DINER Written by Barry Levinson FADE IN: The SCREEN IS BLACK. We hear MUFFLED ROCK and ROLL MUSIC. Then we read: BALTIMORE 1959 FADE OUT. :FADE IN: INT. DANCE HALL BASEMENT - NIGHT FENWICK walks along the dimly lit basement. Heavy wiatei coats hang from hooks on the wall. In the b.g., there is constant traffic of pecple coming and going from the rest rooms. From above we hear the MUFFLED SOtJV OF THE ROCK AND ROLL BAND. Fenwick is in his early 20s and dressed in the "JOE COLLEGE." style of the late fifties. Sports jacket, button- down shirt, chino pants, and Bass weejuns. We sense that he is a little lost in himself, confused. He looks out one of the windows that views the parking lot. Then without any outward anger, he punches his fist through a window pane. Seconds later he breaks another window with his fist. Fenwick, picking up the music beat from above, struts to the sound as he approaches another bank of windows. He calmly breaks another window pane with. his fist. A GUY coming out of the bathroom in the b.g . sees Fenwick's actions and then heads up the steps. CUT TO: INT. DANCE HALL - NIGHT The crowd is gathered around the bandstand listening to the local group, the SH K RS, playing their popular hit HOT NUTS. The song is played toward the end of the even- ing because of its risque Lyrics. BAND LEADER Hot nuts, hot nuts, get from the peanut man. BAND LEADER (CONT' D) Hot nuts hot nuts, get em any - way you can. As the crowd swings the verse back to the Band Leader. The Guy who spotted Fenwick breaking windows approaches BOOGIE. Boogie is something of a "Dandy," flashiar in dress than others in his crowd. Although he isn't particularly good looking there is something about his attitude that is very appealing to girls. Boogie aster hearing the Guy heads downstairs. INT. BASEMENT - NIGHT Fenwick casually breaks another window with his fist. His hand is bleeding. Boogie approaches. BOOGIE What's up, Fen? FENWICK Just breaking windows, Boog BOOGIE. - What for? It's a smile. He breaks another window with his fist. BOOGIE C' mon, don't be a sWuck. FENWICK I know that glass is made from sand, but how come you can see through it? He breaks another window. Boogie grabs him. BOOGIE Leave the windows alone. What's the matter with you? FENWICX It's a smile, that's all. BOOGIE I'm cracking up. BOCCIE (CONTINUING) I'm warning. you, Fen, break another window and you're gonna get a fat lip. He lets Fenwick go. BOOGIE (CONTINUING) Where's your date? FENWICK Gave her away. BOOGIE What? FENWICK Gave her away. David Glazer said she was death.. So, I said if you like the way she looks, take her. BOOGIE What are you, the Salvation Any? FENWICK Charged him five bucks. BOOGIE C'mcn, upstairs. (as Ferwick just stares at him) C'mon . They walk away BOOGIE (CONCTHUIRG) Ycu really are nuts, you know that? FENWICK Me? What about her? She didn't have to go. I'm nuts. Get that. BOOGIE That's what you get from dating eleventh graders. Brains aren't developed. T FENW I CK But her tits were. (CON INL'ED) CONTINUED: BOOGIE Falsies. --.- FE UW I CK They were? BOOGIE First hand info . FENWI CK Shit, then what as .1 pissed about? They disappear up the, steps. CUT TO: INT. DANCE HALL - NIGHT (SLIGHTLY LATER) The band is on a break. A FRANK SINATRA RECORD is PLAYING. CAP_7RA PANS TO EDDIE who is in a corner with one foot up on a chair. He smokes a cigarette and taps his foot _ lightly to the music. Eddie takes Sinatra very seriously. ShBEVI ; approaches Eddie. SHRREVIE Where's Elyse? EDDIE Talking with your wife about the fucking wedding plans. SD EVZE Gettin' cold feet? EDDIE They've never been warn. Boogie is talking with DLANE, the young eleventh grader that Fenwick had the falling out with. She is an attractive petite girl with large breasts. BOOGIE How can you take Glazer over the Fen? DUNE 'Cause. r4' BOOGIE Diane, did you know that Glazer bought you for five bucks? That's the kinda guy he is. (C0NTINL_D) CONTIN tD : . - DIANE-. He did? BOOGIE Do you want to leave with Glazer? DIANE Not really, but Fe^.wzck scares me. Why don't you take- me home? BOOGIE Diane, I'm in law school at night, I have to go home and study. I just stopped by here, 'cause I appreciate fine music. DIANE I thought you worked in a beauty parlor. BOOGIE I do during the day. - (he puts his hand up and strokes her CHEEK) Diane, go with Fen. For me, okay? CUT TO: EXT. COUNTRY ROAD - NIGHT Fen-.sick's 7R3 speeds by. Diane is in the car. Fenwick is telling her scnething and she laughs Boogie and MODE; t, follow. Behind them, Shrevie and his wife BETh follow in a 1950 Hudson Hornet. Fenwick floors his car and disappears around a bend. The other cars do not keep pace'. INT. SHREVIE' S CAR BETH Elyse feels that Eddie is getting very sensitive about the wedding. SHRE IE I k:_ow. We were talking about it. ?? (CONTINUED) CONTINLED : _ _ _ _ BETH She thinks that since he never talked it over with Billy beforehand, it kind of bothers him even more. SHREVIE The closest of the close. You t-_.ow Billy's flying in this morning? BETH I didn't hear about it. Thought he was just coming in for the wedding day. SHREVIE We didn't want to mention it. Surprise for Eddie. Shrevie's car follows in the taillights of Boogie's car. Fenwick's car is nowhere in sight. BETH Elyse's mother is very upset with Eddie. They picked out a yellow and white motif for the wedding. You know, like we did, tablecloth, napkins, maids-,of-honor. Anyway, Eddie objected. He wanted blue and white because that's The Colts' colors. Refused to give in. SHREV7E Yeah, so? BETD Well, you know how stubborn Eddie is . SHP_-VIE Could be worse. It could be black and gold. Steelers' colors. Shrevie notices Boogie's taillights come or.. He slows down. Something is wrong up ahead. f EXT. ?.CADSIDE - NIGHT Fenwick's car is turned over. The headlights of the car shine brightly against a tree. V (CONTINUED) CCNTINLt.D : --_S.t's. ficult to see exactly what has happeried.Jn the darkness of the road. Boogie, Modell, Shrevie and Beta exit the cars and walk toward the accident. As they approach we see Fe_zwick lying halfway out of the car covered in blood. Diane cannot be seen. SERE VIE (TO BETH) Stay here. The three guys move apprehensively toward the car. Fenwick's face is covered in'blood, so touch so that it-can hardly be .recognized. MODELL (-,?eac ting to the sight of Fenwick's FACE) Oh Jesus. Boogie kaeels nest to Fenwick. -After a beat,. Fenwick explodes with laughter. BOOGIE You son-cf-a-bitch ! Fenwick screams in laughter. BOOGIE (CONTINUING) You asshole! Then Boogie laughs. The rest of the guys join in. Not Bech. She is not acused. Fenwick crawls cut of the Triumph. F:-.NW. C.{ I really got you guys, didn't I? Didn't I? Been carrying a ketchup bottle around for weeks. Diane steps out of the woods. She laughs nervously. DIANE 11 I hid in the woods. Didn't want any ketchup on me. Fc: W ICK Weeks, just lookin' for the right ti=e. (COYR INTJED) CONTINLE.D : You got me. Christ, I thought you bought it. FENW IC.{ Real hard holding back the laughs. Real hard. BOOGIE You outdid yourself. B ETH That's very matt,-re, Fenwick. FENWIC Fuck mature. SHREVIE HEY[ FENWI C.( Sorry, Beth. BOOGIE Tug--ied the car over yourself? FEi1Gi I CIK Yeah, give me a hand. BOOGIE. No way. FENWIC C'man. + Boogie starts back to his car. The others fe] low. enwick pleads with them. Boogie with his back to Fen -wick is amused, delighted that he's got Fenwick or. a nu:rber. BOOGIE (with the authority of a school teacher) Fenwick, you to ed that car over. You must put it upright yourself. You need some discipline in your life. F.:- i " + 4 1 CK C'mon, guys. It was easy pushing it over 'cause of the angle. 1:'11 be a bitch getting it up. (CON INLED) CONTINUED : Boogie and Modell get in the car. Shrevie and his wife ge c 111--the?uason- - - - - MODELL Have you tried? You haven't tried. FE NIW7 CK (DESPERATE) I'a buying at. the diner. Without missing a beat, Boogie and Modell exit the car. BOOGIE .Sbmuck, _another five seconds an3 you'd have us for free. They laugh. Shravie starts his car. INT. SHREVIE' S CAR BET'RL You guys t eal ly are sick, you n k ow that.? COT SHREVIE That's 'cause you got no sense of humor. He pulls away. Sr.REVIE (CONTINUING; YELLING out the window) See you guys later at the dine=. CUT TO: Exi . -DINER - NIGHT The diner is one of the typical late S0's metal and glass structures. Almost deco in design. Cars are parked in front, including Shrevie's Hudson Hornet. CAXR4 PANS to a car parked over in a corner. TABACX has his truck open, filled with pants. A few guys are going through the goods as Taback tries to wheel-and- deal. (CON'I INLTD) CON IMIED : (to one of the guys) Seven bucks. All wool. You can't beat it. h T e GUY holds it up. GUY The crotch looks too short. Don't ca--e for that. TABACK What are you afraid it's gonna got � caught In the crack between your legs?. The other guys "Whoco" in reaction to Taback's put-down. GUY You sure are hot shi . since you've taken over your father's business here. He throws the pants back and walks away, CUT TO : INi . DINER - NIGHT The diner is the late-night hangout... made up of a mixed bag crowd. Around one side, the aluinun siding SALE'S?. N guys in their 30s and 40s. Some HIGH SCHOOL ERS , only there on the waekends, and the, Boogie-S?irevie c_cwd. (The guys in their early t�,?enties .) One thing is quite apparent. There are no girls present, except WAIT=S.SSES. T h at is the unspoken rule. NO DATES. Eddie, Shrevie and Modell sit in a booth. They all eat french fries and gravy. EDDIE You can't compare Mathis to Sinatra. No way. SHEEV IE They're both great singers. EDDIE Yeah, but you can't compare them. Sinatra is the lord. He's big in movies, everything. (CO`::NLID) COYI INUED : I If Mathis wasn't a blue, he'd be a big movie star. MODELL That's true. There's hardly any blues in movies. Just sidekicks. EDD IE C'mon, they could've put Mathis in 'From Here to Eternity.' They had blues in the war. S'DREVIE Mathis didn't come around until after that movie. EDDIE Are you telling me Mathis could've played Maggio? Is that what I'm hearing? MODELL Who do you make-out to? Sinatra or Mathis? EDDIE For that, Mathis. S EREVIE I'm married. We don't Wake-cut. They laugh. - Fern wick enters and heads toward the guys' booth.- passes the -Waitress . FZN 1 CK Enid. French fries and gravy, and a cherry coke. He sits dcw-n and joins the guys. SRREVIE How'd it go? FEiWWI C:K Pretty good. Said she never wanted to see me again. J, MOD-LL charmed her, huh? ., (CONTINUED) CCN.iNU D: FENWICK AI-I-did was -park the --car on a nice lonely road. I Looked at her and said, 'Fuck or fight.' The guys laugh. EDDIE You maniac. FE:l I cK Kidding. Said she wanted to see me again. Liked aye, sort of. I EDDIE Emis? Fenwick nods. He sticks out his pinky. Eddie gabs it with his pinky. Therefore it's the truth. ANGLE ON THE ALUMINUM SIDING GUYS' BOOTH BAGEL is holding court with his guys. BAGEL The guy's canvassing the neighborhood, and I notice he's stopping at the brick houses. He's trying to sell aluminun siding to the brick house owners. (HE LAUGHS) Sure enough, he comes back to the car. He's got a lead. Fools rush in, right? To the guys, this type of story is fascinating. 3cbgie comes cut o f the rest roam in the b . g . As he starts to pass Bagel stops him. BAGEL (CONTINUING) Boog, come here. Boogie approaches. BAGEL (CONTINUING) You lay down a bet with Barnett? BOOGIE Don't remember. I (CCNTINUZ ) CON I? ?i D : BA GET- ?'oa,. nobody bets two thousand and forgets. BOOGIE Okay, so? What's the point, Bagel? BAGEL Where you getting C40 thousand? You haven't got a pot to piss in. 'BOOGIE Game's a lock. BAGEL Nothing's a lock. You want me to call it off? As a favor to your father, may he rest in peace. BOOGIE Bagel, get in. Trust me. Boogie Walks off. - - BAGEL Kids today. Nobody's interested in making an honest buck. CARSON Heard he wants to be a lawyer. BAGEL That's what I'm saying. You call that an honest buck? Boogie approaches the guys and sits do BOOGIE Bagel heard about my basketball bet. 