARK He ran out of money and came back. He's a squirrel. He's trying to get to The Split Saber, don't you think? To sell it. Sell it off to any of these DISSENTERS - 88. The door ... NORMAN CONRAD asks FREDDIE to come in... INT. OFFICE - THAT MOMENT FREDDIE enters, sits down.. .DOOR CLOSES. They all face him, sit him in a chair... MASTER, ELIZABETH, NORMAN, MARY SUE... MASTER There is a mission against time to be undertaken, Freddie. NORMAN CONRAD Are you prepared to travel wherever we may ask you to go -- ? FREDDIE Yes. MASTER -- An assignment of importance in which more than just life hangs in the balance. MARY SUE -- I want to know if you can stop your boozing? FREDDIE MARY SUE Can you stop drinking? MASTER -- The drinking blocks the physical pain and dissolves treatment from working, FREDDIE -- MARY SUE Let me be unambiguous: Tell me you won't drink. ZOOM IN TOWARDS HIS FACE, ENDS IN CU. FREDDIE I won't drink. MARY SUE Your mission is to go to Phoenix, Arizona to prepare for a Universal Process Congress of the Cause. (MORE) 89. MARY SUE (CONT'D) All branches brought together for a summit ... your mission is to prepare for MOC's arrival and provide security at his home in Camel Foot Hills... NORMAN CONRAD .By bringing everyone together with the promise of unveiling new levels ... there will be interest from outside agencies ... the new works are of great many interests to dark forces... FREDDIE Who? MARY SUE CIA, Russians, Catholic Church. The list is long, Freddie. NORMAN CONRAD We don't expect trouble, but if it comes... we believe and trust that you are the right man for this mission. ELIZABETH You're the only one that can do this, Freddie. FREDDIE .What is Val doing in all this? MARY SUE He's a squirrel. And he has weaknesses. NORMAN CONRAD Do you believe that no man can be neutral in the struggle between civilization and chaos? FREDDIE Yes. MARY SUE Val's not a threat to you. You can handle Val. Can't you? CUT TO: INT. KITCHEN - DAWN FREDDIE and MASTER getting ready to leave. Just the two OF THEM: 90. MASTER Freddie... there's something else...a side project I have for you... FREDDIE MASTER .When you get there...I need you to get something for me ... something of great importance to me. FREDDIE 7 MASTER When you arrive at the house ... you go underneath the house. There's a crawl space. In the center of the house is a small hole. You will see broken soil that marks the spot.. .dig it up. Inside is a box. I need you to take the box and protect it. You can take it to the First Phoenix Bank and register a safe deposit. There it can stay until my arrival... FREDDIE What is it? MASTER Valuables. Personal and confidential to me ... FREDDIE MASTER As Guardian of the Good for this civilization and all it's neighboring galaxies ... . can you promise me that you will safely deliver and protect this box? FREDDIE Yeah. CUT TO: INT. PHILADELPHIA AIRPORT FREDDIE is waiting for his flight. MASTER and HELEN SULLIVAN and her husband JOHN are here... 91. HELEN sits with FREDDIE... HELEN Whatever you're doing... . it feels right. FREDDIE looks at her. She looks at him CUT TO: INT. AIRPLAIN - EN ROUTE - NIGHT FREDDIE is on board. A STEWARDESS comes down the aisle, asks if anyone wants a COCKTAIL. FREDDIE says no thank you. The MAN next to him has a nice GIN AND TONIC. FREDDIE is starting to sweat, gently shakes as he begins to de-tox... CUT TO: EXT. PHOENIX AIRPORT - TARMAC - DAY FREDDIE gets off the plane, walks to the terminal - he carries a DUFFLE BAG. Walking swiftly, purposefully... CUT TO: EXT. SUBURBAN PHOENIX - AFTERNOON FREDDIE is in A CAB that pulls into a SUBURBAN PHOENIX NEIGHBORHOOD. He gets out in front of RANCH STYLE HOME separated a bit form the rest of the neighborhood ... THE CAB WAITS. HE WALKS UP TO THE HOUSE, TAKES OUT THE KEY...HE PUTS THE KEY IN AND STEPS INSIDE. HE LOOKS AND SEES: THE HOUSE HAS BEEN TURNED UPSIDE DOWN AND RANSACKED. Freddie is shocked/nervous ... . suddenly on guard. FREDDIE walks around, looks into what appears to have been MASTER'S OFFICE... Writing, books, etc, thrown all over the place... 