'MODELL I'm down for fifty. BOOGIE Woo, biz spender. I'm telling you. They're shaving points on the game. This is no bullshit tip. Get in, guys. EDDIE I'll think about it. Listen, who do you pick? Sinatra or Mathis? `' (CONTINUED) CO TINUED: -BOOGIE Presley. EDDIE Presley. You're _ick. BOOGIE Did I tell you guys I'm taking out Carol Heatrow tomorrow night? FENWICX You're taking out Carol Heatrow? BOOGIE (SARCASTICALLY) No, you're taking her out. EDDIE She is death. B00GIE Only go for the best. SHREVTE Cold. BOOGIE What's the bet she goes for my pecker on the first date? FEN ICK The only hand on your schiong is gonna be yours. BCOGI_ Bet me t-wen t-r . FE4 LCK You got it. EDDIE I'm in. MODELL Me, too. SHREVIE I'm in, but we need validation. BOOGIE All right. I'll arrange it. CUT TO: T EXT. AIRPORT RUNWAY �- NIGHT -- -- --A .our -engine- prop -comes into-vi view asTt rates its approach. The plane sails inches off the runway and then touches down. CUT TO: EXT. AIRPORT DOCKING AREA - .NIGHT A moveable stairway is put in place. Seconds later the hatch opens: Passengers depart, walking down the steps in the cold night air. BILLY HALPERT steps forward into the doorway. Billy, in his early 20s a:_d wears the typical button-down shirt, crew neck sweater, chino pants, and the Bass weejuns. He starts down the steps and heads toward the terminal. As he enters: CUT TO: EXT. AIRPORT TERMINAL - NIGHT Billy exits the building carrying a suitcase. We hear a HOR! B .PING. The sound attracts his att.:ntion. He smiles. ANOTHER ANGLE to include Shrevie's Hudson Hornet, as it backs up, moving toward Billy. As it approaches, the back door opens . BILLY (thr awing his BAG INSIDE) You g' ys ara too much. Hcw' d you know I was ccain' in this mcFn._nc? BOOCIE. (O.5 .) C'mcn, get in. Billy climbs in and slams the door shut. The Hudson pulls away. C'JT TO: E COUNTRY ROAD - NIGHT The Hornet speeds down the quiet two lane road. I CUT TO: M1. CAR NIGHT Ehrevie -drives -- _ Bocgia sits shotguin_ --Fen rick and sit in the back seat. BOOGIE He's crazy is t-,hat he is. With the Shrevie here it was just nuts, but Eddie? T?:at's lunacy. SHREVIE Mari age is a? right. I'm not complaining. BOOGIE Not complaining. Uz u, sounds good. FENW I CK 'Course it isn't a hundred percent sure yet. BILLY What? He's getting mar_ied on New Year's Eve. BOOGIE Not until she takes the test. BILLY Boog, what are you talking about? FEN WI CK Eddie's going to give Eylse a football test. If she fails, the marriage is off. BILLY Are you shitting me? BOOGIE You know Eddie and the Colts. Very serious. The test has something like a hundred and forty questions. True and false, multiple choice, short answer. FENWI CK Oral cast. He doesn't want any cheati:,g. BILLY What happens if she fails? He's going to call. it off? Is that what I hear? (CO TINL�ED) CONTIN"i E'D ; SHREVIE rte swears to 1.tThe was supposed to be two months ago. Elyse keeps delaying. Heavy pressure. FENWI K Her plan could be, though, to stall until the last minute. Then if she falls, it doesn't matter. It's a fait accompli. Kno.t's tied. BOOGIE Fait accompli, my ass. He walks. B ILLY I doubt it. I tell you, it was a real surprise. No call. Just a note. Why do you figure, all of a sudden? BOOGIE Botton line? Elyse turns into -- - Iceland and Eddie's not the type to look elcev.here. Eddie goes for the marriage, and Elyse is back to being the Bahamas again. SHREVIE You dgn' t know that for sure, Boog. BOOGIE I'm a good judge of human nature. CUT TO: EXT. HILLTOP DI`HrR - NIGr'.T The Hudson is parked out front. The morning light is just beginning to break. THROUGH iZ WINDOW we can see the - guys sitting in a booth eating. They are obviously having a good time. Shrevie takes a sip of coffee. Billy says something and Shrevie puts his hand to his mouth. Coffee pours through his fingers and down his chin. CUT TO: { L1` T. J-:(r. - NIGhl B ILLY AF -And hat' -was-nothing -compared to what happened in Miss Nathan's class. SHREVIE This is great. I was there. BILLY Had her for Art class. Third floor. She catches mq talking. Tells me to see her after class. I jumped up from my seat and started screaming 'I can't take it - any morei You're always picking on met I can't stand itt' Then, I ran to the window, opened it and jumped out. She freaks and faints dead away. She forgot the gym roof was six feet below. SHREVIE ----Her eyes closed. -- She swayed for - - a moment and then toppled right over her high heels. Out cold. I was hysterical. BILLY The topper was the Principal. Donley comes in and sees Miss Nathan on the floor. He doesn't I .ow what to make of it. SERE VIE Than She=an, remember him? Normally a shruck, but ne stands up and says 'Snhrhhh, she's sleeping, Mr. Donley.' T h an he sees Billy in the window. B ILLY I said, 'I'm sorry I'm late, sir, but my bus broke dour.. Is Miss Nathan up yet?' All the guys laugh. BOOGIE You're missing the action now, Billy. Half the guys are a: U. of B. night school. A Lot of fucking laughs. (CON, INLzD) CONTINUED: FENWI CK - : Cto?BiiIy) - A Masters in Business. That's the lowest. Billy shrugs his shoulders as if to say, "What. can I - tell you?" BILLY Who's there? BOOGIE Eddie, of course. Burton. BILLY Burton? BOOGIE Dropped out of rabbinical�school. Henry... FENW1CK, -Cliff, -.the Mouse..-.- - SH'ZI.EVIE Youssei. - ??1 B00GIE Thrown out. SHREVIE Yeah? BOOGIE Accidentally stole some money from one of the teachers. BILLY U. of B.'s busy at night, huh? BOOGIE And then there's me. BILLY Yeah? You at law school? BOOGIE Thought I'd take a pop with the law. Although I'm still working the beauty salon. CUT TO: S. F1 20. -EXT.SSDE:IZ`LLRE.?. =STAY The Hudson slowly drives down the quiet tree-lined staeete All is quiet, the morning'having y et to begin. The neighborhood is well cared for. A pleasant, middle- class area. The car pulls up in front of a three-story white shingled house. Billy exits the car with his suitcase. BILLY See you guys at the diner tonight. i He slats the door shut. The car pulls away. Billy walks up the steps, pulls out a key and opens the .door. CUT TO: INT. HOUSE - DAY Billy walks up the steps to the second floor. He sees his parents' door is open and peeks inside. The bed is made. No one is there. He turns toward his sister's room. CA RA 2ANS. The bed is also made. He goes up the stairs to the third floor. ANGLE ON A BLACK DOOR A sign reads "No Admittance." Billy enters. CUT TO: INT. BILLY'S ROOM - DAY Billy lies cn the bed in his shorts, sroking a cigaret,Ce. C tiA SLOWLY PANS the room. An upright piano is in a corner. Then we see magazine pictures of variou s base- ball stars tacked on the wall. C.A..`-'ERA PANS to pe nnants of the Baltimore Orioles and the -Baltimore Colts. CA� A DRIFTS over to centerfold girls of Playboy. Then w e see a photograph of Billy and a bunch of the guys le aning against a railing in Atlantic City taken during the h igh school years. CUT T 0 : E BILLY'S HOUSE - DAY Billy walks away from his house, crosses the street and up t the steps of another house. He rings the doorbell. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Seconds later the door opens. t.S. SI:2ONS, a short, heavyset woman, stands there. MRS. SI ;ONS (PLEASED) Billy, you're in town already? BILLY Yeah, thought I'd spend the holidays here. Lot of parties, I hear. He enters. INT. SI?ONS' HOUSE .Billy and Mrs. Si ons walk down the hallway. MRS . S r,010 NS Did you know your parents are cut of town? BILLY No. MRS . SI? IONS They're in Florida. Be back for Eddie's wedding though. BILLY He still. sleeping? MRS. S IMMONS What else? It's only two-thirty. Wake him. Billy starts up the steps. IRS . S I;MONS (CONTINUING) I'll be happy when he's out of. the house. CUT TO: F IN-I.. EDDIE'S ROOM - DAY It is a total mass. Clothes, underwear, and shoes are strews al over the room. Bi?.lyYs lakes Eddie His eyes open. EDDIE Whaddya say, Bill? BILLY Still the early riser, huh? Eddie reaches over to the night table and lights a Pall Mall. EL DIE Nothin' changes. BILLY Except you getting married. EDDIE Yeah, ain't that a kick. Ae gets out of bed, picks -up a--pair of pants off the floor and steps into them. EDDIE (CONTINUING) Thcughc you weren't coming in until New Year's Eve. B ILLY Nothing's happening arc=-d. c==us , so... Eddie puts a shirt on and slips'a tie with an aebeady make scot around his neck. He pulls t:e tie ud , then � starts buttoning the rest of the shirt. EDDIE You bring in that girl with you? BILLY Broke up. EDDIE Shame. In that picture you sent, looked like she had great knockers. B ILLY Yea?-i. I (a beat) Didn't figure on you and Elyse so soon. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Eddie searches the floor and picks out two socks that are sLi= i ar, ut rot the same. - EDDIE I figured New Year's Eve would be good. Get married. Party through the night. You know. He puts the socks on. They have holes in the heels. BILLY I was pissed off, Ed, figured you would call, or something. Let me know you were planning it. EDDIE Yeah, I know. But you're my best man. He walks into the bathra.,m. CA2--ERA FOLLOWS. He splashes some water on his face and wipas it with a wash rag. - -- - - - BILLY Boogie and the guys picked me up at the airport- Eddie takes a drag on his cigarette and puts it on the toilet seat. Then he squirts some toothpaste on the tooth- brush. EDDIE (with a mouthful OF PASTE) Yeah? I left the diner at five. They didn't say anything to me. BILLY Surr .se, I guess. EDDIE How'd they know? B ILLY Barbara Keller told Fenwick. EDDIE You keep in touch, huh? BILLY Yeah. [ (CONTINLED) I CONTINUED : EDDIE You re tiIl n3ili� g her, a= en t you, you son-of-a-bitch. Eddie spits the toothpaste out and sticks his ncuth under the faucet to rinse, .aking sure to keep his tie dry. BILLY Never did. Eddie wipes his mouth with his hand. EDDIE Who you kidding? He puts the cigarette back in his mouth and starts out of the room. Billy follows. ??DDIE (CONTINUING) wnac else would you be doing with her all these years? BILLY Talking. ANOTHER ANG1.,E as they start down the stairs. EDDIE Talking? Shit, if you want to talk there's always the guys at the diner. Yov don' L -need a girl if you want to talk. BILLY Eddie, you'll never change. EDDIE Da=. right. CUI TO: INT. S IZ :ONS ' K r c,.-,. z: - DA Mrs. Si=cns is cleaning the refrigerator as Eddie and Billy enter. I 01 (Mr, I 'UED) CONTINUZD: ---- - EDDIE -- Ma, what's for breakfast? IBS. S IM."2ONS The kitchen is closed. Eddie sits down at the table. Billy sits down on a chair over by the wall. EDDIE I'm hungry here. MRS . S I:?:ONS (STILL CLEANING THE REFRIGERATOR) You want something to eat? Make it. I haven't got all day to wait on you. EDDIE Come on, Ma. Don't give me that shit. -A fried baloney sandwich will be good. M.rs. Si=ons t:..Ts around angrily. .MS. SI DNS Get out of the house! Billy, take him out of here! EDDIE A fried baloney sandwich is not a lot to ask for, for Christsake! Mrs. Sion picks up a butcher knifa off the sink cct:rte; and waves it at Eddie.`- IBS. SI- ONS Eddie, you're giving me a headache! Take a walk. Eddie rises from his chair. EDDIE You want to stab me? Come on l Come on! He brings his fist up and ass,,=es a bossing position. Mrs. Simmons moves toward Eddie welding the knife. Eddie backs around the table. Billy watches this scene without ex- 1�f pression. (CONTINLED) CONTINUED: -IBS. -SI EONS - You miserable creature. EDDIE Take your best shot. Then I'm going to p=.,ch your lights cut, Ma. MRS. 'S IY-"4.ONS (STALKING HIM; Who do you think you area EDDIE � Lome on! Come on2 Go for the cut, then you're down and out. The short, heavyset woman continues to stalk Eddie as they move around the table. Billy is not disturbed or surprised, T h is is apparently an ongoing occurrence, IPS. S IIV!ONS How dial-you -turn_ in to' such a thing t.' EDDIE I'-ie gat fists of granite. You're going down. S i=ons turns away. FIRS. SIMMONS I'm not going to ruin a good knife on you. It's not worth it. ..cdie t.T-:s to Billy and smiles . BILLY (QUIETLY) So what's new. M =s. Si=ons opens the refrigerator. MRS . S 1i ONS Eat a sandwich, t en give me score peace. Bill;, you want something? BILLY No thanks. V I M - S. SIMNIONS You sure? It's no trouble. F B ILLY No, really. CUT T0: INT. APPLIANCE STORE - TIGHT SHOT TV SCREEN - DAY "Who_ Do You Trust?" with Johnny Carson as the emcee is on. r CUSTOMER (0.5.) Is this show in 'color or is there something wrong with the set? SH:REVIE (0.5. ) This is a black and white set, but I don't think . that - show is in color, anyway. ANOTHER ANGLE - SHREVIE AND THE CUSTOM-ER standing in an aisle filled with rows of televisions. CUSTOMER I don't like color television. Don't like. that color for no thin' . Saw 'Bonanza' at my in-laws, it's not fog me. The Ponderosa looked fake. Hardly recognized Little Joe. SHRRVIE It might have needed some tuning. C'JST0I R. It's not for me. You got an Emerson? Hear they're real good. Screvie and theCustcmer move down the aisle Ferriick enters the store. He looks like he is slightly drink. SHREVIE Here's an Emerson. This is portable. } Customer stares at it. Shrevie notices Fen-wick up at to Iron= of the store. He nods to hi-. C:J'S 10i'R You got that 21-inch Emerscr.. 711-4 e cabinet type. SHREVIE The console model. (YELLING INTO THE BACK) Kenny! We get some of the Emerson consoles in?! (CON'TINT E0) CON'T_N'UED : Let me check out in the warehouse! SHREVIE Be right back. That'll take a minute or two for him to check. The Customer nods and Shrevie walks up to Fenwick. FEZWI C:{ I talked to Boog. He's going to take Carol to the Crest tonight. SHREVIE So what do you want to do? FENWI CK I figure I'll be there. Sit a few seats away. SHREVIE I --- Think 3 ` Ll -be -there -too : - - Don'-t----- want any judgecent calls. r r _.WICK Bong's got about'a hundred dollars riding on this thing now. Making bets left and right. SHREVIZ Jesus, hundred bucks, already? F EMNi CK Lot of paople bectin' for. Carol. Sh_evie senses that Fenwick is a little off. S HREVIE What the hell you been doing? You been drinking- already? F:-:7JI CK Yeah? I guess so. SHREV IE What for? It's coo early. F ENWI CK I don't kncw... I don'-. kn,sw. Gettin' antsy or something. Can't figure out what... I don't know. (CONTI:NLZD) CONTINT33D : Heturns_and sta?rr__s tv_head out of th 4Qrc F L' aIY l CK (CONTINUING) See you at the Crest. SHREVIE Fen, sure you're okay? Fenwick turns back and smiles at Shrevie. FENWI CK Hey... yeah. He turns back and exits. EXT. STREET - DAY Eddie parks his Studebaker and he acid Billy exit the car. They walk along a street of row houses, then cross an old brick street heading for the pool hall on the corner. EDDIE Colt Char,.picns`:ip is tomcr- ow. Want =,e to get you a ticket for the game? BILLY T Can you get one this late? EDDIE, Yeah. You can't be in Bala'-ore and not see the Colts win the Championship. It would be sacrilegious. They enter the pool hall. CUT TO: INT. POOL iJ.ALL - DAY Billy and Eddie come down the steps into the pcol room. The place is old and dirty looking. Candy wrappers and cigarettes litter the floor. KNOCKO, a gray-haired man in his 60's, sits behind the cash register reading she Wall Street Journal. On the back wall there are pictures of the semi-nude girls from the men's magazines of the period. Some are autographed to Knocko. (CONTINUED) CONTI NTUED : As the guys approach, Knocko looks up and smiles. L-1 KNOCKO Billy, Billy, Billy. BILLY Row you doing, Knccko? KNOCKO Eat, sleep, you know. Never see you and the guys anymore. BILLY You know how it is. Time to move i W n, I guess. KNOCKO Eddie's the only one who still pops in. Still loves the game. (ve Gerious lv) You doing okay, Billy. -(CONTINUED) CONTIM. 7ED : -. LILLY _- _.._ -- Going for my Masters. KNO CKO Wonderful. All your crowd turned out fine. Take seven. It's got a new felt. .EDDIE Eight's better. KNOCKO Take eight. The pool maven here. They walk toward the tables. The place is quiet. After- noons are not the action time. CUT TO: INT. POOL FALL - TIGHT :HOT - A POOL BALL - DAY 'SLI Gr.TLY LAIR) - After a beat, Eddie's head. comes INTO FRAM behind the ball. He closes one eye aQ he '.fines up a shot. EDDIE I'm scared shitless, to tell you the truth. BILLY (O.S.) You know anybody who's Mot? EDDIE, If I had a choice, I'd just date Elyse all my Life. Just date her and the hell with the rest. I like dating. ANOTHER ANGLE as Eddie backs off the shot and starts to Bove around the table. Billy sips an or3rige soda. BILLY What are you doing it for? Eddie approaches Billy; reaches for the bottle and takes a sip. { CONTINUED) CONTINUE-D: EDDIE 1tat -am 4-doing_i..t -ford--I've been dating Elyse for five years. What am I... I have no choice.. It gets to a point where a girl says, 'Hey, where am I going?' He hands the bottle back and chalks his pool cue. EDDIE (CONTINUING) So, there is nobody else that I really care about. So, you know. I'm not saying that I'm doing it just to make her happy. The hell with that. He shoots and sinks a ball. EDDIE (CONTINUING) She's the only one I care about. -I -don ` t go looking for girls to -- . date or anything like that. Arid,. it seems like the time and all... so. At least she's not a ballbreaker. Christ; if she were a ballbreaker there'd be no way. Billy feels a certain sadness for Eddie, but he doesn't 1= ow what to say. Eddie sees Vz'::-..a1L1, a blond-haired kid, several years ycunger than himself. EDDIE (CONTINUING) How you doing, Methan? Megan approaches Eddie and stands inches away from Ed s face. MFi:?A&N JJ, I want to be where you are. 'here the air is rare, and nobody can touch me. What about my sister, Harry? Bi11y has no idea what is going on. I ETHAN (CONTINUING) I -never couched your sister. What are you saying? (cot;-, _:vUZ7) CONTINUED: Sudde^I Methaa wa??ks away. EDDIE (TO SILLY) Methan's favorite movie. 'Sweet Smell of Success.' BILLY He memcrized the whole movie? Eddie lines up another shot. EDDIE h T e younger guys, I tell ya, are crazier than we were. He shoots and misses. From another table a GUY yells out. GUY Eddie, you taking any of Boogie's action? EDDIE Yeah! No way he pulls this off. CUT TO: EXT. CREST THZATZR - NIGHT Tlhere is a lot of milling around in frcnt of the cheater. The marquee reads : Troy Donahue and Sandra Dee in "Su--:er Place." INT. CREST TT-iEATER - NIGiT Shrevie stands in the lobby with his wife, Beth, an attrac- tive girl. Eddie and Fenwick enter and walk over to Shrevie. SH 1ZEVIE (ALMOST APOLOGIZING for bringing Beth) Beth heard the movie was pretty good. BETH Eddie, where's Elyse? I EDDIE She's hcme studying for the football test. (CO,rTINTJ D) C0NTINU D: You're kidding. FENWICK See- the Bcog yet? SEREVIE Not yet. FART. MAGET, an enormously fat guy, enters with a FRIE.TD. The Friend stops at the candy counter. FRIEND Eari, want sane candy? EARL (s,.arting into the THEATER) No. don't care for sweeti. Boogie enters with CAnOL HEATHROW. She is a b-auti foal, shapely blonde. Boogie looks over at the group.-nods,- and walks to the candy counter with Carol. B:.TH Is that Carol Heathrow? S HREVI E Where? BETH With 3oogie. SH_IRVI (staring for a LONG BEAT) I think so. BETH In surprised she's with h--m. - fro= what I've heard about her, Boogie wouldn't seen her type. Eddie is as;azed at hcw beau, ci�u1 Carol looks. EDDIE She is death. Death. Fenwick spots the GRIPPER walking toward the Men's Rcon. The Gripper stands about 6'4" and is all muscle. 11 CON_iIN DD FENWICK Davit The Gripper's :era. SH V7. Where? Fenwick nods toward the Yen's Room. SHREVIE (CONTINUING) Christ, the Grip's still growing, _I think. RNWICK Hope he doesn't see me. Every time he sees me, he puts the grip on me. EDDIE Saw him put a grip on a guy at the diner. Gripped him right through his corduroy jacket. Made him stand on tip-toes.- S'r'_P'.EVIE Where's Billy?' EDDIE Cowin' with that Barbara Keller chick, I think. Bccgie gets a large box of popcorn and a Coke and starts into the theater with Carol. Just before he enters he gives a smile to the guys. FS:IWI CK Guess I might as well get a seac. (TO EDDIE) Cowin'? Eddie nods and they start inside. After a beat, S:revie - - and Beth start in. SHREVIE Let's sit in the back. BE'1"s.-I Why? SHP.VI I I'm tired of sittin' down close with the guys and all. Just as they go into the theater, Bill., enters alone. I a:U'rt.. i :.. - Boogie and Carol sit watching-the screen. The box of pop- --- co -ZAsutg in-his aa? Boag a ??ze -keep ==?.y.king-?aaks- at Carol, then his hand slowly moves down to his fly and he quietly unzips it. ANGLE TO INCLUDE FENWI C< looking over from his vantage point three seats away. Boogie squirs around ever-,so-slightly and then places the box of popcorn back on his lap. Evidently he has stuck his penis into the bottom of the popcorn box. Fen- wick nudgesEddie and then whispers some thing.into his ear. Eddie smiles. Carol's hand dips into the popcorn box on Boogie's lap and takes out a handful of popcorn. Shrevie, seated in the back, is restless, wondering what iz happening. Beth is mesr-arized by Troy Donahua. Billy sits on an aisle, =aware of the quiet intrigue that is . taking place. - ?.. Carol's hand again reaches into the box and takes out a few kernels. Boogie's eyes glance toward Fenwick. Fenwick shakes his. head and mouths "Bet's off. Not fair." Boogie nods "Yes. Troy and Sandra walk the beach. The romantic score swells. The yotzia- audience is caught up in this screen love affair. Carol reaches into the- popcorn box once again. Suddenly she screaws. She bolts up from her seat and races up the aisle. The audience iq alive with chatter, war, wondering what has happened. Boogie turns to Fenwick and smiles. Then he heads ue the aisle after Carol. BETH (as she watches Boogie racing up the aisle after CAROL) What's going on? SHREVIE (PLAYING DTJNB) I don't know. I don't know. INT. LOBBY - NIGHT Boogie catches up to Carol just before she was about to ente th Ladies'-Room. - - - -- --? BOOGIE Hold on, hold on a second. CAROL You'are disgusting! BOOGIE I know it was terrible, really horrible and all, but it was an accident. CAROL An accident! She starts into the Ladies' Room. Boogie holds her arm. BOOGIE Wait! Carol! Woo! Seriously, it was an accident. Swear to God.- - CAROL An accident. Your th?.ng just got into a box of popcorn? BOOGIE Damn near that. Can I be straight with you? Carol tries to settle dc--n. CAROL Boogie'... BOCGIZ_E There's a good reason, but it's a little embarrassing to me. So maybe you don't want to hear it. I'll understand. A long beat. CAROL Co on. Let me hear this. BOOGIE I don't like to tell this to girls, but you really are a C knockout, really. (MORE) (C01,;-: :LZD) CONT1NUZD: L.j BOOGIE (CONT'D) ? h;-, use sitt`rg rtex? toy u in there got me crazy. I got a hard on.. I don't like to admit it, but I did. You don't know me, but I always try to come off being cool. Don't like to look like I'm hustling, and there I am, sitting next to you with a boner. Am I embarrassing you? CAROL (INTRIGUED) Co on. The "St. = er Place Theme" can be heard softly through the theater doors. BOOGIE Well, it was killing me. So ..o stop tho pain, it was digging into my pants and all, I opened -----m7 fly. - Lmosen everything up. Give it a little air, you know. And it worked. Everything settled down and I got caught up in the picture. Forgot all about it. Then when I saw Sandra wearing the bathing suit in that cove scene, you know, it just popped right out and went right through the bottom of the popcorn box. The force of it opened the flap. Carol stares at him, wondering if ? s is telling th= Lrut`:. The beautiful "Su_.^ -per Place Love Theme" GROWS LCCSER for a few seconds ar som=one comes through the doors and heads for the candy counter. CAROL It just pushed the flap open? BOOGIE It's Ripley's, I tell ya. An d I couldn't move the box or you would have seen it. CAROL That's true. (CONTIVL:ID) CONTINUED: - B0EIE -- - I was just hoping it would shrink back out. (he puts his hand up to her cheek and lovingly touches it) Come, on, let's go back inside. As they go through the doors we hear Troy say: TROY (V.0.) I want. to kiss you here in front of God and evcryone. CUT TO: EXT. CREST THEATER - NIGHT Shrevi? and Beth exit the theater. SHREVIE - -- What was the guy's name? The actor? BETH Troy Donahue. SERE VIE What kind of a name is Troy? BET: He's gorgeous. SHREVIE (m�,.:mbling to himself) Troy. Fenwick and Eddie approach. SHRE TIE (CONTINUING) Ever hear of a guy named Troy? FEN ICX (SARCASTICALLY) Yeah, Troy Swartz=an from Towanda. SHREVIE Cute. (CONI INLED) CO TINLED: Booszie and Carol exit the theater. BOOGIE (as he passes the GROUP) See you guys at the diner. Bring some tens. Boogie cockily walks on-with-his arm around her waist'. BETH Ten whats? SHREVIL Have no idea. EDDIE (looking at Carol as she walks away) Death. (TO FENWICK) I'd give up your life if I could have her. Billy exits the theater and starts toward the crowd. Out of the corner of his eye, he spots someone exiting through ( 1 ' another door. He watches the guy for a beat, then quickly moves toward him. He taps the guy on the shoulder. As the guy tins, Billy punches him in the face. The guy goes down. -A crowd quickly- forms. Confusion takes over as everyone moves to see what has happened.- Shrevie, Fenwick, and Eddie move in for a better lock. I The gu_y sits on the ground holding his bleeding nose. He looks up at Billy. BILLY We're even. He turns and moves away.--- -Eddie, Fenwick, and Shrevie ncve to catch up with Billy. Beth trails along. EDDIE I'll be.dar ed. Willard Broxtonl F ENWI CK Long time ccn_n', huh, Billy? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED : BILLY -- (EXCITED) I couldn't belieye it! There he was i I- didn't wait to hit hi=, but I had to, you know. SHREVI E (PATTING BILLY'S BACK) ' Outstanding! See you guys later. Come on, Beth. BETH Are we going to eat? SHREVIE Nah, not-in the mood. Shrevie heads toward his Hudson. Be_h fol.Lows. - - - -- - -BET - Who's Willard Broxton? SHREVIE It was the 11th... no 10th grade. Billy was playing ball against one of the high school fraternities. I think they were ULP. Billy came sliding into second base-to break up a double play. - The second baseman s Billy, thinking he was out to hurt"hJm Billy punches the guy and the whole ULP team -j=-?.d him. r Beat the shit out of him. They approach the Hudson. Shrevie goes around to the driver's side and opens the door and ge:S inside. He then opens the door for Beth to get in. INIT. SHREVI= ' S CAR - NIGHT BETH He's been after them all these years? That was forever ago. SHFEVIE Y He swore he'd get them. Broxton makes eight. (CONT_N ED) CONTIN'UED': Emi is tha car-nd lla-a??av: - 11 SHREV:IE (-CONTINUING) .." or seven. No, eight. There's one guy left. - CUT TO: EXT. BACK ALLEY - NIGHT Billy, Eddie, and Fenwick walk away from the theatre toward their cars. FENWICX I'm so pissed I mis.:ed the puncl-a I was watching out for the Grippe t-. BILLY - .even years. Seven years to get him. - EDDIE Who's t1he last? Donald Tucker? B ILLY No, I get Tucker in a bath=ocr; at Chestnut Ridge. :Mon Shaw. EDDIE Moon Shaw. (af ter a beat) Who's Moon Shaw? ---Billy gets in his car, B ILLY If you ever see hi.:., you'll remember. EDDIE Going to the diner? (CONTINUED) CON:, NLED: In a while. I'm going to see Barbara. EDDIE Thought you were supposed to have a data. BILLY She had to work. I'm going to stop by the TV station and see her for a hit. He starts his car and pulls away. FE i i C+{ :Jasn't Moon Shaw the 'toast' who used to data Elaine? - EDDIE h T at was my cousin, Denny. You calling hin an asshole? T-R- F Z 'I" 1, (knowing he said the wrong thing) Oh... not Elaine. Her name was Ellen. I'm thinking a whale other guy. Fen::ick tiptoes away from Eddie, playing like he dceJn0 t want to get hic. CUT TO: I , r':.E'viS IvY S'I Ate? Ord - CCR_:=DCR .ditsr. T Billy and BA?.B? walk dowr the hallway quickly. Barbara is a tall, thin brunette with classical features. She was never a girl. Born a woman. She moves dot.n the hall- way with great purpose. Billy keeps pace. B ARE ABA There's not u.uch time before the news. (CO:NTINUED) CONTINUED: I tried to call. BARBA Switchboard closes down at ten. BILLY I was just getting the feeling you were avoiding me, Barb. BARBARA That's -.lot true, Willy. They enter the control room. INT. CONTROL ROOM - NIGdT The control room overlooks the studio floor. Technicians are setting up the cameras, microphones, lights. -over- the control room a bank of monitors hang down from a metal shelf. The TEC:=`iICAI. DI? CTOR is talking over a headset, balancing video levels. Barbara slips cis a headset and shuffles through some papers. BA_R.QARA (INTO HEADSET) Telecine, you want to. run down the file. chains for me? Silly takes in all the activity. He is. cverwhelmed. His eye catches the OLD GOLD dancing boxes on one of the race r: l ~'o r s . BARBARA (CONTINUING; GETTING infor=a_ion) Governor's press conference is on Three? There's a B roil to that. Four? Okay. Goodwill Charity Christmas Party? Three also? And :h-s slides? One? Barbara looks up at the clock. It reads: 10:58. h T e Director rushes into the booth with the news script. He quickly sits and puts on his headset. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: DIRECTOR - Stand by -for cold -tease-_ I PH BARBARA - Ten seconds. Billy steps forward to get a better view of the activity on the floor. The Director becomes aware of his presence. 'DIRECTOR Who's the visitor? BARBARA Friend of mine. Five seconds. DIRECTOR And one, mike, cues NEWSCASTER President Eisenhower returns from W�rld Peace Trur. Steel dispute continues . " These and other stories next. DIRECTOR Roll three. Three and track. A cor ercial cones up on the air mot i car . BARBARA Willy, after this I still have a lot of work to do. Why don't you call in the morning? DIRECTOR Where's the news opening? BARBARA' On six. BILLY What's good? BARB A RA Church services are at ten, ei jht- thirty, nine. DIRECTOR Punch I.D. and announce. A slide of the television station's call letters comes uo. The Alti'NOUNCZR in a glass booth off to the right speaks: ANNOUNCER This is Wi?'4R TV 2 in Baltimore, wishing all our viewers a Merry G<_ Christrias and a Happy New Year. CUT TO: EXT. CHURCH GRCU 'TDS - NIGHT The Nativity scene is set up "on the grounds . Wonderfully _ e..acora e, a out?-?alf L�i scale. The figures are made frcm clay and painted in fine detail. CA:-ZRA PANS over to Fenvick who is parked nearby. He leans on his Triumph holding a half pint of whiskey. He takes a big swig and shivers slightly. The air is cold and his breath comes out in white puffs. CUT TO E:71. DINER - NIGHT Eddie and Shrevic lean against a car parked in front of the hangout. The diner's. blue neon sign above reflects off the cars bathing the guys in a cold blue light. EDDIE Two days till the test. If she passes, t7.ro more days to the thing tae marriage. - SHREVIE Where you going? Puerto Rico? E'DDIE Cuba. SHRF. VIE My parents' friends, the Copelands, go every year. Nice. There is a long, pause. EDDIE- Shrevie, you happy with your d rtar- _a ge , or what? S'R'REVIE To be honest, I dcn't kncw. You kncw. . How can you not know? It's not like you're trying to figure out the difference between Pepsi. Cola and Rcyal Crown, for Chris' s.tke . S FR-t viE Beth is te -ific and everything, but I don't know. Eddie locks off, not happy with the answer. (CONTINUED) 4 0. C 0 NT IN-E D (CONTINUING) You know the big part of the problem? when we were dd4i ng we spent mo_s t of our ti=e talking about sex. Whv couldn't I do it? where coule we do it? Were her parents going to be out so we could do it. Talking about being alcne for a weekend. A whole night. You know. Everything was T talking about gettin' sex or planning our wedding. Then when you're m::r:ied. It's crazy. You can have it whenever you want. You wake u She's there. p. You come home from work. She's there. Sc, all the sex-planning talk is over. And the wedding-planning talk. We can sit up here and bullshit the night away, but I can't hav. a five minute conversation with Beth. But, I'm not putting the blame on her. -We've just got nothing to talk about. Eddie lights a Fall Mall. EDDIE Well, that's okay. We've got the diner. CL TO: EXT. CAROL rE_. ROW'S PAR PARENTS HOUSE - NIGHT The house is a pleasant two -s tcry wccd s t=cc r_,d e . A yellcw porch light is on. Bocgie and Carol walk ut the steps to the front door. Carol opens the door with the key. She back toward Boogie. BOOGIE (SOFTLY) I love ycu. He gently kisses her forehead, then looks her 'in the eyes. Carol throws her arts around his neck and kisses him passionately. CAROL Do you want to come inside? IR BOOGIE -Are your. parent:. around? (CONTINUED) I CONTINUED : They're probably in the basement watching TV. BOOGIE I'd lave to, but I really should hit the law books. Okay? Carol nods. He st=okes her cheek. BOOGIE (CONTINUING) i wish t could stay. CAROL � Talk to you. Soon? Boogie nods and walks away. Carol watches hi= with great affection. then t-trns and enters the hc.use. CUT TO: EXT. DINER - NIGHT Fenwick pulls over to the curb across the street from the diner. He exits the car. Eddie, Shrevie, Modell, and a group of others are all hanging out. A VOICE calls Cu:, A so. t, but yerz authoritative voice. VOICE Whaddya say, Jim? F enwick tur::s . The Grippe= is s an ding by his ca--. FEN ICK Whaddya say, Gripper? GRIPPER Not much Jim. He moves toward hi_- ever so slowly. F E; A4, I C K Oh no, you're not going to put the grip or. me, I GRIPPER Where do you get that idea, Jim? Fenwick backs up, then suddenly rips the a ntenr.a of his i car and waves it like a sword. (C0^1TINL?JI CCN:INLT : --- - Not Stay away! I'm not going to get gipped! You're not going to get me to walk on my tiptoes in pain. Oh, no. GRIP FER (even more softly) Jim, I'm not going to grip you. FE WI CK (waving the antenna) Yes, you are. The guys across the street are loving what is happening. GRIPPER To be honest, I was. But not now. I like. a guy who stands up to the Gripper. I like that, Jim. - - - ---� .FE`TWiCK - - You're not going to grip me? GR_''PER No, I just want to snake your hand. F::ti?;ICK You're settin' me up for a grip. GRIPPER Untrue, Jim. FE-.1 iCK Sure? GRIPF_R I want to shake the hand of the an who stood uo to the Gr'_oper.. �NWICK -- No grip? GRIPPER That's right, Jim. Fenwick drops the antenna. He moves toward the Gripper, slowly. The Gripper extends his hand. Fenwick extends his hand. They shake. No grip. Fenwick is relieved. GRIPPER (CONTINUING) Let's go-see the guys. The scan who stood up to the Gripper. CCGNTINL D) CCNTINLED : Fenwick, feeling very proud, -walks with the Gripper across the - s e e t - Iowa d--t le - S u d d "il lalfway ac, fls 5 ??'.$T street, the Gripper puts one of the greatest grips in his career on Fenwick. He squeezes Fern�ick's forea right through his winter coat. Fenwick feels the pain. The famous grip is on. GRIPPER (CONTINUINZ} Up on your toes, j FEN''NICK Oh no, grip. Grippes puts a little more pressure on and Fenwick is up on his toes. The guys cheer Gripper. GRIPPER Jim, never doubt the Gripper. When I say I want to shake your hand, believe what I say. Never doubt, Jim. r ;TW`rC? Never doubt. Right. The Gripper turns Fer.wick around and leads him away from the guys back to the other side of the street. Fenwick up on his toes. The guys are eating it up. Then they head back to the guys. C.41'E PANS to Boogie's ca_ as it pulls into the parking lot or. the left side of the building. He starts to pass Bagel who is about to drive out. Bagel BEEPS HIS HORN and rolls down the window. Bcogie.ralls his down. BAGEL Did you hear? T F-y on by fourteen. BOCCIE Fourteen'. Shit. They weren't supposed to roll up that big a score. BAGEL Lis ten to me next time. He pulls out. Boogie pulls forward and parks. He slams his fist into the steering wheel. Again and again. Then he leans back in his car seat. CUT TO: I INT. DINER - NIGHT (LATER) -Earl-;''.ale t- sits i? a th ? cn His r.;I taking about one whole side. He finishes off one section of a club sandwich and very politely wipes his mouth with. a napkin. Before him' then a are five deluxe sandwiches waiting for his hungry mouth. He the financial page and picks up another sandwich. Eddie, Billy and Modell are turned around in their booth watching Maget. Boogie; Fenwick, and Shrevie are dis- cussing the pecker in the popcorn bet. EDDIE (WATCHING EARL) Where's he-now? MODELL (LOOKING OVER THE MENU) He's on the Pimli:o. (he then surveys THE TABLE) That's the George's Deluxe. The Garrison, the Avalon and The Junction. EDDIE (AMAZED) The whole left side of the menu. What.a triumph if he pulls it off. Modell starts counting the sandwiches on the left' side of the menu. We catch snatches of Boogie, Fenwick, and Shr ev=e argu inz FEN IC:{ The bet was touch your pecker. Not pecker hidden in pc-acorn. SHR.VIE It was pecker touching without intention. BOOGIE Lis ten to this . Modell looks up from the menu. MODELL Fifteen.. or sixteen more. If you include the Maryland Fried Chicken dinner. EDDIE I think he's just talking deluxe sandwiches. (CONIINIJZD) CONTINUED : .i (YELLING OVER) Earl! That include the Fried Chicken dinner?- EARL Yes . EDDIE (TRULY AMAZED) Twenty-two deluxe sandwiches and the Fried Chicken dinner. -BILLY And no bets. EDDIE Nope. Just a personal goal. Another private triumph. i"his' lI top the eighty white Tower hamburgers. BILLY He ate eighty White Tower hamburgers? EDDIE. Oh yeah, you didn't know? Thanksgiving night. Eighty-six he ate. Saw him later and said, 'Earl, your goal was eighty. Why eighty-sic?' He looked at me and said, 'I got hungry.' Billy laughs, MO DELL Truth, They slide back down in tale booth. � Sr?. VIE. (TO BOOGIE) But it was a trick. I don't BUY IT EDDIE (joining back in the CONVERSATION) Me either. I want it an the up and up. Default. BOOGIE Let it all ride. Tell you what. (CONT NL:E0) CO`'T-INUED : Boogie stirs his french fry in the gravy for a long beat. T e ? 's $gerzy??aa:.z :=s :cposai. - - BC OGLE (ccn tin uing) - I bet I ball Ca_ of Heathrow or, the net date. FENWICK Now you're nuts. BOOGIE - Fifty bucks a guy. EDD;E Fifty? $HREVIE It's like stealing money from you, Boog. BOOGIE The guys all take the bet e:cepc Billy. BOOGIE (CONTINUING) ?nd I'll take all the action I can get. FEN I ^1 We need validation. ECOGI?? I'Il arrange it. You want to be there to Validate? FE NWI CK Sure. here's a slight sense o -anxit?Cy in Boogie's at;.d?e e. Billy picks u- on it. CU -6 TO: EXT. DINER - NIGh T The first rays of mar-,i::g light reflect in the diner's front r windows . Earl rLaget exits. The guys following behind applauding as he goes. (CONTI` TRD) 7 CONTINUED: L J Maget calmly crosses the parking lot and gets in his lithe veFlaw ;,ssile-t?apclitan anc ?rivesE- -- SHREVIE You all want to meet here and go to the game in my car? BOOGIE Yeah, that's good.. SHREVIi:. (GETTING INTO HIS CAR) Meet here at twelve. EDDIE Make it quarter to. Don't want to miss any of the pre-game shit. SHREVIE Why don't you go now. Then you'll be sure not to miss anything. He starts his car. EDDIE We're talking the championship game. Quarter to. Shrevie nods. The guys all exchange "See ya's," get in their cars and drive off. The diner parking lot is now empty except for Fenwick's Triumph. CUT TO: EXT. COUNTRYSIDE - DAY The morning sun is now uo. A very attractive GIRL in full rising gear gallops along or, a chestn�it stallion. She rides expertly, seemingly unaffected by the cold morning air. CuNEZt PULLS BACK until we'-see Boogie's cherry and white DeSoto keeping pace on the road close by. INT. CAR - DAY BOOGIE I've got to meet this girl. She IS DEATHL R (CONTINUED) .JJ CCZ I TIi'UED: Very nice. BOOGIE I'm in love. EXT. COUNTRYSIDE - DAY Boogie's car continues to trail alongside the Girl on the horse. Boogie rolls dom the window. BOOGIE (YELLING OUT) T Miss! Miss! Woo! Miss! The Girl pulls upon the reins and stops. Boogie quickly steps out of the car and approaches. GIRL Yes. Boogie is amazed.