92. HOLE'S IN THE WALLS, SOCKETS RIPPED OUT, FLOOR BOARDS RIPPED UP... CUT TO: EXT. PHOENIX HOUSE - THAT MOMENT UNDER THE HOUSE. A CRAWL SPACE. FREDDIE crawls on his belly underneath the house - goes to the center of it and (HAT finds a HOLE. He digs into it...and digs up A BOX BOX SIZE) COVERED IN DUST. HE TAKES THE BOX OUT AND CRAWLS AWAY. HE PUTS THE BOX INTO HIS DUFFLE BAG. HE BRUSHES THE DUST OFF. HE GOES BACK TO THE CAB AND GETS IN -- CUT TO: EXT. DOWNTOWN PHOENIX / THE CAUSE H.O. - DUSK FREDDIE pulls up in the cab to THE CAUSE H.Q. STOREFRONT OPERATION in downtown PHOENIX. He walks in...DICK BRETON (30s, Phoenix Branch Manager) is here - a few others. DICK Good morning. FREDDIE Are you Dick Breton? I'm Freddie Sutton. You're expecting me... FREDDIE is very friendly, but focused on the task, he asks to use the phone to call Master - some place private, perhaps... CUT TO: INT. BACK OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER FREDDIE is alone, on the phone, with MASTER. MASTER Freddie. FREDDIE Someone broke into the house. MASTER .Someone broke into the house... 93. FREDDIE Someone's been there. I don't know when. I may have just missed them - the front door was locked, I went in with the key and the house up ended, all smashed up on the ground - I walked to the back - the door was open - MASTER -- do you have the box? FREDDIE Yes. MASTER Where are you now? FREDDIE I'm at the office with Dick Breton. MASTER Is he there with you? FREDDIE He's outside. The door's closed. MASTER The box is safe in your hands? FREDDIE Yes. It was right where you said it would be...I haven't opened it. MASTER You've done well. You know the severity of what you hold in your hands - FREDDIE Is...did...did Val break into the house looking for it? MASTER Possibly. A crazed lone lunatic for all we know. Certain atomic agencies wouldn't mind a crack at it, I'm sure. FREDDIE What should I do now? MASTER Get yourself a room at the Sun Inn Motel. The Sun Inn Motel's nearby... acceptable accommodations. (MORE) 94 MASTER (CONT'D) Find yourself a room there... and guard it until morning - stay safe until that bank opens... FREDDIE It's good. I got it. MASTER Yes it is. Are you alright? FREDDIE Yeah, yeah. I'm alright. I'm shaking.. MASTER Why? FREDDIE I don't know. It's hot down here. MASTER You feel any stomach pain? FREDDIE No. MASTER Ringing in your ears? FREDDIE No. MASTER Left side feels good? FREDDIE Yeah. MASTER Right side feel good? FREDDIE I'm alright. MASTER Good, good. Alright, soldier. Go to it. FREDDIE hangs up and looks at the DUFFLE BAG.. .he looks out into the front area... sees DICK BRETON and some other Phoenix Followers... they see Freddie.. .try to give him his space... He looks at the Duffle Bag. CUT TO: 95. INT. SUN IN MOTEL - NIGHT FREDDIE has checked into a motel for the night. He is sitting on the bed. THE BOX is on the next bed. He smokes cigarettes and looks at the box. He takes the BOX and puts it in his DUFFLE BAG. ZIPS IT UP. He turns off the light, smokes in the dark. ZOOM TOWARDS THE BAG...ZOOM TOWARDS FREDDIE. STRETCCCCCCHHHH OUT THIS MOMENT. (IMAGINES HIMSELF OPENING THE BOX AND FIRE COMING OUT OF THE BOX AND TEARING UP HIS ARM AND COVERING HIS HEAD. THEN BLOWING HIS HEAD OFF) BACK TO REALITY. HE TAKES THE BOX OUT OF THE DUFFLE BAG AND LEAVES IT ON THE BED. FREDDIE is starting to sweat and shake a bit. He's de- toxing. He looks down at his feet: HE HAS A TATTOO of a PIG on his right foot and a ROOSTER on his left... HE LOOKS AT THESE TATTOO'S... HE SPENDS SOME TIME IN THE TOILET THROWING UP. This goes on...until... CUT TO: INT. MOTEL ROOM - MORNING FREDDIE is up, trying to get steady. Shaking, sweating... FREDDIE looks out the window, down across the street and sees the LOCAL BANK. The BANK MANAGER opens up...FREDDIE moves to leave. . .HE GRABS THE DUFFLE BAG FROM THE BED AND WALKS OUT. CUT TO: INT. HALLWAY - MOTEL - THAT MOMENT FREDDIE cautiously comes out. He walks toward the stairs.. .and SEES: A FLEETING FIGURE RUNS AWAY AND DOWN A FIRE ESCAPE OUTSIDE. 96. FREDDIE RUNS AFTER THIS FIGURE... HE LOOKS OUT THE WINDOW, DOWN THE FIRE ESCAPE... HE LOOKS UP, ACROSS ROOFTOPS, SEES A FIGURE RUNNING AWAY, JUMPING ACROSS ROOFTOPS... FREDDIE makes his way down into the lobby of the motel.. . .very very very carefully... looking for something around any corner... In the lobby... the OWNER nods to him... Freddie nods back... And makes a beeline - hard to the door and out into -- CUT TO: EXT. STREET - THAT MOMENT FREDDIE bursts out into the street in full-ready-for- anything mode ... . STRETCH OUT, MINI SEQUENCE... .looking up at the rooftops, alley's, etc... .He gets across the street, rounds a corner, and into - CUT TO: INT. PHOENIX BANK - MOMENTS LATER FREDDIE comes in, registers a SAFE DEPOSIT BOX. HE PUTS THE BOX IN THE SAFE DEPOSIT. HE LEAVES. CUT TO: INT. CAUSE H.O. PHOENIX - DAY FREDDIE speaking to a group of 20 followers; he reads some of this from a piece of paper ...he's shaking, sweating but doing a terrible job of concealing it... FREDDIE Phoenix will be the home of the Universe Process Congress of the Cause.. .to be held June 5th to 9th... Everyone is excited. 