-- She's more beautiful up close. Long black hair and deep blue eyes. Elegant. BOOGIE I was admiring your horse . (CONTIN ED) A1 CDNTINLC??D : -GIRL`--- (VERY RESERVED) Were you? BOOGIE Do you ride Wester. style as well? Fenwick gets out of the car and leans against the door. GIRL I do, but I prefer English. There's a finer sense or control. BOOGIE What's your name? GIRL Anti Chisholm. (as Boogie star-s) As in the Chisholm Trail. --She gallops away. Boogie watches her go for a beat, then ---- tur-:s to Fenwick. BOOGIE What fuckin' Chisholm Trai? ? He walks back to the car and gets inside. F enwick does the same. INT. CAR - DAY ry. C irY _C{ You get the feeling there's something- acing on that we don't know about? BOOGIE You get the fee! ing she gav` me a - false name? (starting the car up) Wan: to drive scme more? FENWICK Naw, let's call it a night. EXT. COUNTRYSIDE - DAY Boogie's Desoto drives off. The white picket fences framing the car as -it heads down the road. We hear the SOUND OF CHURCH BELLS . CUI 7 0: t.:?1-1 . ST. AGNE5 CHURCH - JAY The BELLS in the tower RING. Billy sits in his car wait- acs--Bar-b-a=a:? egaticna1-members wa?K 3cw-;:? tie path passing the Nativi ty scene off to the left. Billy watches for Barbara. The crowd thins, we exits his car and walks toward the church, looking arcunu, thi nking s he may have missed her somehow. He peeks inside the church. Unsure whether to enter. A C U CH 1E DER exi is . BILLY Is there anyone inside? CHURCH ?EMB E R I didn't notice. BILLY Is it all right to go in? CHURCH I'EMBER Of course. Billy enters. CUT TO INT . C?:L'cZC:i - DAY Billy stands at the back and looks around. the Lang stone st=,-uct.:re. He sees Barbara still sitting. All alone. He quietly goes down the aisle and Joins her in the pew. BILLY Aryt .ins wrong, Barb? BAR3IRA No. (LONG PAUSE) Yes. I think I't< pr .a BILLY (LONG PAUSE) Me? BARBARRA Yes. Our one day in New York last month. SLY years of a plt,toric relations Lh , then one nig^t of sex... and this happens. h T ey sit silently in the church. / 9T {COIN I,Wc.J} I CONTINUED: BILLY- Maybe it's for the best. BARBARA No... I don't think so. Do you wan: to marry me? BILLY Yes. BARBARA Is that why you came back a few dayz. early? To ask? BILLY I thought after New York, you know. Seven weeks is a long time when you miss someone. BARBARA New York was a mistake. BILLY Maybe it wasn't as romantic as we'd like it to be, but I think it will happen. It's not perfect, yet, but... I love you, Barb. BARBARA You're confusing a friendship with a woman and love. It's not the SAR E They sit. Saying nothing. EXT. 'MORIAL STADIUM - DAY __ .RTAL VIEW MCVING toward the main tower of the stadiu We hear the CROWD YELL "C!!! 0! ! !" We MOVE CLOSER to the tower. The crowd roard "L!!! T!!!" We KEEP MOVING CLOSER. "S! W' " We PASS OVER the tower and ENTER the s cad ium. A deafening crowd ROAR is heard ."COLTS! ! ! " CUT TG: A COLT DEFENSIVE LINEMAN smashes into the Giant's quarterback, knocking him to the ground with a thud. The Colts are fired up. The Champion- ship is within their grasp. THE SCOREBOARD reads: "GIANTS 16 - COLTS 31." ANGLE, Eddie, Billy, Shrevie, Boogie and Fenwick are or, their feet. Victory is minutes away.' EDDIE (YELLI NG) Cino! Gino! (TO BILLY) He's incredible. They should build .astarue, a monument to him. - Something, you know. Shrevie takes the binoculars from Boogie, and looks through them. SHREVIE W rich one? - SOOGIE Second from the right. S'HRL� VIE' S POV THi OUCH THE B1I:000.ARS We see a cheerleader, then it PANS TO another cheerleader. BOOGIE (O.S.) See her? SHREVIE ,(O.S.) Yeah. How can you tell she's not wearing panties? BACK TO SCENE Shrevie puts the binoculars down. BOOGI You have to wait nor her to ju p . S`r.EVIE And when she jumped you saw? BOOGIE I see everything. Shrevie puts the glasses to his eyes again. (CONTINUED) CONT.INU,ED : Si ;.REV I Come on! Jump! Boogie stiles at Fenwick.' Fenwick holds back a laugh. FENWICK I think there's a jump coming up. The Colts take possession of the ball and start to run the clock down. `EDDIE Moe points! Johnny, the bomb! BILLY Ed, we've got it wrapped up. EDDIE I don't want just a win. I want humiliation. Goddarn New "fork teams, think they're hot shit. (yelling out). -;h-ailzation! - Joh,.ny, ht iliaticn! The cheerleaders give a big cheer. FEIR'WICK Quick, Shrevie. She's going to j ump . Shrevip cuickly starts to bring the binoculars u:), but Boogie has his arm through the scrap. BOOGIE Cops. Wait a record. Shrevie ties to untangle Boogie's a=. FE.? ' ICs Too lace. __--- Shreve stares at Bccgie a beat, t en. _aaliz_s he'.s .been Very good. Very good. The scoreboard clock ticks down. The crowd counts down the seconds. "5 .. 4. 3 . 2 . 1. " FAM4DLMOJILT,.1. The guys go crazy, grabbing and hugging one another. Some of the crowd starts to swarm onto the field. The guys follow. (CONTINUED) CONTIMT1 D : T e_ late a`tet-soon sun Ii as dropped be-Low -the `t ends-_-ThE lights.are on. A gray-golden haze envelops the field. Fans are trying to tear down: the goal post. Billy, Eddie, Shrevie, Boogie and Fenwick, hang from the goal post sing- ing the Baltimore Colt fight song. There may be happier days ahead for the guys but this one will be hard to beat. The goal post finally comes apart and the guys fall to the ground in a heap laughing happily. CUT TO: _IN:.. FZl-WICK'.S AP_\R1"'1,MNT - DAY Fenwick sits watching the GE College Bowl. The quiz show that pits one college against another. It's a real game of intellectual skill. CA?M-RA PANS the apartment. I. It is imaginatively decorated in pink and turquoise colors. Five pink flamingos, four feet high, are placed around the room. - - - - QUIZ ?!ASTER Socrates was probably the greatest philosopher of the ancient world. Plato was his student. For sixty points, who was the ocher famous student? FENWICII: Xenophon. (CO:i d INNL ED ) A BUZZER RINGS. TV QUIZ MAS'TE'R Yale. YALE TE M LEADER Xenophon. Right for sixt points. XENWICK 'Bout , -e, Yale. TV MAMER That makes thescore Z Pr inceton 345. Yale 290. The hundred POINT TOSS- up. This eoration was sp oken to these who died fighting Sparta. Who said this and when? '0ur government is not copied from our neig hbors...' FE W, I CK (screaming the answer out) Percles, 413.. . TV QUIZ FASTER 'Our cons tztutian is named a democracy... FE:t?i I CK Cor_ection. Pericles 431. The BUZZER RINGS. TV QUIZ MASTER Prince ton. PRINCETON T.rAM LEADER (STILL DISCUSSING with te ' -_ ":.ates)a - - That was the Peloponeslan War... 'i J QUIZ EASTE I n ga wag to need an answer. PRINCETON TEAM LEADER Aristotle. sorry. Yale? TV QUIZ MASTER (NO ANSWER) Pericles 431 B.C. IT (CONTINUED) ;c. CONTINT:LD : r E:? (HE CHEERS) Fenwick takes the lead again. CUT TO - INT. FENWICK'S BEDROOM - DAY The room is black. rcra pink flamingos are present. SoogiE is talking on the phone. Through the wall we hear the GE College Bowl and Fenwick's answers. BOOGIE Yeah, Ma, I know I owe two thousand dollars. Guess what? I heard it before you. What an I going to do? I'm choice. Got to find a way to pay it off. Me? I've got fifty-s ix dollars t. my name. Yes, I know I'm in trouble. Then they `ll kill me.__ 'What can -I -- - tell you? No, not tonight. No dinner. I know what you're :laving. It's Sunday. Take-out Chinese. I'm a mind reader. All right, I'm a wise guy. Fenwick did not corrip t me. I cc=zap t ed hi Or we go t outside help. FENWICK (0.S.) (through the wall) Darwin. Origin of the Species. 1859. CUT B.kCK TO: INT. LIV?NG ROOM - DAY TV QUIZ MASTER That's all the time we have this Sunday. Next week uaryland vs UCLA. FE:T6 7CK i I'll wipe them out. Boogie comes into the living room and grabs his winter coat off a chair. The show's closing theme begins. BOOGIE. Talked to Shrive. He's going to lend me to hundred. (CO: TINi,ED) J 2. CONTINUED : Going over now? BOOGIE YEAH FE ICX I'm going to drop in an my brother. Might be able to get some bucks from the to-!st. BOOGIE Howard? Really? Fenwick shrugs his shoulders. BOOGIE (CONTINUING; REAL SINCERITY) I appreciate that, Fen. I know ho�.r you guys feel about one another. Ferwick waves him off. He doesn't like any fcr of praise. Boogie starts for the door. BOOGIE (CONTINUING) With the Heathrow bet and all, I should be close. See ya. He exits. CUT TO: IN'T. SH?EVIE AND BET-.-.' S HOUSE A 43 record drops down the sL_;.d'e. The tone ar comes forward and gently rests on the record. A ROCK AND ROLL SONG STARTS TO PLAY. Shrevie is look'ng through his extremely large reccrd rac:t. Something is bothering him. He pulls out one record, then another. SERE VIE Beth! Betht Beth is in another room. BETH (O.S.) -What? (CCNTIN ED) s0. CONTINUED : COME HEREL SETH (0. S.) I'm working on a crossword puzzle. SHREVIE COME HEREL Beth sticks her head in from the other room. BETH What? SHREVIE Have you been playing my records? BETH Yeah. So? SHREVIE Didn`t I tell you the -procedure? BETH (CBVIOUSLY HAVING heard this dis- cuss_on before) Yes. You told me all about it, Shrevie. They have co be in alphabetical order. - SHREVI (like a teacher to a student) And what else? BETH They have to be ?_le according to year as well. Alphabetically and according to year. Okay?` SHREVIE And what else? Bet;thinks . SHREVIE (CONTINUING) And what else? BETH (confused, then angry) I don't know l t. (C0INTT VzD) L?? CON'TIN JED : I- - - -_ - S HREVIF - _- - --- Let me give you a hint. I found James Brown filed under the is instead of the $s, but to ton it off you rut him in the rock and roll section! Instead of the R and B section! How could you do that?! BETH It's too complicated! Every time I pull out a record there's a whole procedure to go thrcugh. I just want to hear music, that's all! � SHREVIE Is it too much to keep records in a category? R and B, with R and B. Rock and roll with Rock and roll, You wouldn't put Charlie ga: ktr with rock and rill, would you? Beth says nothing. SI:REVIE (CONTINUING) Would you?!!! BETH I don't know! Who's Charlie Parker? Shrevie almost goes out of his mind. SriREJI., Jaz,!!!! Jazz!!!! Ja??it! ! ! ! i+ T H What are you getting so crazy about. It's only Music. It's not chat big a deal. - S'r'.FE VI It - -s! Don't you understand that!!? It's important to me! They stare at one another. Shreve trying to control his temper. Beth's eyes become watery. Holding back tears. BETH Why do you yell at me? I never see you yell at your friends. SHREVIE Pick a record. Any record. (CONTIN ED) I _ BETE._ W"na t ? SH REVIE Pick a record! Beth moves over to the record rack and pulls out a recoil She holds on to it, not sure what Shrevie wants. SHREVIE (CANTINU-NG) What's the hit side? BZT??I 'Dream.' The Everly Brothers. SHREVIE Ask me what's on the flip side? BETH Why? SE E Ask me what's on the flip side. BETH What's on the flip side?� SHREVI Bird Dog. 1951. You don't ask me things like that. Do you? Never! BETH L?? Because 1 don't give a shit! cares about the flit side? i SHRED =E I do I He gen t 1y th=bs through a han d _u1 ezP records SH .EVIE /. (co\i Linuin c.) Every one of these means something. The label. The producer. The year they were made. Who was copying whose style or expanding on it. hear these and they bring back certain times in my life. (he stares at HER COLDLY) Dcn't ever touch these again. Ever. He starts cut of the room. He turns back to Beth. (CC 7IN ED) 63. CONTINLc.D: S I first met you at Modell's sister's high school graduation party.- 1955. .'Ain't That a Shame' was playing as I walked in the door. He exits and slams the door shut. CUT TO: E27. RESIDENTIAL STREET - DAY Boogie drives down the quiet street and pulls over in front of Shrevie's modest duplex. He quietly exits his Desoto and walks up to the front door. He rings the door- bell and waits. Beth opens the door. She holds some Kleenex in her hand. BETH -Oh, hi. Boogie. He notices she looks upset, but says nothing. BOOGIE Shrevie here? BETH No. BOOGIE Is he coming back soon? I talked with hi a littl_ while azo. Said he'd be in. BET I don't kno:a . She starts to cry. Boogie puts his a= --.s around her and -holds her close. - BOOGIE What's wrong, babe? BETH He ever yell at you? BOOGIE Uh a t? (CONSI:NJEO) 64. CONi INT cD (CHOKING BACK HER TEARS) I don't know wn'at to do. We've got a real problem. BOOGIE (stroking her hair) Go on, cry. Just - cry, babe. They stand in the doorway. Beth. crying uncontrollably. .Boogie holding. her. Comforting her. CUT TO: E=. FENWICK' S BROTHER'S FiCUSE - NIGHT Fenwick and his olc:er brother FOWARD stand in the driveway arguing. It is dark, the main source of light coning from a wrought iron lamp post ca the property. The house - in design. -THROUGH T? -?ICTL - - --- - is large, very modern WINDOW we see small rhi? dzen at play in the living room. FZ1 WI C'c? He's in trouble. Don't you know about friendship, Howard? HOWARD Five hundred dollars? FZNWICX Four hundred, three hundred. at ever you can afford. HOWARD Maybe this is a lesson for yoi2. If you worked, you would have some money to lend him. - FEV JICX - - Yeah, I know. I'm irresponsible. Dropped out of college. Won't work in the family business. I'm a disgrace. That's a good reason for keeping me out of your house, God knows. HOWARD You're a bad example. F 41 C.