97. FREDDIE (CONT'D) And it is hoped that a major part of the program can be a report on a demonstration of any new data or techniques MOC may reveal at that time. FOLLOWER You're talking about Book II? FREDDIE Yes. This will be a unification Congress. All of us together - all branches and as many members as possible, organized in one city - for the presentation of all new levels. CUT TO: INT. CAUSE H.G. PHOENIX - DAY FREDDIE is heard OFF CAMERA in the bathroom VOMITING HIS GUTS OUT as he de-toxes. STUDENTS and a small LECTURE in process tries to ignore the ANIMAL SOUNDS coming from the bathroom... CUT TO: EXT. PHOENIX HOUSE - DAY FREDDIE with DICK BRETON and another FOLLOWER are cleaning, fixing up the ranch house... CUT TO: INT. CAUSE H.Q. PHOENIX - DAY The storefront operation is being READIED AND REFURBISHED. FREDDIE leading the clean-up, etc. FREDDIE acting as MAIN LIAISON AND LIEUTENANT. A STAGE IS PREPARED. MICROPHONES TESTED, RECORDING EQUIPMENT. FREDDIE OUT IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD. Doing the work of the Cause. He invites people to come, hands out FLIERS. CUT TO: 98. INT. LOCAL PHOENIX RADIO STATION FREDDIE is talking with a local STATION MANAGER about buying air-time... INT. RADIO BOOTH FREDDIE is on the radio, reading the PROMO PIECE; FREDDIE You don't have to change you faith or leave the congregation you belong to...So those interested in freedom are urged to please come for free sample processing sessions in being 'younger' feeling 'freer' and understanding where you come from... If every individual in the world had one other individual to whom he could go with his troubles and his ideas; and if he could tell that Other all about his troubles and ideas; and if that Other would listen AND understand, but not evaluate or invalidate or approve or give advice or in any other way try to control the thoughts of the speaker; the people of the world would become sane, well and happy. CUT TO: EXT. PHOENIX AIRPORT / TARMAC - DAY A PLANE TAXI'S TO A STOP, MASTER and MARY SUE, ELIZABETH, etc, all disembark the PLANE... FREDDIE, clean cut and wearing a nice suit, is here to GREET THEM. They head for CARS waiting... CUT TO: EXT. PHOENIX HOUSE - DAY THE WHOLE-ENTOURAGE unloads and heads into the house. CUT TO: 99. INT. PHOENIX HOUSE - THAT MOMENT Everyone comes in, settling in. . .MASTER inspecting some of the damage that has been cleaned up - but traces remain ... FREDDIE there to explain what it looked like... CUT TO: INT. MASTER'S OFFICE - THAT MOMENT MASTER and FREDDIE come in. . .MASTER looks around... MASTER turns to FREDDIE: FREDDIE takes out the SAFE DEPOSIT KEY and hands it to MASTER. FREDDIE The key. Master takes it, pockets it... He looks down at his desk... MASTER I'll need fresh ribbon tonight for the Old 'Vetti and paper, vanilla. Do. we have any? FREDDIE I'll get some. MASTER We'll go to the bank in the morning. First thing? FREDDIE Alright. MASTER Now that we've arrived, let's keep an extra eye open around the perimeter. We're not out of harm's way yet. MASTER leaves the room with Freddie behind... CUT TO: INT. HOUSE.- LATER MASTER is typing off camera. It's later that night, everyone asleep but ELIZABETH and FREDDIE. They have a SCENE: 100. ELIZABETH I hope that one day this place will be a museum to my father and everyone he has helped around the world will come and visit to see where he presented Book II. You did a wonderful job helping him... FREDDIE .where's Clark? ELIZABETH Denver. FREDDIE What's in Denver? ELIZABETH He had a mission there... CU. FREDDIE FREDDIE What kind of mission? ELIZABETH A secret one... CUT TO: EXT. PHOENIX BANK - MORNING MASTER and FREDDIE pull up in a car to the bank, get out, GO IN: CUT TO: INT. BANK - THAT MOMENT They get the BOX/DUFFLE BAG from the SAFE DEPOSIT. FREDDIE watching MASTER. Master doesn't open it, just gets it and they leave. CUT TO: INT. PHOENIX HOUSE - LATER FREDDIE and MASTER come in, MASTER carrying the duffle bag. He says hello to the kids, MARY SUE, etc.. .then goes into his office... 101. FREDDIE stays out in the living room. MARY SUE serves the kids some pancakes. He watches for a SECOND; MARY SUE Do you want some pancakes? HOLD. THEN: CUT TO: EXT. PHOENIX HOUSE - LATER FREDDIE is sitting outside the house, smoking a cig, drinking some coffee... (distant sound of typing coming from inside the house - Master at work) .a CAR PULLS up...across the street. . .he watches it park... . and out steps: BILL WHITE (from New York) .he closes the door... and walks across the street... towards the house ... . he Looks very out of place in the middle of the desert. . .he approaches Freddie: BILL Hello, Freddie. FREDDIE Bill. BILL Just dropped in to see Master, find out what's going on - guess I lost my invitation. FREDDIE There's nothing going on, Bill. BILL What does that mean? FREDDIE That's what that means. BILL Does that mean I'm out? Am I in? What does that mean? FREDDIE That's it. 102. BILL Y'know that I've had no communications from this office for six weeks - no Journals, no answer's to my calls, I wrote a letter, was it received? FREDDIE Yes. BILL I'm mixed up slightly here. You know, when I worked for the Cause, I was made a nearly $800 in salary due me. FREDDIE We appreciate that. BILL And as a Founding Member, I'm supposed to be a member for life? FREDDIE Yes. BILL And that entitles me to the Journals? FREDDIE Yes. BILL But I haven't gotten the Journals? FREDDIE No. BILL And I'm not going to get the Journals? FREDDIE No. BILL And do you know that I'm a Fellow of the Cause and as a Fellow of the Cause I'm a member for life? FREDDIE Yes. BILL But I haven't gotten the Journals? 103. FREDDIE No. BILL And do you know that I paid $800 for the Minister's Course and that entitles me to membership in the Group until January 1? FREDDIE BILL And as a member I'm supposed to get the journals? FREDDIE BILL And I'm not going to get any Journals? FREDDIE No. BILL Ok. Do you know that I paid $50 for my "Doctor Of Divinity" certificate, and for which I also was to receive a medallion, a ribbon, a lapel pin, and a gold bordered book of The Cause? FREDDIE Yes. BILL And I haven't gotten them? FREDDIE No. BILL But you're going to give them to me? FREDDIE No. BILL Then I suppose you're going to refund my money? FREDDIE No. 104. BILL Why? FREDDIE You're a dissenter. And an unfaithful woman. BEAT. BILL. Aren't you ashamed of yourself, sitting there getting all red in the face and being embarrassed because you have to act like a heel? FREDDIE I'm not embarrassed. That's sunburn. BILL I'm not going to let anyone tell me I can't have what I paid for, except Master. I want to see Master. FREDDIE You can't see Master. BILL Why? FREDDIE Because he's busy and I'm not going to let you. BILL's Freddie-Barrier now? Why don't you hyphenate that? PAUSE. BILL (CONT'D) You know what this all is? Huh? It's mental cruelty. That's what it is. It's just mental cruelty to invent all these new ideas and never follow through on it and just keep adding and subtracting and I gotta pay for this and that level and more and more-and Book II's coming. All the answers..."if you had that, it's no good 'cause here's the new thing.. .and oh don't need that.. .that's old.. .this is new." And it's more and more and it's all just cruel. (MORE) 105. BILL (CONT'D) And it's all gettin' away form what it was at the start which made sense. This is screwed man. Screw this. And screw you. BILL leaves. FREDDIE watches him go. Something takes hold of him. .FREDDIE walks after BILL, behind his back, come up on him and CRACKS HIM IN THE KIDNEYS. HE GOES DOWN...KICKS HIM FOR GOOD MEASURE, THEN WALKS BACK TO THE PORCH... He sits down and just watches Bill squirm in the middle of the street, finally dragging himself up and into his car. CU. FREDDIE. Just watching him with no/very little compassion. CUT TO: INT. DOWNTOWN PHOENIX / PRINTERS - NEXT MORNING MASTER and FREDDIE hand over THE BOOK II manuscript pages for PRINTING. WE WATCH THE PAGES GO ROUND. DICK BENTON is here to help. They smoke cigarettes and watch the printing machines move... WE SEE THE TITLE OF THE BOOK: "THE SPLIT SABER" We see, IN CLOSE UP, THE LAST LINE OF THE BOOK: ".. .as gift to homo-sapien, in hopes of a better world. Lancaster Dodd, M.D." INT. CAUSE H.O. PHOENIX - DAY Everyone collected for the start of the Congress. 