< Far be it from me to disagree. (i?ORE) (CONTINUED) CONS: UED FENWICK (COIN' D) Give me s cme money , 7,oward . - HOWARD You ever read a book? FENWICK Huh? HOWARD Read. Do you ever read? ??YWICK Never. HOWARD You should read Dale Carnegie's 'How to Win Friends and Influence People.' FENWI CK I have it or. ny night table. It's right under 'Hew to Wax Your Car.' Give me some money, Howard. HOWARD Where did you get this attitude? r.ti^WI C 1 I borrowed it. Have-to have it back by midnighr. Howard. Fenwick sta. ?s to pace the driveway. His anger is build- ing . H OWA RD I should talk to Daddy about stopping your trust fund. It s killing your initiative. FE YWIC'?. BI �. g trust -%:nd. One ht.dred dollars a month until I'm twenty-ch_ee. Granddad was a real Rockefeller. Suddenly Fenwic'k lunges at his brogher, grabbing his over- coat by the lapels, pushing him up against the la,.;p post. FEN'WIC (CONTINUING) Howard, it's important. (MORE) (CO;?�TI `b?D) C0NTINU-D . FRNWICK (CONT'D) -come--0-the7Wi--s-e -dc1Z like to see you, so you know it's FL- very important.. HOWARD Get of?. FE;WICK I despise you and 'yet I'm here. HOWARD Get off. Fenwick lets go of him and starts toward his care FENWICK Funny. As a little kid I always wanted a brother. I told that to Mom once. She said, 'You have a ?rother. ' I said, 'Ch, thaws who the asshole in the other bed Fenwick gets in his Tri=ph and pulls away, Howard shakes his head in disgust. D r Cu TO: EXT. MOV t.E Tr.?T - NIG'T Eddie and Billy walk toward the theatre. he marquee reads: "La Dolce Vita." F.?D; So, what are you going to do? B ILLY It's up to her. Her? Ycu've got a big decision to make. We could make it a double wedding. They reach the box office and hand over a dollar apiece and get t-.;o tickets in return. CU TO: I Iti'T. LOBBY - NIGHT V 11 i EGUi?_;0?`?L`?s there t o CA dV -C L::L?r. No popcorn, and only coffee is served as abeverage, EDDIE What the hell's going on here? Nothing to eat. BILLY It's an art theatre. EDDIE (THROWING BILLY A LOOK) Puck art. They oughta get some popcorn in here. They head into the theatre. CUT TO: I NT . THEATRE - -NIGHT 'r"hle fiLr is in progress. A statue of Christ is being fl(,w-n across Rome, dangling from wires as a helicopter carries it. Eddie upon seeing this turns to Bi11y. EDDIE h W at arnnl I watching? It just started and I dcn' t k:.cw what's HAPPENING BILLY It's syrbol_c. EDDIE Yeah? He gives Billy the -"jerk -of"' me icn,- CUT TO: EXT. NATIVE`? SCE'TE - NIGHT The CAMERA PANS the faces of the three wise men, then cores to rest on Fenwick's face. After a beat his half pint comes into view and he takes a swig. He shakes his head in disgust. As we MOVE BACK we -see that the Eby Jesus is gone. Fenwick is very bothered by this. (CJ "rI`;L=D) CONTIm.J) - --- __ E=` i - - - Kids . Kids did this. A sacrilege for Chris'saka.. He sits down on the hay next to one of r.he sheen. He - takes another sprig on the bottle. CUT TO : INT. S':?REVIZ'S CAR - NIGHT Shrevie drives along, still coming down from his fight with Beth. As he moves alozig we see St. Agnes an the right up ahead. The Nativity display cannot be seen clearly. We MOVE CLOSER. CLOSER.. Shrevie notices something unusual. Out of curiosity he paya clcser attention. We see the Nativity scene more clearly now. Everything is zhe same except F enw-ick has replaced the Baby Jesus. - He Iles there next to the figure of Mary in his jockey shorts. Because of the scale ofrthe display, Fer.wick locks like an enormous baby. Shreve slams on his brakes and pulls over to the curb. He quickly gets out c16 the Hudson and walks uo the slope toward the manger. CUT. TO: INT. MO v IE THEA- - NI CHT Eddie is bored to death. He sits in the chair his eyes drooping, fighting to stay awake. Billy is con Le ely involved. Suddenly a Light flashes on them. They turn, toward the source. An zSH=R stands holding a flashlight Shrevie is rh him. S H EVIE (to the usher) That's t'e guys . (tU Billy and Eddie) Come on[ Emergency! B ILLY What is it? (C0NTINV D) COLT INIJ D : SHREVIE Come on!! The guys quickly get u EDDIE What's wrong? SHRE VIE Fenwick' s in the manger. As they head down the aisle: B ILLY What? SHREVIE He's in the manger and he won't leave. EDDIE The manger? _ _ - - - SH :E VIE I've never seen him like this. They e-%--;t through the swinging doer to the lobby. CUT TO EX 77. ST. AGNZS CHURCH - NIGHT Fenwick happily lies in the manger sprawled out in the hay. Alt :cuzh he is almost naked, he seems i..?;:.�ne to the chid night air, However, his battle certainly helps as a warmer. He h=s "Little Town of Bet.-lehem." The guys core across the church ground. Fen-,rick sees them and smiles. E NWI CK Come, three more wise men You've heard of the m EDDIE Let's go, Fen. FE. TI; CK You must have traveled far, Rest your weary feet. (CO:VTINLED) CCNTIN IED : BILLY T:.e price will be-here. Somebody's going to spot you. FENWICK This is a big smile. Don't you t`_: ink? SHREVIE Yeah, come on. - The guys prod him on. Fenwick will have none of it. Billy reaches down to help Fer:wick up. Fenwick pushes hi= awa�-. FENWI CK NOT Eddie and Shrevie try to help out. Fenwick struggles with them. He grabs hold of a wise man. 3illy tries to pull him off it. The wise man topples over. The guys co itimue to struggle with him. Billy is knocked b.ckward and part ,of the s t=uctur-e rails down. - CL-' T0: 12N7. FOLI CE CAR - NIGHT Two men drive along, patroling the street. Off to the right they see what is happening in the NaLiv ty display. It looks like a riot-has broken out in the manger. A sheep suddenly sails through the air. The SI .E WAILS. EXT. CHURCH GROUND - NIGHT h T e guys are still struggl ing with Fenwick. Everything is a mess. They hear the SIREN and the activity quickly comes to a halt. As the police apprcac:h-, the guys stand very still. rhe three guys are standing side by side. Ferur_ck is i= the hay. In an odd way it looks like a new version of the Nativity. EDDIE (out of the side of his mouth) What do we do? F BILLY Cho ice. CUT TO : IiTr. LOCK-UP - NI(= r enrrick is in a call alone. Eddie and Shrev__ are in the calm moo-him- Billy ZS l?acrosssfro ?h - locked up with another guy. The lights are low. Fenwick and Shrevie are asleep. Billy and Eddie stand by the bars talking to one another. EDDIE I added a cou ple killer questions to the test. Tomorrow night's the showdown. BILLY She studying hard? EDDIE Better be. Otherwise she's off to Cuba alone. BILLY Wish I knew what to do about Darbara. The CELL MATE stars pu rirg his - 6ing ers in Bil iy' s - ha{ r .-.- Billy pushes him away. He tries to ignore him. LDDIE Get married. Take her back to school. Get a part time job. By the time the kid arrives you'll have your Masters and all's well. BILLY And what about her job? EDDIE, Her job? I give you an answer and you confuse it by bringing her into the problem. Billy pushes the guy away again. B ILLY (to the csllr.ate) Take a walk. O EDDIA) Ed, she's in this thing. There's two or US. She loves her work and... and she doesn't want to marry me. That's the bottom line. EDDIE C -You're dealing with an irrational girl. (:LORE) (CONTINUED) CCN'TINT ED : EDDZ -MCPN-T ) 4 That's your problem. Billy pushes the guy away, from h; again. B ILLY Listen, find somewhere else to stand, buddy. GUY What's wrong, cutie? Am I bothering you? EDDIE You heard him, back off. The guy grabs at Billy. Billy pushes h iLm off. GUY You going to do something about it? (he grabs at -bdm again).. Huh? EDDIE (YELLING) Back off him, sa:uck! GUY (TO BILLY) You. going to do some th_rg about it? Huh? Huh? Huh? Billy pushes the s-uy back against the 'ha' 1, than noes into a boxing stance. B ILLY (VERY CALMLY) You want to fight? That what you want? Cane on. Come on, you son- of-a-bitch,. I'll hit you so hard I'll kill your whole ` _ amil ;r. Billy stands there waiting. The guy doesn't know what to make of this threat. He could be dealing with a real tough kid. He looks at Billy, unsure wheth.:r to tes` hi^. Billy stands ready. Eddie watches. After a few seconds the guy sits down or. the cot. Billy sneaks Eddie a look and smiles. T I POLICE STATION - NIGHT Billy, :dd=e, Shrevie and their FA7r_'RS walk dcwn the police corridor. EDDIE' S FA :=R We cared Jimmy's father, but he said he wouldn't post bail until the morning. He wants to teach him a lesson. CAY-71RA PANS TO Billy and his Father. BILLY'S FATHER We get back from Florida, open the door aid the p-olice call. T BILLY That's what I call gcod ti .ing. How's M.om? BILLY'S FATHER She's fine. I thought you were going to .come _dowa for a __few days--_ after the school break. BILL Y Things came up. THE y round a cor::er. . CAS RA HOLDS on the empty co id.c r . CLRI TO ? TYSALna1 _ r v L.z, ru� ..? g y n Boogie is finishing putting rollers in a middle4.ge WOMAN' S hair. W OREL One of these days I ray try another hairstyle, not yet. BOCCI Whenever you're ready. Boogie notices Beth enter the store. She looks around, then approaches Boogie. BETH Hi, Bocg. BOOGIE (with a hairpin in his mouth) Beth. (CO.1TIN ) R CONTINUED BETH -Is t . 'Sc?iTHw??- - BOOGIE He'll be back. He went down the street for some donuts and coffee. What's up? He puts the last curler in place. BETH Well, you know, we're all getting our hair done for the wedding. Boogie leads the Woman toward the hair dryers. Beth follows. BETH (CONTINUING) The bridesmaids, the whole group. And I'm i.i charge of making sure that Mr. Sol can handle us. Without any problems. . Maybe have -- ?:ccra cperat=s cr -somethi:.g. Boogie sits the Wort dcwnr under the dryer and turns it on. he hands her a magazine. BOOGIE (to the Woman) Here's the Saturday Evening Post. (TO -BETH) I don't knew what.he's planned. BET:D You're not working t at day, are you? A stocky set GUY, enters the salon. Bccgie notices. BOOGIE No. So, I guess he's got scWet hi.ng arranged; - - - - i::= Guy motions for Beo,gie to come over. BOOGIE (CONTINUING) He'll be back. Wait around. Bcogie walks to the front of the store where the Guy waits. (CON TIN B) 75. CONTINUED: ID (CONTINUING) How you doing, Tank? Tank nods for Boogie to follow. They exit the beauty salon. CUT TO: EXT. BEAUTY SALON - DAY Tank and Boogie come out of the shop and walk around the side of the building that leads into a small alley. TANK You had a payment to make. BOOGIE Yeah, I'll have it tonight. TANK Suppose to have it last night. No one in the office.got a call. BOOGIE It was a mistake. Forgot. Tonight. I've got some bets that I've called in. I'll have it. Tank looks Bookie straight in the eye. T.-L K Don't bullshit me, Boogie. BOOGIE S?caight. I'll have it. Tank starts to turn away. He quickly tu=-ns back and punches Boogie with a hard fist to the stomach. Bccgie doubles up. His breathing comes hard and fast. ir-no do you think you're fucking with? You think this is kids stuff? He pushes the now helpless Bocgie against the wall. TANK (CONTINUING) You think this is fun and games? Little game that kids play, huh? (CONTINUED) 75A. CONTINUED: H-e -s' ?? ar ouz d--t:re head- TANK ( TON:INUI-NG) 'Cause, I'm not amused. Tonight, Boogie. No if-ands-or-buts. Tank walks away. Boogie slowly straightens up, takes in a few breaths and feels. his stomach. CUT TO: INT. BEAUTY -SALON - DAY (NIINUTES LASER) Boogie enters the shop. BEAUTICIAN Boogie, there's a call for you. Boogie having gotten himself together now walks over to phone and answers it- BOOGIE. Hello? C=-701? Just -tilinking about you. What? The flu? Are you sure? 102, yeah, that doesn't sound good. Okay, babe. Take care. I'll call and check up on you. Feel better. 'Bye. (C0NbIbvi.ED) CONTINUED: So-o h: ",,s- up -bra - He's in deep trouble. He looks across the room at Beth who sits in a chair reading a magazine. He watches her. Thoughts race across his .ind. He walks over to her and sirs down. BOOC:E (CONTINUING) Feeling better today? BETH I'm not crying. That's about the only improvement. Thanks for last night. I needed someone to just be there. BOOGIE Felt like old times, you kZow. Standing Li, the doorway. (a small laugh) Like I was dating you main. BETH Boog,,,when we were dating, cfid YOU care fcr me? B00GI= Sure I did. BETH 11o: because you could do things to me, but because you cared? BOOGIE Of curse, Beth. There were plenty of girls for that, you know, if a guy wanted a pop. But I got to tell you, you were real good. was ? BCOGIZ Believe me. BETH How would I rate? BOOGIE Right up there. We had some good nights. Still think about those times, and that's long ago. CC:V'TINL ED Beth locks away. Her eyes start to tear up. She is on the edge of-breaking dawn. BETH I don't have any sense what I'm like any-.ore. Don't ?