250 people in attendance from all over. APPLAUSE for MASTER as he stands on stage, speaks: MASTER That's enough.. .now that's enough, you're going to make me red all over. . .thank you. Thank you. Book II is about Man. (MORE) 106. MASTER (CONT'D) And the title of the book is: "The Split Saber." This is an adap-tation of the original text... and here we have some answers... Ooooooh's and aaaaaaah's. Whispers, etc. MASTER (CONT'D) No More Secrets... This is a study of your last 83 trillion years.. .This is about the source of creation. Of good and evil ... . and the source of all... Now funny enough - the source of all is... You. I have a unlocked and discovered a secret to living in these bodies that we hold.. .and Ohhhhhhh yessss it's verrrye evre veryvery SERIOUS! The secret is laughter. CU. FREDDIE Listens from the sidelines. It's sweltering HOT in here. FANS ABOVE DO NOTHING. EVERYONE IS POURING SWEAT BUT RAPT IN ATTENTION... Freddie looks up at the stage and MASTER speaking... MASTER keeps talking... Freddie keeps looking...MASTER talks and talks ... . FREDDIE looks... MASTER (CONT'D) .so let's review "Laughter and Processing." and how the role of the listener... FREDDIE imagines himself standing up, going up to the stage, PULLS OUT A LARGE SABER AND SLICES MASTER'S HEAD OFF. HIS HEAD ROLLS INTO THE AUDIENCE... .MASTER keeps talking and talking... MASTER (CONT'D) Man is not an animal Man is an enternal spirit. 107. BACK TO FREDDIE. He's sitting up straight, watching, pouring sweat. It's the end of the lecture. EVERYONE STANDS UP AND GIVES MASTER A HUGE ROUND OF APPLAUSE... CUT TO: INT. CAUSE COLLEGE. a big party at the end of the evening. SLOW ZOOM IN ON FREDDIE. Sober. Sitting and watching everyone dance aroud and have a good time. He's STOIC. People are coming and speaking to him...he is gracious, nodding her and there ... A sexy young woman, JOAN BANKS (30s) sings a song for everyone: ELIZABETH is playing the piano. JOAN (SINGING) A TISKET-A-TASKET-MY PAST LIVES IN A BASKET! WE'RE HERE NOW, WE'RE HERE NOW. IN LOVELY AR-I-ZO-NA. AND WRESTLE OUT RE-ACTS RIGHT TO THE GROUND AND PUSH, PULL, PIN IT DOWN. WE'LL TAKE IT, WELL TAKE IT, THOSE DIRTY SEEDS AND WIPE 'EM. THE APA AND AMA WILL HAVE TO KISS OUR - SS'S Everyone applauds, laughs. FREDDIE watches everyone celebrate and laugh, drink, etc... ELIZABETH comes over and sits with FREDDIE... ELIZABETH Can we have some of your booze now? FREDDIE No more booze, Girl-y. Or haven't you heard? ELIZABETH FREDDIE ELIZABETH 108. She leaves. CUT TO: EXT. DESERT - DAY/NEXT MORNING. MASTER, riding a MOTORCYCLE... and A SEDAN carrying FREDDIE and DICK BRETON.. .pull up in the middle of flatland desert outside PHOENIX... ANGLE, LATER. The three of them stand out in the desert... MASTER The game is "Pick A Point" pick a point... and ride straight at it. as fast as you can. I'll go first. MASTER gets up on the bike. Picks a spot on the horizon. AND DRIVES STRAIGHT AT IT - A THOUSAND MILES AN HOUR. COMPLETE ABANDON. MINIOSEQUENCE HER. SEEING THE SPEED. HE GOES FULL THROTTLE FOR ALMOST HALF A MILE... HE ARRIVES... SKIDS TO A STOP...THE ADRENALINE AND RUSH ...HE TURNS... THEN GOES BACK THE SAME WAY HE CAME. HE PULLS UP. he laughs his head off, talking about what just happened... ANGLE, LATER. FREDDIE'S TURN...he gets on-picks a spot, says what it is... AND DRIVES TOWARDS IT. DRIVING. FAST. HE HITS A BUMP. ALMOST WIPES OUT. KEEPS GOING. FAST. FASTER. FASTER. FREDDIE keeps on going... MASTER watching him go and go-disappear on the horizon line... HOLD. FREDDIE IS GONE. MUSIC STARTS, OVER THE FOLLOWING: (? "ho! For kansas.") DISSOLVE TO: 109. EXT. DESERT - THREE-HOURS LATER - DUSK. MASTER and DICK BRETON get in the car, done waiting for Freddie..and drive off. CUT TO: EXT. GALVESTON, TX. FREDDIE gets passage on a FREIGHTER. It sails off. He's on it. back at sea. CUT TO: EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN. DAY. FREDDIE ON BOARD. . .DOWN BELOW. HE MAKES HIS SPECIAL POTION OF BOOZE OUT OF RUBBING ALCOHAL AND SOME OTHER INGREDIENTS FOR THE OTHER CREW MEMBERS... THIS ALL ENDS UP IN AN EVENING OF: TATTOO'S. FREDDIE GETS SOME NEW TATTOO'S "TOO TOUGH TO DIE" EXT. LYNN, MASS. SUBERBAN NEIGHBORHOOD WEEKS LATER. FREDDIE walks up to a small house in a suburban neighborhood... He knocks on the door...then stands back off the steps... A NOEWEGIAN WOMAN - MOTHER-type (40s) opens the door, ROCOGNISES HIM; WE SEE FREDDIE. He looks rough, tired...HE HAS MORE TATOOS that come up from under his shirt and start to WRAP UP HIS NECK... MOTHER Hello ... . Freddie? FREDDIE Hi. I'm lookin' for Doris. MOTHER Oh. .what for? 110. FREDDIE 'cause I'm looking for her. Because i want to talk to her. That's what for. MOTHER Well. Doris is in Alabama right now. She lives there ... . she's married to Jim Day. He's in ROTC training. Navy flight training... FREDDIE Jim day? Jim day-jim day? That jim-day? MOTHER Yes. Jim day. From sommerville. FREDDIE When did that happen? MOTHER They've been married for three years. FREDDIE To jim day? MOTHER Yes. FREDDIE Is he still ugly? PAUSE. MOTHER She has two children. FREDDIE .boys or girls? MOTHER Two girls. Are you coming back home? FREDDIE I'm just visiting, wanted to see if she was around, say hello. MOTHER How's your family doing? FREDDIE Yeah, alright. PAUSE. FREDDIE Well, ok-then. If she's not here. MOTHER You could write her. I have an adress. FREDDIE No, I'm not gonna write her a latter. MOTHER Alright. FREDDIE Was she upset that last time I was here? When I left her here? MOTHER Yes. FREDDIE Was she broken up about it? MOTHER Yes. FREDDIE Did she tell you what happened? MOTHER Yes. FREDDIE What did she say? MOTHER That you said you couldn't be with her and that you'd come back some time. Is that right? (it was a long time ago.) FREDDIE Yeah. MOTHER Where have you been? FREDDIE (laughs)...I been working. I been doing a lot of work and travelling, I think I been halfway aroudn the world doing things since I last saw doris... how old is she now? 112 MOTHER Doris is twenty. FREDDIE Casue I wanted to know. She was too young when I knew her, when I saw her. how's Sonny? MOTHER Sonny died in Italy. FREDDIE Yep. Yeah. Alright. BEAT. FREDDIE I loved Doris, but when I came back hom..and she was only sixteen, so...i couldn't wait for her-but she's happy and that's good. So... MOTHER I'll tell her you came to see me. FREDDIE That's not going to matter - give me a BREAK -- MOTHER Do you want her to know? FREDDIE It's better if she thinkgs I was a heel. That's better - so if you can - don't tell her - but you're her mother you'll tell her, so - MOTHER No I won't. I think you're right. FREDDIE Well. . .you do whatever you think is right. MOTHER It was nice to see you. FREDDIE . am I leaving? MOTHER No. Whatever you'd like. You can come in. 113. FREDDIE I gotta go. Thank you. So. . .thank you. How's Mr. Shoeman? MOTHER He's very good. He, s working. FREDDIE Tell him I said hello. MOTHER Alright. LONG PAUSE. FREDDIE So her name is Doris Day? The the Doris Day? MOTHER Yes. FREDDIE Like the movie star. FREDDIE comes up and gives her a kiss on the cheek and walks off. CUT TO: INT. MOVIE THEATER - SOMEWHERE. FREDDIE, by himself, drinking from his FLASK. The movie playing is a short "CASPER THE FRIENDLY GHOST. THERE'S GOOD BOOS TONIGHT." He is PASSED OUT IN THE BACK ROW OF THE BALCONY... A sory of dream moment happens where... an USHER walks up WITH A TELEPHONE AND HANDS IT TO FREDDIE, waking him up, Freddie speaks into the phone: FREDDIE Hello? MASTER (V.0.) I miss you. FREDDIE How'd you find me? 114 MASTER (V.0.) We're tied together. Who got to you, Freddie? FREDDIE What? MASTER (V.0.) Who got to you? FREDDIE Nothing. Nobody. MASTER (V.0.) Come to England... you'll love it here. And I think it will do you some good. Can you do it? FREDDIE Where? MASTER (V.0.) We have a new house ... . it's In England. FREDDIE My spaceship's in the shop and the dance CARD'S FULL MASTER (V.0.) Ha ha ha ha. You've still got it! Will you bring some Kools? FREDDIE They don't have 'em there? MASTER (V.0.) The only bad part over Kools. FREDDIE How'd you find me? MASTER (V.0.) Freddie; I ahve a matter of such urgency - a matter that only you can help me with - that may, in fact, cure the insane once and for all... BACK TO FREDDIE. PASSED OUT IN THE MOVIE THEATER.. .he wakes up, looks around... watches Casper for a second or two.. .gets up... And walks down the very steep flight of stairs on the balcony... 