--,ow what I am. If what I wear is nice. If I look pretty... just lost all sense of me. BOOGIE I don't know what Shrevie doesn't tell ya, but you have nothing to worry about. Yo�i're a definite looker. A sexy lady. (A BEAT) We should get together sometime. They sit in the chairs, looking off in opposite directions. BOOGIE (CONTINUING) Shrevie going over to Eddie's for Elyse's football test? BETH Yeah? � Are you going? BOOGIE No. BE H Can we get together tonight, Bcog? Boogie has accomplished what he warts. Bu= he's not happy about it. BOOGIE Yes. CUT TO: 1'.'7L. TELE ]rS ION STATION - NI(7r.T Billy and Barbara walk dowr. the corridcr. Billy is angry. BILLY It's mine as well. I have something to say in this as well. Don't I? (COI; 1 NTJE ) I 1 CONTINUED (SPEAKING QUIETLY) I'm not talking about doing anything drastic, an abor pion or anything like that. BILLY Well, I get the feeling I'm not even included. BARBARA Keep your voice down. BILLY I'm half responsible for this MESS T BARBARA Plea--e. Don't be so loud. She sees a door and opei:s it. BAP3APA (CONTINUING) In here. r Billy enters. She closes the door bei.ind. CUT TO INT . ANNOLNCBR' S BOOTH - DAY i'. ROUGH THE, GLASS PARTITION we see the control roc= and the Stu io floor belc-w. There is some acti�Ti`y gci g on in preparation for. the rRd-day newscast. B ILLY Have you been to the doctor yet? - BIA?3A ..A. BILLY Why not? BAZBAPA I'm afraid to. Ccnfi-. your worst fears, as they say. CUT TO. '6R IN-77- CONTROL BOO -LE, - DAY J S t e c.--". I C an e c ing o u t equ;pmentprio. to a tie In the b.g., THROUGH THE-GLASS PARTITION, we see Barbara and Billy talking in the s:=all announcer's booth. On the monitors above we see the daily soap operas. The audio to one of them is on. The audio an asks for voice checks on the floor microphones. CUT BACK TO: INT. ANNOUNCER'S BOOTH B ILLY What do we do? Don't you think we should explore the situation? Barbara sits on the desk. A small light is d;rectly behind her. At prese.it it is not on. BARBARA - I can't believe' this' happened. I'm hardly the adventurous type. Some:.ow i:. Just dcesn' t see= fair. CUT BACK TO: TNT. CONTROL BOOTH, The audio man completes his audio check. Directly behind him we see Billy and Barbara IN THE GLASS BOOT;:. 'ie picks up a paper and puts his feet up on the audio c:, nscle. Accidentally, he kicks on a switch. CU BA Ci, bO: I' T . A.?N:1OL'NC:.R' S BOOT'ri The li?^z behind Barbara turns red. BARBARA And that makes iL very difficult. CU i BACK TO INT. CONTROL ROOM - DAY h T e soap opera continues. We hear the AUDIO TO T::L SHOW. A couple is- having l=ch in a restaurant. (CONTI-NUED) COh"TINL D : T L a ?L -t.&ar??l y_an .?i-r�aab r -S- '� U41 to '-?trtra .::sV h but very low key. SOAP OPERA MAN He's very, very ill SOAP OPERA WOMAN You were there? BARBARA'S VOICE I have a great affection for you, Willy. You're my closest friend. SOAP OPERA WOMAN If he dies, what will we do? CAMERA HOLDS an the soap opera ncnicvrs, the audio man who reads the paper, and Billy and Barbara in the b . g . BARBARjA ' S VOICE I won't marry you, not out of -_convetaence. - - - -- -- - SOar OPERA M..NL I th_nk we should wait. BARBARA'S VOICE Not because it's the thing to do. God, I sound disgustingly brave. CUT TO: LAT. IDDIE' S CLUB CELLAR - t?IG?iT F.d?;ie's We are LOOKING UP a flight of ste;.s. A door ovens. Father stands there. EDDIE' S F Ai :ER (YELLING DOWN) ----How's she doing? S}iPEJiE (O.S.) Elyse has about a 72 so far, but she's hitting a bad streak. Eddie's Father comes down the steps. We see Shrevie, Fen- wick, Modell, and Billy gathered. The basemen has a bar with neon lights around it, so as to set it off as a show- piece in the room. The walls are knotty pine. - (CJa;1: tJED) T T CCNTTNUED : Eddie and Elvse_are _not-in the rocn:_ They _a-e_j lat:ndry room. The door is partial l.y open. We hear: EDDIE (O.S.) Before the Cleveland Browns Joined the NTL they were in another league. what was it .-abed? 'ELYSE (O.S.) Another league? EDDIE (O.S.) Yes. Lo n g pause. The guys eagerly await the answer. ELYSE (O.S.) I don't know. Shrevie shakes his head and makes a mark on a piece of paper. BILLY What's it now? SH?,r VIE I don't know an more. Maybe about a 67. BILLY Passing is 65? SE E VIE Yep. EDDIE (0.S.) Buddy Young played for a team 't a.t no longer exists. what was the name of that tea=? All the guys lock at one ano then . A very tough gtpesticn. EDDIES FA%:ER Anybody know that? Ncr.e of the guys have the faintest idea. ELYSE (O.S.) The New York Yankees football team. INUED) CONTINUO : EDDIE . (0 . S . ) TU-9 MODELL The New York Yankees footba?l team? EDDIE'S r1iHER They were also in the American Conference. I contributed that question. EDDIE (O.S.) h T at was the lrngest run from scrimnaga by a rookie in his first game? S HREVIE Alan Ameche. EDDIE (0.S.) We heard that in here. I'm disqualifying that question.- ELYSE (O.S.) I knew that. 79 yard run. Opening day 1955. EDDIE (O.S.) Sorry, Elyse. BILLY You blew that, Shrevie. S E "IIE Sorry. I got exc.ted. It's one of the few questions I k-:et-:. BILLY How many more? I don't knew. I've Lest count. The door to the ton of the stairs opens. EDDIE' S O N THE? stands there. + EDDIE' S MOTHER Elyse's mother is on the phone. How's she doing? EDDIE'S rA'?HER The guys think it could go either way. (CONTI`TUED) CONTINUED : EDDIE' S MCTILR E t_ er way. ay. - Shecloses the door.- EDDIE (U.S.) The Colts siged him. A Heisma-n trophy winner who decided to play in Canada. Now, however, he plays for the team. What's his name. The CA?ZRI A PANS the faces of the guys. -ErlYSE (C.S.) Heis=an trophy winner. L.G. Dupre. EDDIE (O.S.) No. Billy Vessels. Er.YSE (U.S.) I should have known tha - EDDIE (0:?.? 'Should ofs' don't count. FZ'YWI CK Vessels. Out of Oklahoma. MODELL She could of racked up points on that one. , : : VIE I have no idea what the score is now. MCDE`- T. Want to bet she goes do,.-n, for the count? aDL (0.5.) -T ast question. The guys and Eddie's Father c ghc:2n up. Tension fibs the room. EDDI: (O.S.) (CONTINUING) The Colts had a team here, lost the franchise, then got one from Dallas. What were the colors of the original Colt team? CO:tT HUED) CONTINL`ED : Woo. A ball buster. MODELL ( :.soling to himself) The original colors? EDDIE'S FAT:R Also my question. ELYSE (O.S.) Original colors? Green and gray. -EDDIE (0. S - ) Right. B ILLY (Jumping up and APP LAUDING) A real scrapper! Tough question and she pulls it out of a hat. The other guys don't share his excitement. BILLY (CONTINUING) Come on, guys. Green and gray. Any of ycu guys know that? Cone on. -Give her credit. n T I I9 We hear EDDIE'S. VOICE. The guys quickly "shhhs doom. SHRE IZ Tct<,l's coming up. EDDIE (O.S.) True and false. 72. Multiv?e choice. 58. MODELL __- _ Killer choices. Conf::sing. EDDIE (C.5.) Short answer. 64. Eddie totals. The guys wait. BILLY What do you think? MO DELL Pick 'em. . ( C 0 NT INLED) I CCH' INUED : Eddie' 5-Father walks the war EDDIE (0.S.) The tocal is... 63. I ELYSE (O.S.) OH NOT r E WI CK A cliff hanger. .BILLY Two points. S HREVIE What do you think he'll do? EDDIE' S FATHER He'll give it to her. Good sportsmanship is worth two points. The door -to the ? aundry room -opens. Eddie steps into the - room. He looks at the guys and his Father. EDDIE The marriage is off. CUT TO: INT. BOOGIE'S CAR - NIGHT He sits in the car and waits. Beth comes out of the house and dc--m the walk. She gets in the, car-and s la:.s the dcc m shut. She is excited. She leans over and kisses Bccgia on the cheek. BETH W' ere are we going? - BOOGIE - - Ferwick' s apa_ amen t . He hands her a long blonde wig. BOOGIE (CONTINUING) Here, put this on. BE TRY What's that for? (C0INTINJZD) CONTIN=M : - BOORI� __ Case someone sees us. 'They might .think you're Carol Heathrow, or somebody like that. She slips the wig on her head and straightens it out, BETH How's it look? BOOGIE Fine. Jus t fine. 'they 'drive away. CUT TO EXT. \EDDIE' S HOUSE - NIGHT Fenwick and Shrevie walk out the front door. From inside we hear YELLING AND SC3E.L NG between- Eddie and -his _-parents SHREVIE You going up to the direr? FENWI C+. No, got to validate the Heathrow bet. SHREVI? Christ, yeah, of course. They approach their cars. (CONTINUING) fen, you mind if I came along? Fenwick thinks about it. SII; VIE (CCNTINSI_NG) I won't matp a so=d. FF_.T i I CX It's a small closet. Gotta be will. SHRVIE Great. ,: They get into Fenwick's car and dr.-;e off. CUT TO : -EXT . S T REZE T - NIGHT Boogie drives his Desoto along. Beth, wearing the blonde -" Grp; s shy a.s si4e. CUT TO: EXT. S TR Z T - MIGHT Fenwick's Triumph turns.a corner and heads down another street. CUT TO : INIT. CAR - NIGHT FENWI CK The flip side of Donna? SHREVIF. Easy. La Bamba. CUT TO : INT. BCCGIE' S CAR - NIGHT Boogie is uncomfortable. Knowing what he is about to do is wrong. Beth is silent. - CUT TO: F INT . F =ti'WICK' S AFAR TNT - NIGH� Fenwick and Shrevie enter the dark acar t=enc. Fenwi ck doesn:' t t�.:,-m on the lights. They nog c toward the bedroom. CUT TO: --- INT.--BEDROOM - NIGHT -. The room is 'dark.' A shaft of light corning through a win- dow offers the only source of illumination. Fen-wick opens the closet door. Shrevie steps inside. F-NWICK 1 You crouch. I'll stand. Shrevie kneels down. Fenwick enters and closes the door. It. retains about four inches open. CUT TO: SHREVIE (O. S . ) Fine with me. Good view. CUT TO: EXT . r EN'WI C:X' S APARTMENT - NIGHT Boogie and Beth are walking toward the apar O_r.: building. BOOGIE You've got to be real quiet inside. No talking. BETH I think you're a little paranoid. The walls are very, very thin. Promise? BET;I Sure. They approach the door. Boogie unlocks it. He starts co open the doer, then closes it. He's changed his mind. BOOGIE Let's go. He takes her by the a= and leads her away. Beth is ccn- fused. BOOGIE (CONTINUING) It's a mistake, Beth. Bet or no --BET- BETH What? They approach the car. Bocgie opens the door. Beth gets inside. BE'? :-i (CONTINUING) What are you talking about? Boogie closes the door and goes around to his side. He gets in, starts the engine and pulls away. CUT 70 INT. BEDROOM - ANG't ON r-: SLIGHTLY OPENED CLOSET DOOR - NIGHT FENW1C{ (O.S.) They should be here now. SH VIE (C..S.) Let's wait. C. T TO INT. CAR - NIGHT Boogie is very urser, with hi=self. Beth is calm. SHE HOLDS the blonde wi'g in tier lap. BETH I was suppose to be Carol Heathrow? BOOGIE That's right. Sick thing to do. I'm real sorry. They drive i.^. silence. Beth plays with the blonde hairs of the wig. BET: Thank you., BOOGIE For what? BETH At least you had enough respect for me to call it Off. That says a lot. A beat. BOOGIE Shreve and you should work out ya t t:.i_^.g B;.-r-: T wish I k=ew what to do. 300GIE I'm not real good at talking to girls when there's problems and all. With me, if I have a hassle with a girl, I just split. But you guys should try something. -It would be worth it. CUT TO: EXT. SHREVI AND BETH'S HOUSE - NIGHT Bowie's car is culled over. -Beth's door is openand she stands on the curb talking to Boogie inside the car. BETH What are you going to do about the money? Boogie szugs his shoulders and smiles at her, BOOGIE Take care, babe. Beth closes the door: Boogie drives his Desoto away. Btth watches him as he disappears down the street. CUT TO: TNT. STRIP JOINT - NIG'iT -Bil Ly and Eddie are in one of the clubs on Baltimore's famous Block. In the b.g. a bored STRIPPER goes through. the mo tions. The' drier thz.:. -?ps out a monotonous beat and a saxophonist drones away,- A few sailors and some other customers sit at cables around the stage area. All t h e tables have wooden =a? lets . When the Stripper does something they especially like they pound the table with tr.Le mallets. Billy and Eddie both have beers and chasers in front of then. Billy sips the chaser and his body actually shakes from it for a few seconds. BILLY There is no reason to actually like this, you know that. EDDIE An acquired taste BILLY No matter-how long -I drink- whiskey I still don't like it. He takes another sip, and once again shakes. Then he sips the beer. BILLY (CONTINUING) Now beer's another story. (CONT INUED) 91. CONTINUED Eccie watches t::e Stri pa= zn owing a few bps an g in s. EDDIE You know something? BILLY What? EDDIE I don't Iike strippers. I mean, so they show a little here and there. So what? But, give me a coc. rle of ranoosas in a pink sweater.., look out? BILLY Remember the first time we became aware of breasts on girls? EDDIE Arlene Stowe. BILL Y Showed up for the new school year and there they were. EDDIE Seventh grade. BILLY We gave little Joel Cher--I a nickel -apiece to find cut is they were real. Told him to be slnbcle. He walked over, reached uc and grabbed. T::rned to us and yelled, 'They're real!' EDDIE The whole thing with girls is painfu?. And it keeps getting acre painful... instead of easier. Billy downs his beer and orders tT,o more. BILLY Remember 'copping a feel'? Boogie was the first. Said it was great. So, when I tcck out Ruth Ray I figured I had to do it. EDDIE Ruth Ray, eighth grade. CC CONTINUED: Right. Sat on the couch in her club cellar for hours, trying to figure out a way to get my arm arc:,tzid her. Finally, I learned the 'move.' I yawned and put my arm around her shoulder. He demonstrates on Eddie.