115. .it's dark...he's drunk...he takes a step or two the wrong way - and FALLS...he not only falls down the steps - but OVER THE BALCONY RAILING AND DOWN INTO THE MAIN AUDITORIUM... The fall should either kill him or break his back. Audience members come rushing over, helping him. . .people call for help ...FREDDIE'S KNOCKED OUT. HOLD THIS AND WATCH AS PEOPLE HELP HIM. . .THERE IS WOMAN HER...SHE IS A BIT SHAKEN, FREDDIE FELL RIGHT NEXT TO HER... WE SEE THIS WOMAN, AND RECOGNIZE HER AS THE WOMAN (NUDE DANCER) FROM THE NIGHTCLUB IN NEW YORK CITY... ELLEN... SHE LOOKS AT FREDDIE... CUT TO BLACK. FADE UP IN; INT. HOSPITAL - LATER FREDDIE looks around. He sees a YOUNG all takes him a minute.. .he focuses on her: It's her...ELLEN. ELLEN You're alright. You're Superman. He looks at her. ELLEN Do you remember me? you saved my life. you don't remember me? You told me where I could get some help. And I did. And it saved my life. Freddie looks at her, looks around, looks down at himself. Only a few bandages, all seems to be in order.. ELLEN Do you know what happened? FREDDIE I fell over the balcony. 116. ELLEN That's right. FREDDIE Am I alright? ELLEN Yes. FREDDIE Sure I'm not dead? ELLEN Yes. FREDDIE Not dreaming? ELLEN Well ...I don't know ... depends on how you mean... you're here right now. With me. In the hospital. It's 1952. New york city. My name is Ellen Rodgers.. You probably don't recognize me with my clothes on...he he he. FREDDIE .why are you here? ELLEN I was in the movie theater. You fell down. Right. Next. To. Me... I just happen to be there. You see? FREDDIE Do you have a cigarette? ELLEN No. PAUSE. She starts to cry a little... ELLEN .you're A mess...I can't see you this've thought about you and what my life was life before the Cause and now. . .before I met you... .and you should be a Savior. You are. FREDDIE looks at her...she puts her head on him... 117. ELLEN I'm not a cryer. I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm crying ...I'm just heppy to see you... can I get you something? HOLD... FREDDIE I really want a cigarette... She goes away...comes back...lights him up a cigarette... FREDDIE I want to get to a phone ...I gotta make a phone call. . .can you help me with that? CUT TO: INT. HOSPITAL/HALLWAY. PHONE BOOTH. FREDDIE making a LONG DISTANCE CALL TO PHOENIX ARIZONA. Finally connected with THE CAUSE H.Q. (Ellen lingers in background..) VOICE The Cause College Of Phoenix, Hello. FREDDIE This is Freddie Sutton calling for MOC. VOICE Who? FREDDIE My name is Freddie Sutton. I'm calling for MOC. VOICE MOC is not here, I can help you. Are you calling for help? Are you in trouble or would you like to come in for free processing and evaluation? FREDDIE Is someone there. Elizabeth or mary Sue or Norm Conrad, the family? VOICE No, They're in England. 118. FREDDIE VOICE Who is this? FREDDIE Is Dick Breton there? VOICE Dick Breton no longer works for this organization. Who is this? FREDDIE My name is Freddie Sutton and I'ma friend of the the family. Where in England? VOICE Are you in any kind of trouble that we can help you with? You can come in for an EVALUATION - FREDDIE hangs up. He thinks. He thinks. He thinks. He looks at Ellen... she looks at him... CUT TO: INT. EELEN'S APARTMENT - NEW YOKR CITY - NIGHT. FREDDIE is in Ellen's bed. She is going over his tattto's. She kisses the tops of his FEET. ON HIS LEFT FOOT: A PIG. ONE HIS RIGHT FOOR: A ROOSTER. ELLEN What are these? What does this mean? FREDDIE They keep you from drowning... keep the sea from swallowing you..pig and rooster's always survive a shipwreck. ELLEN How come they survive? FREDDIE I don't know. They can swim better? Never thought about it. ELLEN Did you ever have a shipwreck? FREDDIE .I did. 119. HOLD. He thinks about this. Ellen starts to get a little teary. She hugs his legs and feet, holds onto him... CUT TO: EXT. ATLANTIC OCEAN. DAY. FREDDY on board a ship heading across the ocean. CUT TO: EXT. LONDON. ENGLAND - DAY - MONTHS LATER. FREDDIE, alone, walking down the STREETS OF LONDON...CAMERA WITH HIM, IN THE B.G. there are still VACANT LOTS, HALF BOMBED BUILDINGS, REMNANTS OF THE CITY BOMBARDED... CUT TO: EXT. COUTNRY ROAD/ENGLAND - DAY. FREDDIE walking a long road carrying his DUFFLE BAD...he heads up, passes some STUDENTS (wearing uniforms) He comes into a clearing and heads up a driveway that leads to a VERY LARGE ENGLISH MANOR... CUT TO: INT. RECEPTION AREA/MANSION. A young BRITISH GIRL is very welcoming, asking him: BRITISH GIRL Hello! welcome, can we help you and invite you to sit down? FREDDIE You can... BRITISH GIRL You look like you've travelled here... FREDDIE .how else do you get someplace? 120. BRITISH GIRL Ha, ha, he, he... .can I assist you in help? FREDDIE .I'm here to see your Master. CUT TO: INT. WAITING AREA/COUNTRY ESTATE - MOMENTS LATER. FREDDIE is sitting, waiting.. .he sees: DOWN THE HALLWAY, APPROACHING IS: VAL. he looks good, healthy clean-cut, etc...he's walking with an AID and going over some official business... VAL walks past FREDDIE... VAL sees FREDDIE. FREDDIE sees VAL. He stops, comes back.. .walks up to FREDDIE: VAL Come to get yourself straight? FREDDIE You look good, Val. VAL Thank you. FREDDIE Was in the neighborhood, stopped in to see your old man. VAL Does he know you're here? FREDDIE He should... MASTER comes down the long hallway... MASTER IS THERE A RASCAL IN THE HOUSE?? VAL to FREDDIE quickly before MASTER arrives: VAL They always come back. 121. MASTER IS THERE A RASCAL NEARBY? MASTER comes barreling up to FREDDIE, wraps his arms around FREDDIE in a big-friendly BEAR HUG. MASTER Mold sparring partner. VAL watches... MASTER Traveller. Seamen. Adventurer. Bon vivant. You bring with you elan vitale. days of rugged wear on your face, come with me... CUT TO: INT. MASTER'S OPULENT OFFICE - DAY. MASER and FREDDIE together... MARY SUE is here... CU. FREDDIE he's listening to MASTER speak - MASTER (O.C.) You don't believe that this can work FREDDIE Not really. MASTER (O.C.) Then you'll never know. are you drunk? FREDDIE No. MASTER (O.C.) It's not up to me to decide how ou use it or if you use it. but if you want FACT. And scientific proof. This is it. REVERSE, MASTER. MASTER Who got to you? 122. FREDDIE Nobody. MASTER Do you want to come back? FREDDIE I don't think so. MASTER We could have some fun. Without you, there's less adventure. FREDDIE How did you get this castle? MASTER I think I won it in a card game. He he he. MARY SUE You look sick, Freddie. You don't look healthy. FREDDIE I don't look that way, that's not the way I look. (must be a bad habit.) MARY SUE You should. You can. You don't think you can. ? FREDDIE It's just not how I look. MARY SUE Can't take this-life straight, huh? BEAT. MARY SUE What do you want? What did you hope would happen by coming here today? FREDDIE I don't know.. I had a dream. 123. MASTER The pull and the dream. The intersection of astral planes. Only a man as strong as you can listen to those calls... PAUSE. FREDDIE Do you need some photographs taken? I could do that for you. You know. Whatever I do for you, I'm only gonna do for a minute. It's only gonna be a minute before I go somewhere else again... just the way it's built. MASTER I know it. But this is not fashion. This is something to do for billions of years or not at all... MARY SUE We don't need any photo's taken, Freddie. They all sit and look at each other. MARY SUE gets restless. She stands up... She leaves. It takes her a minute to walk across the huge room. . .PAUSE, THEN: MASTER looks at Freddie..MASTER goes into his desk, takes out a CONTRACT. MASTER We have a new contract. . .it says that you will serve the Cause above all other laws and regulations in this or any other neighboring galaxy for three billion years... .would you sign it? And join with me? FREDDIE MASTER It's not that long in the scheme of things, Freddie.. .he he he he he.. PAUSE. SILENCE between them ...then: MASTER starts to sing. . .and walk over to Freddie... serenades him; 124. MASTER Lighting up the night so bright, for all OF US who sail by night... for those of us who sail by night-light, light, the light. I'd love to get ya... on a slow boat to China all to myself alone... get you and keep ya, in my arms ever more. Leave all your lovers, weepin' on a far-away shore. Out on the briny with that moon big and shinee. Melting your heart of stone. Honey I'd love to get ya on a slow boat to China all to myself alone... They look at each other. CUT TO: EXT. ESTATE - COUNTRYSIDE. FREDDIE walks off, away from the mansion. . .down the road.. .passing STUDENTS ... CUT TO: INT. BROTHEL/APARTMENT - LONDON - NIGHT. FREDDIE is lying in bed with a BRITISH WOMAN. He's smoking, looking at the ceiling, she curls up next to him. . .smokes some of his cigarette... We SEE HIS FULL BODY NOW, COVERED IN AMAZING, INTRICATE TATTOOS'S. BIRDS, SHIPS, FLAGS, PALM TREES, "TOO TOUGH TO DIE," FREDDIE What's your name? WINN I told you...don't rememeber? 125. FREDDIE Say it... WINN You're drunk... FREDDIE No. Not drunk yet. Say it... WINN Winn. FREDDIE Say your full name. WINN Winn Manchester. FREDDIE Say it again... WINN Winn Mancester. FREDDIE Say it again... WINN Winn Manchester. FREDDIE Are you sure you haven't lived before? WINN No. FREDDIE Maybe this isn't your only life... WINN I don't think it is... THE END.