- BILLY (CONTINUING) I Then came the big task of getting my hand down to her-breast. By the time I worked un the nerve to move down, I realized my arm was asleep. Figured out there wasn't enough time to take it back, ge6 the feeling again, acid start over. Had to be in by eleven. Time was running out. So, I move toward- the breast -with my arm - ----- asleep. My first copping a feel was like this. - He bangs his limp arm against Eddie's chest. He bps it again. BILLY (CONTINUING) Next time I saw the guys they said, 'Did you cop a feel?' I said, 'Yeah.' 'How was it?' 'Great.' Eddie laughs and Billy joins in. CJ1 TO: ---EXT. -DINER - NIGHT R Bocgie pulls into te diner parking lot. Fenwick and Shrevie race over to the car. Boogie opens the door. 17; Bong, you should get outta here. Tank's Inside. Boogie gets out of the car and slams the door shut. He looks coward the diner and thinks a moment. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: S HR VIE tiny Con ycu wait until he splits? BOOGIE He'll just keep looking for me. He starts toward the diner. BOOGIE (CONTINUING) Hand's dealt. Might as well play the cards. The guys hang behind? Boogie continufts on. Inside the diner we see Tank moving along the aisle toward the door, Boogie heads for the door. Just as he reaches it, Tank steps outside. - TANK Boag.. BOOGIE' Tank. -- TANK Lucky can. BOOGIE That so. TA K Yeah. The Bagel just raid off your debt. Boogie looks at him, trying to size up the situation. Wcnderirg if he's r=ning a nurbey for scale reason. B COG I E We're even? Straight? TA K T'hat's the story. Tank starts past Boogie. BOOGIE TANKS Tank tu :s. Boogie slams his fist into his stcWach. Tank drops to one knee in pain. (CC'TTINL' C) 94. CONTINUED: OUGIE (CONTINUING) I still owed you that. He enters the diner. Fenwick and Shrevie are amazed by what just happened. CUT TO: INT. DINER - NIGHT Boogia approaches Bagel wL_o sits at a booth alone. He JOINS HI-- BOOGIE Thanks, Bagel. BAGEL Your mother called. She was frantic. So, out of respect for your -f at:.er. - - - He sips his coffee. Then h,.i picks up a toasted bagel and butters it. BAGEL (CONTINUING) Your mother feels you're just wasting your t4---e in law school it's not for you. BCOGIE Probably right. BAGEL Ccee to work for me. There's a lot of money to be made in the home improvement business. You'd be very good at it. Boogie thinks about it. Bagel chews on his bagel. BOOGIE Well, I was only really using law as a come=on for the girls. They like that. But, what the hell. (HE SMILES) I can always lie. The waitress passes.. (CCNTIB3UED) 95. CONTINUED VVGIH (CONTINUING) Enid, some french fries and gravy. BAGEL Call the two thousand an advance. BOOGIE I'll work for you... for awhile. Then, I'll have to move on to bigger things. ,.BAGEL Always a dreamer, eh, Boog? BOOGIE If you don't have good dreams, Bagel, you've got nightmares. He flashes him a smile. CUT -TO tNT. STRIP JOINT - NIGHT Billy and' Eddie are still dri^king at the bar. They are not drunk, just ve-cy happy. EDDIE I'll tell you one chinz that happens when you get mcrried. You have to give up your old friends. Billy listens to the music, slapping his thighs, crying be get the band to pick up the beat. EDDIE (CENT INUING ) idle wi Fe wants you to get new friends. 'Cause me and you have secrets she'll never know. And new friends can never be as good, 'cause we've got a history. BILLY It won't change, only if we let it. Billy keeps ,slapping his thighs, but the dr.:mmer and the saxophonist continue on, unaware of Billy's private urgings. (CONTINUED') C0N.II'LcD : BITT Y f nti- Yirg? This is getting me crazy. Billy goes toward the small stage. BILLY (O.S.) (CONTINUING) Come on, guyst Pick up the beat! They don't respond. Eddie sits at the bar amused. Billy claps his hands to a strong rhythm, but of course, the guys pay no attention. Billy goes up on the stage and pulls a cover off a small piano in the corner. He sits down and runs his fingers down the keyboard, then starts to play. It bas a nice, pleasant sound to it. The dr er and the saxophonist stop, not knowing what to do. The Stripper also stops. The club bouncer at the front door turns toward the stage, notices something is wrong and makes his way forward. Billy's "piano playing becomes more intense. Stronger. He drives the keys hard. Full tilt rock ane roll. The sound becomes infectious. The sailors and other customers pick up the beat. One after another they start to pound the tables with the wooden mallets. Eddie moves toward the stage banging empty beer battles together . The saxophonist joins Billy. Then the dry--?e,. The Stripper stands by the side of the stage watching. The music builds. Billy's fingers pound the piano. Eddie jL ps up on the stage and starts dancing around. He grabs the Stripper and they jitterbug. The sailors and other customers are cn their feet, banging .the mallets Cr. the tables for all they are worth. A room full of dr-=..e,s. The Lemon heightens. Billy kicks back the stool a la Jerry Lee Lewis. The crowd cheers. The bouncer cheers along. The saxophonist struts the stage playing his heart out. The dr'er drives the bass dr.:.m with his foot. His hands sweep back and forth across the skins. Eddie's feet are flying. Enthusiasm over grace. The Scrip per is a whirlwind of motion and sexuality. The tempo is fierce. (COVTI:TLZJ) F C0NTTNLED: Ril i" _lMI IkC tZtT ?' ??rt ,,..-,p n ? ca vnn?+nn r? The .sc builds, and bu=lds, and t.,en altogether they s u.. WW&A. e place e:cplodes in cheer and applause, CUT TO: EXT. TFZ BLOCK - NIGHT Billy and Eddie walk with their arms around the Stripper. They are enjoying one another. EDDIE . let's see. STRIPPER First joke you remember. RDDIE Ah, let's see. Filth ?rade. Junior Scholastic Magazine. Hic' tory hickory, doc._. _.The mouse ran . up the..,- clock. The clock struck one.,, and the other taro escaped with minor injuries.' Billy and the Stripper boo. Eddie Laughs. STRIPPER That's terrible. _ EDDIE Fifth grade huWcr. S TRIPPER Since then your hu o has moved up to the sixth grade, is that it? Eddie laughs. He enjoys the put-down. _..._ EDDIE - You're all right. STRIPPER You guys have made my night. You should come dewy, and hang out more often. EDDIE Don't think I can. Getting ma--- ' ed. Billy looks- at him. - Eddie smiles. (COii T INLTED) EDDIE (CONTINUING; TO BILLY) Figured she would have gotten the Alan Aaeche question that Shrevie screwed up. BILLY Benefit of the doubt. EDDIE Exactly. STRIPPER I love weddings. Just never found the time to settle... or wanted to. (TO BILLY) And you? BILLY No marriage. STRIPPER Got a girl? BILLY Not really. Just in love. STRIP?ER Does the girl know? BILLY Yeah, I told her about it. STRIPPER Told her? Did you show her? Billy thinks about that as they enter an all-ciaht cootee shop. CUT TO: EXT. COFFEE SHOP - NIGHT Billy, Eddie, and the Stripper sit in q.booth by the win- dow, eating, drinking and laeeahing. The CA?'RA SLOWLY .PULLS BACK. The first rays of morning light are breaking behind the building. The CA:"'RA KEEPS PULLING BACK. CUT TO: E cr. COUNTRYSIDE - DAY ,'vN Cc?ISHOL' rides her horse across the gently rolling hills . The ho L se and her-"are one; Grace and bra She rides OUT OF F: 'E. Seconds later Boogie rides a horse INTO FR.'%lE. He pulls up on the horse and cc .es to a stop. He watches Ann ride, then pulls up his collar on his wool overcoat and rides off. Boogie rides after Ann. Although he is not a goad rider, he pushes to pick up ground.. Finally, he pulls alongside. Ann slows her horse and Boogie does the same. BOCCIE Nice morning. ANN Yes, it is. BOOGIE Mornings I've always felt are a good time to ride. - Ann doesn't- respond. - BOOGIE (CONTINUING) (f You live around here? ANN Not around here. Here. Boogie looks around what seems like endless ccun yside. He's over,whelmed. LNN (CONTINUING) Which means you are trespassing. Boogie looks her in the eye and flashes his smile. BOOGIE -- '---I was wait ng for an invite. Ann studies him. ANN Let's ride. She kicks her horse and gallops off. Boogie follows As they ride AWAY FROM CAMERA. ANN (CONTINUING) What's your name? (COIN TIL =)) CONTINL D: BO CI ' Boogie. As in Bobby Shef tel.. They ride over a crest and disappear from sight. CUT TO: INT. BANQUET HALL - WEDDING ROOM - NIGHT The "Wedding Rcom" has been elaborately decorated. Potted blue and white flowers in stands line the aisle to the blue and white flower-d altar. The room is a festival of blue. and white. The guests sit in fold;.ng chairs eagerly waiting for, the wedding procession to begin. The MUSIC BEGINS. However, it is not the traditional wedding math but rather the Baltimore Colts'Fight Song. Even though the organist has softened it, there is still _a _"rah-rah" quality to it. The flower girl comes down the--- aisle throwing white flowers on the blue aisle. Modell with his GIRLFRIEND. GIRL RIEND What is that music? MO DELL Colt Marching Song. Sounds good, huh? The ushers come for4ar3. Boogie and Fenwick, followed by Shrevie, who walks alone. They are all smartly dressed in black tuxedos. The bridesmaids come forward. Beth and another girl. Fol- lowed by tao more girls. Followed by two more girls. Billy and Eddie start down- the aisle. Behind them is Eddie's Mother and Father. They walk on either side of his grandmother. The COLT ING SONG CONTINUES ON. Eddie sees someone sitting one seat in from the aisle. He whispers to Billy. BILLY Moon Shaw? Where? (CONTINUED) CONT ?NUZD : td t rh? -:td. B:L117 1K5 otter. BILLY (C ONTINUING) You're right? As they start to -pass, Billy leans into the row and grabs Moon Shaw by the shirt. He pulls back his fist. Jxoor is- shocked. - BILLY (CONTINUING) Hi, Moon. � He smiles, lets him go and rejoins Eddie, having missed only a few steps. No one is quite sure what has happened. Quickly the attention is back to the wedding procession. LONG SHOT -. THE HALL --as Elyse and her -mother and --father-come down -the-ai-s7le.- CIJT TO: INT. WEDDING ROOM. - TIGHT SHOT - EDDIE'S .-AC NIGHT IAB3I (O.S.) Do you, Edward, take this woman, Elyse, to be your lawful wedded wife?' For better or worse, in sickness and in health,. until death do you part? EDDIE I do . RABBI (O.S.) Do you, Elyse... TIGH SHOT - FENWIC{' S FACE CBI (O.S.) take this man, Edward, to be... TIGHT SHOT - BOOGIE'S FACE RABBI (O.S.) your lawful wedded husband. t For better or worse... TIGHT SHOT - BILLY'S FACE R4_3BI -(O.S.) in sickness aril in health, till death do you part? TIGHT SHOT - EDDIL' S FACE ELYSE (O,S.) I do. Eddie smiles. RABBI (O.S.) I now proncui ce yot an and wife. CUT TO INT . BANQUET MALL - NIGHT -The hall is also decorated in blue and white. The table clothes, th_e napkins, ribbons, flowers, the bandstand, - -. - - - __ - ---.- the band. The six-piece band plays a nice, perky, dance t ne. Some women dance with women. Mothers dance with sons, fathers and daughters and some husbands with wives. Shrevie dances with Beth and they seem to be enjoying themselves. C.?NaRA PANS TO Fenwick and the eleventh grader, Diane. DIANE Why not travel the United States? Fr`IW CK It's been done. Europe. Europe looks like a smile. Cr=1 'RA PA NS TO Boogie and Ann C'._sho'.m. He is staetieg Co walk coward the buffet table. ANN Bobby, I think I will have a few more of. (holding up an HORS D'OEUV-E) , whatever this hors d'oeu' e is. CAA PA PAN'S TO a banner on the back wall that reads: EDDIE AND ELYSE. FOR THE 60'S AND FOREVER. CUT TO INT. BANQUET HALL - NIGHT (SLIGHTLY LATER) A SLOW SONG IS PLAYING. Billy- and Barbara dance. BARBARA I made arrangemefits with my boss. He said not to worry. The job was mine. BILLY That was nice of him. BARBARA So, I'll work and care for the child. It can be done. I'll just have to put up with those who want to think badly of me. BILLY That's not going to be easy. BARBARA I know The baby is ours, Billy. We can both celebrate that. You can love him just as much, spend time with him or her. Boogie and Ann pass then Boogie kisses Ann lightly on the cheek. BILLY You know what I realized just yesterday? I've been intimidated by you. I always liked you because you were strong, independent, and all. But I've been intimidated by that as well. I've always held -.back with you.- When we kissed, I held back. The same when we made Luve in New York. I keep thinking I have to be special, like normal passion wasn't proper... as if it were just too ordinary and we were beyond that. Barbara pulls away from him slightly so she can see his face. There's a sad look in his eyes. (CONTIN ED) CONTINUED : BARBARA If that's the case, think that's a hard thing to CORRECT; She kisses him, they hold each other tightly, BARBARA (CONTINUING) We've got plenty of time to find out about one another. Plenty of time. _He .kisses her. They stand still on tha dance _floor nsothers dance around them. CUT TO: INT. BANQUET HALL - NIGHT (LATER) Elyse stands with her BACK TO THE Holding the bouquet up toward -the eagerl - await SJ She tosses the bouquet from the stage. Seated at the table They look down at the bouquet, then at Boogie, There is a faint smile on their faces. THE END